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Body system

epidermis outer layer of the skin
sebaceous gland oil-producing gland of the skin
dermis middle layer of the skin
containing hair follicles dermis
containing connective tissue dermis
containing blood vessels dermis
subcutaneous tissue innermost layer of the skin composed fatty tissue
sweat gland produces watery, salt-containing fluid
retina layer of sensitive cells "rods cones" at the back of the eye
conjunctiva thin protective membrane over fthe front of the eye
pupil black center of the eye through which light enters
lens transparent structure behind the pupil that bends light rays so that they focus on the back of the eye
cornea transparent layer over front of the eye that bends light rays so that they focus on the back of the eye
sclera white outer coat of the eyeball
iris colored pigment portion of the eye
eardrum membrane that separates the outer and middle parts of ear
auditory canal passageway leading into the ear from the outside of the body
auditory nerve nerve that carries messages from the inner ear to the brain
optic nerve nerve at the back of the eye that transmits light waves to the brain
phak/o lens of the eye
retin/o posterior sensitive cell layer of the eye
myring/o eardrum
aur/o ear
ungu/o nail
pil/o hair
ocular pert. to eye
otitis ear infl.
subcutaneous pert. under the skin
myringotomy eardrum incision
aphakia absence of the lens of the eye
tympanoplasty surgical repair of eardrum
subungual pert. under nail
melanoma malignant tumor of pigment cells in the skin
glaucoma increase pressure within the chamber at front of the eye
conjunctivitis inflam. of mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid
tinnitus abnormal noise (ringing buzzing) or sound in the ears
cataract clouding of the lens of the eye causing impairment of vision
nevus pigmented lesion on the skin; mole
alopecia absence of hair from areas where it normally grows
slit-lamp microscopy microscopic examination of the anterior eye structure, such as the cornea under intense light
tuning fork tests to test air conduction of sound waves of the ear
fluorescein angiography a dye is injected intravenously and movement of blood through blood vessels in the back of the eyeis observed with an ophthalmoscope
ungual of, pertaining to, bearing, or shaped like a nail, claw, or hoof.
fluorescein an orange-red crystalline compound that in aqueous solution exhibits a greenish-yellow fluorescence in reflected light
sty / stye pus-filled infection of glands near the eyelid
basal cell carcinoma the slowest growing of all skin cancers
ophthalmoscopy a visual examination of the interior of the eye
aspiration Withdrawal by suction, as in removal of fluid or gas from a body cavity.
phacoemulsification A method of cataract removal using ultrasonic vibrations to fragment the lens, which is simultaneously irrigated and aspirated.
irrigated to supply or wash (an orifice, wound, etc.) with a spray or a flow of some liquid.
miotic promoting constriction of the pupil. 2. An agent that causes the pupil to contract.
Created by: ptenz
Popular Medical sets




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