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middle ages vocab

peasant Farm workers that worked small plots of land. Some were landowners, while others worked for wages.
vassals in medieval times a man who received lands and title in exchange for serving a lord or king as a soldier.
serfs A person who lived on and farmed a lords land in the feudal times: he or she did not own land and depended on the lord for protection.
self-sufficient Able to provide for your own needs without help from others.
knights A man who served his king or lord as a mounted soldier in armor
lords A medieval landowner who gave land to his followers in exchange for loyalty and tributes
manor A large estate, including farmland and villages ruled by a lord.
Middle ages the years between ancient and modern times, from about 476 CE - 1500 CE, also known as the medieval times.
Monarchy A system of government ruled by a king or a queen
Crusades A series of military expeditions by European christians to recapture the Holy Land during the 11, 12, and 13 century
Excommunicate Officially exclude someone from participation in the services and participation in the Christian Church
Feudalism A system of economic, political, and social power in the middle ages in which kings and queens had the most power, followed by nobles, knights, and peasants,
Fief A piece of land given by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
Guild Organizations of people who practiced a certain trade.
Apprentice A young person who was an unpaid worker learning a craft.
Bubonic Plague A contagious and often deadly disease in medieval times, also known as the black plague
Chivalry A set of rules that defined how a knight should act.These rules had roots in christian morality.
Clergy Men who performed the services of the Roman Catholic Church
Created by: dpatel3299
Popular European History sets




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