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Stack #182866

neuroglia support cells for the neurons
support cells for the neurons called neuroglia
neuroglia in peripheral nervous system satellite cells, schwann cells
neuroglia in central nervous system oligodendrocyte, astrocyte, microglia, ependymal cells
satellite cells regulate o2 co2 nutrient level around neurons
astrocyte maintain blood-brain barrier
microglia remove debris, pathogens by phagocytosis
ependymal cells line ventricles of brain
2 sulci in brain central, lateral
central sulcus divides frontal, parietal
lateral sulcus divides parietal, temporal
frontal brain function high cognitive, planning, strategy, motor
parietal brain function sensory, perception of self in space
temporal function memory, learning, social, hearing
occipital function vision
planning frontal
learning temporal
sensory parietal
social temporal
strategy frontal
motor frontal
memory temporal
postcentral gyrus parietal, sensory
precentral gyrus frontal, motor
projection fiber to and from cortex
fiber connecting to and from cortex projection fiber
commisural fiber connect two hemispheres
fiber connecting two hemispheres commisural fiber
intrahemisphric connection fiber association fiber
association fiber intrahemispheric fiber
brain stem midbrain, pons, medulla
midbrain has CN __ attached to it 3, 4
pons has CN __ attached to it 5,6,7,8
medulla has CN __ attached to it 9,10,11,12
major arteries in brain communicating (posterior, anterior), cerebral artery (posterior, anterior, middle)
spinal cord extends to L1-2
conus medullaris is where spinal cord ends
spinal cord ends at __ region conus medullaris
cell body of afferent or efferent at dorsal ganglion efferent (sensory)
three somatic pathways 1.Dorsal column 2.Spinothalamic 3.Spinocerebellar
Dorsal column cross at medulla
spinothalamic crosses at spine
spinocerebellar crosses at pons
parietal membrane innervated by somatic nervous system
visceral membrane innervated by autonomic nervous system
skeletal muscle innervated by somatic nervous system
number of cervical nerves 8
number of thoracic nerves 12
number of lumbar nerves 5
number of sacral nerve 5
cell body of afferent present in dorsal root ganglion
cell body of efferent present in ventral horn
nerve organization axon(endoneurium), fascicle(perineurium), spinal nerve(epineurium)
somatic nerve plexuses brachial, lumbar, lumbosacral plexus
path of sympathetic efferent nerve 1. lateral horn 2. white ramen 3. sympathetic gang chain 4. grey ramen
how many axons emerge from CNS for somatic efferent? 1
which of sympathetic or parasympathetic has shorter postganglionic fiber sympathetic
sympathetic emerge from __ of spinal cord T1 - L2
parasympathetic emerge from __ of spinal cord CN 3,7,9,10, S2, S3, S4
initial segment of axon axon hillock
CNS floats in cerebrospinal fluid
different layers of meninges on brain dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
which layer of meninges has a webby appearance arachnoid mater
Red Nucleus found in Midbrain
Substantia nigra found in Midbrain
which neuron in midbrain when degenerated causes parkin's disease substantia nigra
which neuron in midbrain causes flexing of upper body red nucleus
two motor pathways corticonuclear pathway, corticospinal pathway
function of basal nuclei modulate activity in the corticospinal to ensure coordinated movement
neurons for corticospinal pathways originate from primary motor cortex, primary sensory cortex, premotor+supplementary motor cortex
what does corticonuclear pathway control head, neck
what does corticospinal pathway control limbs
axons from left motor cortex control __ side right
which spinal nerve only innervates medial posterior part of body? dorsal primary ramus
which spinal nerve innratees all areas except for medial posterior ventral primary ramus
CN acronyms old opie occasionally tries trig and feels very gloomy vague and hypoactive
only CN to bypass thalamus olfactory nerve
3 trigeminal nerves v1-ophthalmic v2-maxillary v3-mandibular
CN5 called __ serves as a conduit for parasympathetic CN __, ,,,. trigeminal, CN 3, 7, 9
parasympathetic CN CN 3, 7, 9, 10
ganglions in CN5, Which nerve do they synapse with ciliary-CN3 pterygopalatine-CN7 otic-CN9 submandibular-CN7
general sensation to 2/3 anterior tongue V3 of CN5
facial nerve branches into ten, zebra, bit, my, cat
CN7 attached to pons
CN3 attached to midbrain
CN10 attached to medulla
CN8 attached to pons
post gang nerve of ciliary is __ and it controls CN3, pupil constriction
post gang nerve of pterygopalatine is __ and it controls CN7, lacrimal gland
post gang nerve of otic is __ and it controls CN9, parotid gland
post gang nerve of submandibular is __ and it controls CN7, submandibular, sublingual
ciliary ganglion part of which nerve V1 of CN5
pterygopalatine gnaglion part of which nerve V2 of CN5
V1 is called ophthalmic
otic ganglion part of which nerve V3 of CN5
submandibular ganglion part of which nerve V3 of CN5
V2 is called maxillary
V3 is called mandibular
taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue VII-facial nerve
which CN important for gag reflex CN9, CN10
sensory to posterior 1/3 tongue CN 9
taste to posterior 1/3 tongue CN 9
movement of tongue CN 12
Created by: honghee
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