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RMA exam
Approved Abbreviations
Term | Definition |
A&O x 3 (4) | Alert and Oriented to Time, Place, and Person (Event) |
AAA | Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm |
ABD | Abdomen (Abdominal) |
ACLS | Advanced Cardiac Life Support |
AKA | Above Knee Amputation |
AMA | Against Medical Advice |
AMS | Altered Mental Status |
AMT | Amount |
Approx | Approximately |
Assoc | Associated |
BG | Blood Glucose |
Bilat | Bilateral |
BKA | Below Knee Amputation |
BS | Breath Sounds |
BVM | Bag-Valve-Mask |
CA | Cancer |
CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
Cath | Catheter |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
CP | Chest Pain |
CSF | Cerebral Spinal Fluid |
CT | CAT Scan |
D5W | 5% Dextrose in Water |
DKA | Diabetic Ketoacidosis |
Dx | Diagnosis |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
ET | Endotrachial |
FB | Foreign Body |
gtts | Drops |
GU | Gastrourinary |
KVO | Keep Vein Open |
L/S Spine | Lumbarsacral Spine |
MAST | Military Anti-Shock Trousers |
MSO4 | Morphine |
NAD | No Apparent Distress |
NC | Nasal Cannula |
PAC | Premature Atrial Contraction |
PRB | Partial Rebreather |
PVC | Premature Ventricular Contraction |
RXN | Reaction |
S/P | Status Post |
ST | Sinus Tachycardia |
SVT | Supra-ventricular Tachycardia |
SZ | Seizure |
TKO | To Keep Open |