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Embalming Q2
Arteries & Veins
Question | Answer |
A.L.: SCM articulation to superior border of thyroid cartilage | right common carotid |
A.L.: level of the 2nd costal cartilage | left common carotid |
A.L.: lateral border of 1st rib to inferior border of teres major | axillary |
A.L.: inferior border of teres major to just inferior to antecubital fossa | brachial |
A.L.: just inferior to antecubital fossa to palm of the hand | radial & ulnar |
A.L.: lateral border of 1st rib | right subclavian |
A.L.: 2nd costal cartilage to lateral border of 1st rib | left subclavian |
A.L.: opposite sachroiliac synchondrosis to center of & beneath inguinal ligament | external iliac |
A.L.: center of & beneath inguinal ligament to opening of adductor magnus muscle | femoral |
A.L.: opening in adductor magnus muscle to inferior border of popliteus muscle | popliteal |
A.L.: inferior border of popliteus muscle to front of ankle joint | anterior tibial |
A.L.: inferior border of popliteus to behind origin of abductor hallucis muscle | posterior tibial |
A.G.:medial border of SCM, lateral border of trachea | common carotid |
A.G.: just behind medial border of the coracobrachialis muscle | axillary |
A.G.: medial border of biceps brachii muscle | brachial |
A.G.: lateral to tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle | radial |
A.G.: lateral to flexor carpi ulnaris muscle between flexor digitorum | ulnar |
A.G.: inferior medial border of psoas major | external iliac |
A.G.: center of femoral triangle/Scarpa's triangle | femoral |
A.G.: back of knee behind patella | popliteal |
A.G.: anterior & lateral edge of the tibia | anterior tibial |
A.G.: groove/space behind & below inner maleolus | posterior tibial |
A.G.: groove between tendons of extensor hallucis longus & extensor digitorum longus on dorsal side of foot | dorsalis pedis |
L.G.: line from SCM articulation to the anterior surface of ear lobe | common carotid |
accompanying vein for common carotid | internal jugular |
vein lateral & superficial to common carotid | internal jugular |
Site of incision: along posterior 1/3rd of inferior margin of mandible just anterior to angle of the mandible | facial artery |
the continuation of the subclavian | axillary artery |
L.G.: line drawn through center of base of axillary space & parallel to the long axis of the upper extremity when abducted (through center of armpit) | axillary artery |
accompanying vein for axillary artery | axillary vein |
L.G.: line drawn from center of base of axillary space to center of forearm just inferior to antecubital fossa (medial border of biceps brachii muscle) | brachial artery |
accompanying vein for brachial artery (just lateral & superficial to brachial artery) | basilic vein |
lateral branch of the bifurcation of the brachial artery | radial artery |
L.G.: line drawn on anterior surface of antecubital fossa to the center of the base of the index finger | radial artery |
medial branch of bifurcation of brachial artery | ulnar artery |
L.G.: line drawn on the anterior surface of the forearm from the center of the antecubital fossa to a point between the 4th & 5th fingers | ulnar artery |
bifurcation of the abdominal aorta | common iliac artery |
superior branch of the bifurcation of the common iliac | external iliac |
L.G.: line drawn from anterior superior iliac spine (asis) to center of pubic symphasis | external iliac |
inferior branch of common iliac | internal iliac artery |
continuation of the external iliac | femoral artery |
L.G.: line drawn on anterior surface of thigh from center of inguinal ligament to the center point of medial condyle of femur | femoral artery |
continuation of the femoral artery | popliteal artery |
L.G.: line drawn through center of popliteal space parallel to long axis of lower extremity | popliteal artery |
anterior branch of bifurcation of popliteal artery | anterior tibial artery |
L.G.: line drawn from lateral border of patella to anterior surface of ankle joint | anterior tibial artery |
posterior branch of bifurcation of popliteal artery | posterior tibial artery |
L.G.: line drawn from center of popliteal space to a point midway between medial malleolus & calcaneus bone or tendon | posterior tibial artery |
continuation of anterior tibial artery | dorsalis pedis |
L.G.: line drawn from center of anterior surface of ankle joint to a point between great toe & second toe | dorsalis pedis |
The abdominal aorta bifurcates into the ____ at the terminal end | common iliac |
Arteries used to embalm the arms in an autopsied case | subclavians |
central part of the vascular system | heart |
large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart | arteries |
small vessels that carry blood away from the heart | arterioles |
minute blood vessels, the walls of which comprise a single layer of endothelial cells | capillaries |
blood vessels that connect the smallest arteries (arterioles) with the smallest veins (venules) and are where pressure filtration occurs | capillaries |
large vessels that carry blood to the heart | veins |
small vessels that carry blood to the heart | venules |
outer surface/layer of the heart | epicardium |
middle layer of the heart | myocardium |
innermost layer of the heart | endocardium |
outermost layer of blood vessel wall | tunica adventitia |
middle layer of blood vessel wall | tunica media |
inner layer of blood vessel wall | tunica intima |
network of small blood vessels that supply the walls of large blood vessels | vasa vasorum |
heart muscle layer that is thinnest in the atrium | myocardium |
heart muscle layer that is thickest in the ventricles, especially the left ventricle | myocardium |
sheet of muscle that separates the left and right halves of the heart | cardiac septum |
superior border of Scarpa's triangle | inguinal ligament (Poupart's ligament) |
lateral border of Scarpa's triangle | sartorius |
medial border of Scarpa's triangle | adductor longus |
four structures found in Scarpa's triangle | femoral Nerve, femoral Artery, femoral Vein, Emptying of the great sphenous vein |
hollow opening inside a blood vessel | lumen |
thoracic aorta branches (superior to inferior) | esophageal > bronchial > mediastinal > pericardial > ant. & pos. intercostals > subcostals > superior phrenic |
abdominal aorta branches (superior to inferior) | int. phrenic > celiac axis (common hepatic, left gastric, splenic) > sup. mesenteric > suprarenal > renal > lumbar > int. spermatic/ovarian > inf. mesenteric > middle sacral |
branch of external carotid (supply the areas of the face but not the ears) | external maxillary arteries (a.k.a. facial artery) |
arteries that are clamped or ligated when embalming a head post | Internal carotids |
medial section of the inferior thigh, middle 1/3rd | Hunter's canal |
superior border of Hunter's canal | sartorius |
medial border of Hunter's canal | adductor longus |
inferior border of Hunter's canal | adductor magnus |
lateral border of Hunter's canal | vatus medialis |
advantageous factors of arteries | 1. accessibility 2. proximity to arch of aorta 3. diameter 4. effect on posing the body 5. location re: exposed areas of the body 6. veins/drainage |
anastomosis | blood vessel running colaterally (side-by-side) to another vessel |
factors governing selection of arteries on any given body | 1. age & gender 2. weight 3. disfigurations 4. disease 5. local obstruction/congestion 6. mutilation 7. medical/legal requirements 8. cause of death |