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Liles MS I Skeletal

Liles Skeletal System

joint the points of contact between two bones.Three main types -diarthroses(movable), amphiarthroses(partially movable), and synathroses(immovable).
abduction movement away from midline or axis of body; opposite of adduction.
adduction movement of part of body or limb toward the midline of body; opposite of abduction.
appendicular skeleton part of skeleton consisting of shoulder and pelvic girdles,arms and legs.
axial skeleton skeleton of head and trunk.
ball and socket joint diarthroses joint allows the greatest freedom of movement.
medullary canal Located in the center of diaphysis, filled with yellow bone marrow, mostly made of fat cells.
ossification the process when mineral matters starts to replace previously formed cartilage, creating bones.
bursa sacs small sac that cushion joints
circumduction circular movement at a joint.
osteocyte a mature bone cell.
periosteum a tough fibrous tissue which contatins blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves that covers the outside of the bone.
diaphysis shaft of long bone.
endosteum lining of the medullary cavity in the long bone.
epiphysis the end of the long bone.
extension act of increasing the angle between two bones.
flexion the act of bending a limb or decreasing the angle between two bones.
pronation the forearm turns the hand so the palm is downward or backward.
rotation movement allows a bone to move around one central axis.
spongy bone porous bone, found in epiphysis
supination The palm is forward or upward (lying on back)
fontanel unossified areas in the infant skull; soft spot.
arthritis inflammation of the joint.
suture immovable joint in cranial cavity.
bursitis inflammation of a bursa.
dislocation displacement of one or more bones of a joint or organ from original position.
gliding joint nearly flat surfaces glide across each other, as inthe vertebrae of the spine. these joints enable the torso to bend forward, backward, and sideways, as well as rotate
hinge joints move in one direction or plane, as in the knees,elbows, and outer joints of the fingers.
pivot joints joints with an extension rotation in a second, arch-shaped bone. Ex. radius and ulna
synovial fluid secreted by synovial membrane, lubricating substance.
gout increase in uric acid crystals in bloodstream which are deposited in joint cavities, especially the grat toe.
kyphosis hunchback, exagerated curvature in thoracic vertebrae.
lordosis swayback,forward curvature of lumbar region of spine.
osteoporosis loss of calcium in bone, causing brittienes, occurs mainly in females after menopause
osteomyelitis inflammmation of the bone
osteosarcoma bone cancer.
whiplash trauma to cervical vertebra.
sprain wrenching of a joint, producing a stretching or tearing of ligaments.
spiral fracture broken bone by twisting, common sport injury.
simple fracture closed fracture. when the bone is broken, but the broken ends do not pierce through the skin forming an external wound.
compound fracture(open) bone fragments pierce skin
greenstick fracture found in children
compound fracture(open) bone fragments pierce skin
comminuted fracture bones broken into many pieces
scoliosis side to side or lateral curvature of the sping
rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune disease of joints 3x more common in women
osteoarthritis degenerative joint disease
rickets affects children - lack of vitamin D, may cause bowlegs and pigeon breast. Prevented by Vitamin D and sunshine
open reduction surgically reducing a fx using plates, wires or screws
closed reduction cast and or splint keep realigned bone in place
Created by: Connie Liles
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