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Exam Review Gastrointestinal

What is rugae microscopic longitudinal folds inside the stomach, which secrete hydrochloric acid and enzyme
Accessory organs of GI system liver, gall bladder, pancreas
Four division of the colon aka large intestine ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon
Name liver functions produces bile, maintains normal glucose levels, removes glucose from blood, stores vits B12, A,D,E and K, destroys or transforms toxic products, destroys damaged RBC, synthesizes various proteins
Three components of large intestine cecum, colon, rectum
Three components of the stomach body, fundus, pylorus
Two structures that from roof of the mouth soft palate, hard palate
medical term for mouth oral cavity
another name for GI tract alimentary canal
Describe villi microscopic finger like projections
Where does peristalsis occur from pharynx to anus (all through GI tract)
Where is digestion completed small intestine
What is a volvulus a twisting of the intestine upon itself that causes an obstruction (can be life threatening)
What are hemorrhoids enlarged veins in the mucus membrane of the anal canal
What causes Hep A ingestion of contaminated food, water, milk (like a food poisoning )
What is diverticulitis small blister like pockets that develop in the inner lining of the large intestine
What is ulcerative colitis chronic inflammatory disease of large intestine and rectum (can be a pre condition to cancer)
Where are ulcers commonly found stomach, duodenum
where do inguinal hernias develop in the groin area where abdominal folds of flesh meet the thighs
what large intestinal order is associated with colon cancer ulcerative colitis
Created by: amatt
Popular Medical sets




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