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NHOH HM Manual Ch 11

NAVEDTRA 14295B HM Manual Ch 11: Fundamentals of Patient Care

The concepts of health include...? 1. The absence of disease or disability 2. Soundness of mind, body, and spirit
Patient rights and responsibilities are standards addressed by what organization? The Joint Commission (TJC)
The standard of practice limitations imposed upon a healthcare provider are based on local regulations and which of the following elements? The provider’s training and experience
In the healthcare field, accountability means that providers ______ . 1. Are held responsible for their actions 2. Must continue their education in the healthcare field 3. Provide the best healthcare possible
A patient requests the HM’s advice concerning the care they are undergoing. What is the appropriate response? Refer the patient to the nurse or physician responsible for the care
True or False: Personal and medical information learned about a patient as the result of the HM position is privileged and must not be shared with unauthorized individuals. True
Interpersonal relations... How one responds and regards others
Culture.... Learned and shared behavior patterns and standards
Race.... Inherited characteristics
A patient who is a professed atheist is placed on the Very Serious List (VSL) with a poor prognosis for recovery. What is considered inappropriate and unethical? Attempting to convince the patient to accept a religious belief
True or False: The communication process takes place only through the written or spoken word. False
Communication barriers inhibit the flow of information and may consist of what factors? 1. Hearing impairment 2. Age 3. Education
The most common cause of ineffective communication and the most difficult obstacle to identify is which of the following barriers? Psychological
In the communication process, listening is a critical skill and can be improved by developing NONE of these attitudes and behaviors.... 1. Anticipating what the patient will say 2. Managing distractions 3. Taking notes
The purpose of therapeutic communication does not include... Providing information on the appropriate clinic for treatment
Developing a patient’s history of a complaint... Therapeutic communication
Explaining the necessities and methods of personal hygiene to the parent of a young patient... Contact point communication
Providing self-care instructions to a patient released to convalescent leave.... Therapeutic communication
Directing the patient to the pharmacy to fill a prescription.... Contact point communication
What are goals of patient health education? 1. Promoting patient self-care 2. Promoting behavior modification 3. Influencing a patient’s attitude toward health and disease
Patient education is the responsibility of ______. All members of the healthcare team
In the emergency room, the HM is examining a patient who suddenly vomits and states that he has been feeling nauseous for the past several hours. Both subjective and objective observations
A patient claims to have swallowed many respiratory problems pills and complains of sleepiness and nausea. Subjective observations only
A patient complains of chest pain and has difficulty breathing. Subjective observations only
When picking up a patient’s dinner tray, the HM notices that only the liquids have been consumed at this meal, although the patient has normally eaten full meals before this. Objective observations only
An EKG performed on a patient is interpreted as normal and the patient’s breathing improves with oxygen therapy Objective observations only
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