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NHOH HM Manual Ch 21

NAVEDTRA 14295B HM Manual Ch 21: Emergency Medical Care Procedures

What are not measures first aid is intended to address? Replace proper medical diagnosis and treatment
What is not a rule to follow when providing first aid? Panic at the first site of blood
What is NOT recommended when preparing for emergency situations? Familiarizing yourself with your equipment while responding to an emergency scene
Casualties in a non-tactical environment whose injuries are critical but who will require only minimal time or equipment are? Priority I
What is the method for sorting casualties in a multiple casualty incident (MCI)? S.T.A.R.T
A patient in a tactical setting with an upper airway obstruction and life threatening bleeding would fall into which category? Immediate
What is the maximum amount of time allowed for continuous suctioning of an infant’s airway? 5 seconds
When inserting the Combitube® and after the device is sitting between the teeth and properly aligned between the printed black rings, what is the next step? Inflate the blue cuff
True or False: Casualties with a total upper airway obstruction, inhalation burns, or massive maxillofacial trauma who cannot be ventilated by other means are candidates for a King LT® airway. False
When performing a needle chest decompression, what is the preferred size of the needle required to adequately decompress the chest? 14g
True or False: Distributive shock is a loss of intravascular volume, which may occur from blood, plasma, or fluid loss. False
What is not a stage of shock? Early
Normally, a loss of approximately _____of the person’s blood volume will create a life-threatening condition. 1 liter
A patient with a skin assessment of pale and cool and whose blood pressure dropped briefly would be consider to be in what type of shock? Cardiogenic
Approximately how long does it take for death to occur from massive hemorrhage? 2 minutes
What is the most common cause of shock the HM will encounter? Uncontrolled hemorrhage
What is not a component of the scene size up? Types of injury
The index of suspicion is derived directly from which of the following? Mechanism of Injury
The general impression is crucial to identifying... 1. Transport decision 2. Patient’s overall systemic condition 3. Obvious significant external problems
An interruption of arterial blood flow to the brain is best described as a/an ______ . Cerebrovascular Accident
What is not a step in treating Syncope? Giving the patient something to eat
What does the acronym AVPU stand for? Alert, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive
What is the acronym used when assessing a patient during a rapid physical exam? DCAP-BTLS
A patient experiencing respiratory distress can rapidly progress to full arrest. Always be prepared to utilize ______ . Advanced Airway procedures
True or False: A patient experiencing respiratory difficulty should be forced to lie down in order to ease their breathing and reduce the workload on the body. False
True or False: The HM can administer a nebulizer treatment without a medical officer’s order. False
What is not a contraindication for using Activated Charcoal for patients suffering from poison ingestion? Unable to speak
If a patient is hypotensive, then the systolic blood pressure is below what? 90
In cases of airway obstruction from severe glottic edema, what procedure may be necessary? Cricothyroidotomy
During a patient assessment the HM notices that the patient seems to have a fruity breath odor, the HM suspects the patient is suffering from ______ . Hyperglycemia
The HM suspects a patient is suffering from a brain injury. Upon assessment the HM discovers the patient has asymmetrical pupils, headache, nausea, and vomiting. The HM suspects the patient is suffering from _____ . Increased intracranial pressure
Which of the following signs and symptoms is considered a late sign of a hemothorax? Deviated trachea
True or False: When treating a patient with an abdominal evisceration, it is acceptable to place the organs back inside the abdominal cavity in order to keep the organs warm and moist as well as prevent infection. False
After the baby has delivered and the cord has been cut, which of the following steps is correct when delivering the placenta? Wait approx 10-20 minutes for the placenta to deliver spontaneously
What is the first step in the management plan for care under fire? Return fire / take cover
During Tactical Field Care, what is the best way to control compressible hemorrhage when a tourniquet is not amendable? Use combat gauze as the hemostatic agent of choice with at least 3 minutes of direct pressure
What is the usual dose of morphine for adult patients in severe pain? 10-20 mg
True or False: Morphine can be given to patients who have suffered a head injury. False
Which of the following steps in bleeding control are no longer utilized? 1. Apply Tourniquet 2. Elevate the extremity
After bleeding has been controlled by a tourniquet, how is the patient marked? A “T” with the time marked on the forehead
What is the first step in treating for hypovolemic shock? Take BSI precautions
Which type of suture material is best used for surface closures and cause very little tissue reaction? Silk
True or False: The most common method of anesthesia used by the HM is the infiltration of the anesthetizing agent into the nerve trunks that innervate the fingers or toes. False
True or False: For a large, gaping, soft-tissue wound, a primary closure is acceptable. False
When cutting sutures, what is the maximum acceptable length for the tails to be? ¼ inch
True or False: Any person who has an acute pain in the back or neck as well as a significant mechanism of injury, should be treated as though there is a fractured spine, even if there are no other symptoms. True
When is it acceptable to move a patient with a suspected pelvic fracture? When absolutely necessary after MAST garments have been applied to stabilize the pelvic region
What method should be utilized when opening the airway of a patient who is suspected of having a spinal cord injury? Jaw Thrust
True or False: Never attempt to remove a foreign body stuck to or penetrating an eyeball. True
When bandaging an eye with an impaled foreign object, what should be done? Bandage both eyes
When applying First Aid for removing foreign objects, what is NOT correct? Do not attempt to remove widely scattered foreign objects or materials from the skin
When applying aid for animal bites, what should you NEVER do? Cauterize areas that are bleeding to aid in transport
What degree of thermal burns to the skin is characterized by epidermal blisters, mottled appearance, and a red base? Damage extends into but not through the dermis. Recovery usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. Second degree burn
The rule of nines assigns what percentage value for burns of the anterior chest and anterior neck? 14
True or False: Under normal conditions, heat exposure injuries are preventable injuries. True
What is the most common condition caused by working or exercising in hot environments? Heat Exhaustion
Which cold injury is a mild cold injury that happens from prolonged exposure in temperatures above freezing to as high as 60 degrees F? Chilblain
A diluted solution of which of the listed substances will neutralize alkali burns to the skin? Vinegar
The usual treatment for chemical burns is to flush with copious amounts of water. The two exceptions to this rule are in the case of which of the following chemicals? Dry lime and carbolic acid
What is the most effective method of re-warming a victim of hypothermia? Immersion in a tub of warm water
How many additional atmospheres of pressure are applied at a depth of 33 feet in sea water? 14.7
What is NOT one of the three principle categories for injuries when discussing diving related disorders? Trauma
A middle ear squeeze is classified under which type of diving injury? Barotrauma
The treatment for a middle ear squeeze does not consist of... NSAIDS for pain and inflammation
Which law deals with Decompression Sickness (DCS)? Henry’s Law
What is NOT applicable for treatment of Decompression Sickness? Do not pressurize the cabin of aircraft when transporting to treatment facility
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