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Wiley Anatomy Flash

Wiley Anatomy Flash Cards For Chapter 11 Part One

Origin attachment of muscle tendon to stationary bone
Insertion the attachment of muscle other tendon to movable bone
Belly fleshy portion of the muscle between the tendons
Reverse muscle action (RMA) during specific movements of the body actions are reversed ;positions of origin and insertion of specific muscle are switched
Lever rigid structure that can move around a fixed point called a fulcrum
Fulcrum fixed point in lever symbolized by F
Effort causes movement; force exerted by muscle contraction
load or resistance opposes movement ;weight of body part that is moved
Motion occurs when the effort applied to a bone at the insertion exceeds the load
Mechanical Advantage If the load is closer to the fulcrum and the effort farther from the fulcrum, then only a relatively small effort is required to move a large load over a small distance
Mechanical Disadvantage Load farther from the fulcrum and the effort is applied closer to the fulcrum then a relatively large effort is required to move a small load (but at greater speed)
First Class lever fulcrum is between effort and load
Second class lever load between fulcrum and effort
Third Class Lever effort is between fulcrum and load
Fascicles form one of five patterns with respect to tendons : parallel ,fusiform, circular triangular, or pennate
fusiform spindle shaped, narrow toward the ends and wide in the middle
pennate shaped like a feather
Fascicular arrangement often represents a compromise between power and range of motion. Example: pennate, parralell
Pennate muscles (fascicular arrangement) hane large number of short fibered fascicles distributed over their tendons , giving them greater power but a smaller ROM
Parallel muscles (fascicular arrangement) have few fascicles, but have long fibers that extend the length of the muscle, so they hane a greater ROM than pennate
Prime mover (agonist)=leader contacts to cause an action
Antagonist(anti-=against) stretches and yields to the effects of prime mover
Synergists (syn-=together;-ergon=work) To prevent unwanted movements at intermediate joints or to otherwise aid the movement of prime mover, synergists contract and stabilize intermediate joints
Fixators steady the proximal end of a limb while movements occur at distal ends
Intramuscular injection To avoid injury, IM are given deep within the muscle, away from major nerves and blood vessels. IM have a faster speed of delivery than oral medications but are slower than IV infusions.
Compartment group of muscle cells , their associated blood vessels and associated nerves , all of which have common function
Parallel fascicle parallel to longitudal axis of muscle; terminate at either end in flat tendons
Fusiform fascicles nearly parallel to longitudinal axis of muscle ; terminate in flat tendon; muscle tapers toward tendons, where diameter is less than in belly
Curcular fascicles in concentric circular components form sphincter muscles that in close an orifice
Orifice Opening
Triangular fascicles spread over broad area converge at thick central tendon, gives muscle a triangular apearance
Pennate Short fascicles in relation to total muscle length, tendon extends nearly entire length of muscle
Unipennate Fascicles arranged on only one side of tendon
Bipennate fasciclearranged on both sides of centrally positioned tendons
Multipennate Fascicles attach obliquely from many directions to several tendons
You can learn the names of the muscles by... remembering the terms that refer to muscle features such as the pattern of muscle fascicle; the size, shape, action,and number of origins
You can also learn the names of the muscle by.. location of the muscle and the sites of origin and insertion of the muscle
Knowing the name of the muscles will give you clues about its features.
Characteristics used to name muscles direction, size, shape, action, number of origins, location, origin and insertion
Direction orientation of muscle fascicles relative to body midline (rectus, transverse, oblique)
Rectus parallel to midline (rectus abdominis)
Transverse perpendicular to midline (transverse abdominis)
Oblique diagonal to midline (external oblique)
Size relative size of muscle (maximus, minimus, longus, brevis, latissimus, longissimius , magnus, major, minor, vastus
Maximus largest ( gluteus maximus)
Minimus Smallest (gluteus minimus)
Longus Long (adductor longus)
Brevis short (adductor brevis)
Latissimus Widest (latissimus dorsi)
Longissimius Longest (longissimius capitis)
Magnus Large (adductor magnus)
Major Larger (pectoralis major)
Minor smaller (pectoralis minor)
Vastus huge ( vastus lateralis)
Shape relative shape of the muscle ( deltoid, trapezius, serratus, rhomboid, orbicularis, pectinate, piriforms, platys, quadratus, gracilis)
Deltoid Triangular ( deltoid)
Trapezius trapezoid (trapezius)
serratus saw toothed (serratus anterior)
rhomboid diamond shaped ( rhomboid major)
orbicularis circular ( orbicularis oculi)
pectinate comblike ( pectineus)
piriformis pear shaped (piriformis)
platys flat (playtsma)
gracilis slender (gracilis)
action principal action of the muscle( flexor, extensor, abductor, adductor, levator, depressor, supinator, pronator, tensor, rotation
Flexor decrease angle at joint (flexor carpi radialis)
extensor increase angle at joint (extensor carpi ulnaris)
abductor moves bone away from midline (abductor pollicis longus)
adductor moves bone toward midline (adductor longuus)
levator raises or elevates body part ( levator scapulae)
depressor lowers or depresses body part ( depressor labii inferioris)
supinator turns palms anteriorly ( supinator)
pronator turns palms posteriorly
spinchter decreases size of opening ( external anal spinchter)
tensor makes body part rigid (tensor fasciae latae)
rotator rotates bones around longitudinal axis (rotatore)
number of origins number of tendons of origin ( bicep, tricep, quadriceps
Bicep two origins ( biceps brachii)
tricep three origins ( triceps brachii)
quadriceps four origins (quadriceps femoris)
Location structure near which a muscle is found ( temporalis muscle near temporal bone
Origin and Insertion sites where muscle originates and inserts ( stenocleidomastoid, originating on sternum and clavicle and inserting in mastoid process of temporal bone)
Why do muscle facial expression move the skin rather than a joint they usually originate in the fascia or bones of the skull and insert into the skin. Because of their insertions, the muscles of facial expression move the skin rather than a joint when they contract
scalp muscles occipitofrontalis, frontal belly, occipital belly
occipitofrontalis The occipitofrontalis muscle (epicranius muscle) is a muscle which covers parts of the skull. It consists of two parts or bellies: The occipital belly, near the occipital bone, and the frontal belly, near the frontal bone.
frontal belly origin epicranal aponeurosis
frontal belly insertion skin superior to supraorbital margin
frontal belly action draws scalp anteriorly, raises eyebrows, and wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally as in look of suprise
frontal belly innervation facial vii nerve
occipital belly origin occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
occipital belly insertion epicranial aponeurosis
occipital belly action draws scalp posteriorly
Mouth muscles orbicularis oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, levator labii superioris, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, levator anguli oris, buccinators, risorius, mentalis
orbicularis oris origin muscle fibers surrounding mouth
oo insertion skin at corner of mouth
oo action closes and protrudes lips, as in kissing; compresses lips against teeth ; shapes lips during speech
oo innervation facial nerve vii nerve
zgomaticus major origin zygomatic bone
zm insertion skin at angle of mouth and orbicularis oris
zm action draws angle of mouth superiorly and laterally
zm innervation facial vii nerve
zygomaticus minor origin zygomatic bone
zygomaticus minor insertion upper lip
z minor action raises (elevates) upper lip , exposing maxillary (upper) teeth
z minor innervation facial vii nerve
levator labii superioris origin superior infraorbital foramen of maxilla
lls insertion skin at angle of mouth and orbicularis oris
lls action raises upper lip
lls innervation facial vii nerve
depressor labii inferioris origin mandible
dli insertion skin of lower lip
dli action depresses (lowers)lower lip
dli innervation facial nerve vii
depressor angular oris origin mandible
dao insertion angle of mouth
dao action draws angle of mouth laterally and inferiorly
dao innervation facial vii nerve
levator angular oris origin inferior to infraorbital foramen
lao insertion skin of lower lip and orbicularis oris
lao action draws angle of motuh llaterally and superiorly
lao innervation facial nerve vii
buccinators origin alveolar process of maxilla and mandible and pterygomandibular raphe ( fibourus band extending from pterygoid process process of sphenoid bone to mandible)
b insertions orbicularis oris
b action presses cheeks against teeth and lips, as in whistling, blowing and sucking,; draws corner of mouth laterally ; assists in mastication (chewing) by keeping food between the teeth (and not between teeth and cheeks)
b innervation facial vii
Risorius origin fascia over parotid (salivary gland)
r insertion skin at angle of mouth
r action draws angle of mouth laterally, as in grimacing)
r innervation facial vii
mentalis origin mandible
m insertion skin of chin
m action elevates and protrudes lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting, depresses mandible
m innervation facial vii nereve
Neck muscles platysma
Platysma origin fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
platysma insertion mandible blends with muscle around angle of mouth,and skin of lower face
platysma action draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting depresses mandible
platysma innervation facial vii nerve
orbit and eyebrow muscles orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilli
Orbicularis oculi origin medial wall of orbit
orbicularis oculi insertion circular path around orbit
orbicularis oculi action close
orbicularis oculi innervation facial nerve vii
corrugator supercili origin medial end of supercillary arch of frontal bone
cs insertion skin of eyebrow
cs action draws eyebrows inferiorly and wrinkles skin of forehead vertically as in frowning.
List Muscles of the head that move the eyeballs and upperlids superior rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae superioris
superior rectus origin common tendinous ring (attached to orbit around optic foramen)
superior rectus insretion superior and central part of eyeballs
superior rectus action moves eyeballs superiorly (elevation) and medially (adduction) and rotates them medially
superior rectus innervation oculomotor iii nerve
inferior rectus origin same as superior rectus
inferior rectus insertion inferior and central part of eyeballs
inferior rectus action moves eyeballs inferiorly (depression) and medially (adduction) and rotates them laterally
inferior rectus innervation oculomotor iii nerve
lateral rectus same as superior rectus
lateral rectus insertion lateral side of eyeballs
lateral rectus action moves eyeballs laterally (abduction)
lateral rectus innervation abducens vi nerve
medial rectus origin same as superior rectus
medial rectus insertion medial side of eyeballs
medial rectus action moves eyeball medially (adduction)
medial rectus innervation oculomotor iii nerve
Superior oblique origin sphenoid bone, superior and medial to common tendinous ring in orbit
superior oblique insertion eyeball between superior and lateral recti. Muscle inserts into ssuperior and lateral surfaces of eyeball via tendon that passes through trochlea
superior oblique action moves eyeballs inferiorly (depression) and laterally (abduction) and rotates them medially
superior oblique innervation moves eyeballs trochlear iv nerve
Inferior oblique origin maxilla in floor of orbit
Inferior oblique insertion eyeball between inferior and lateral recti
Inferior oblique action moves eyeballs superiorly (elevation) and laterally (abduction) and rotates them laterally
Inferior oblique innervation oculomotor iii nerve
Levetator palpebrae superioris (lps) origin roof of orbit(lesser wing of sphenoid bone)
lps insertion skin and tarsal plate of upper eyelids
lps action elevates upper eyelids (open eyes)
lps innervation oculomotor iii nerve
List muscle that move the mandilble and assist in mastication of speech masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid , lateral pterygoid
Masseter origin maxilla and zygomatic arch
masseter insertion angle of ramus of mandible
masseter action elevates mandible as in closing the mouth
masseter innervation mandibular division of trigeminal v nerve
temporalis origin temporal bone
temporalis insertion coronoid process of ramus of mandible
temporalis action elevates and retracts mandible
temporalis innervation mandibular division of trigeminal nerve v
medial pterygoid origin medial surface of lateral portion of pterygoid process of sphenoid bine
medial pterygoid insertion angle of ramus of mandible
medial pterygoid action elevates and protracts (protrudes) mandible and moves mandible from side to side
medial pterygoid innervation mandibular division of trigeminal
lateral pterygoid origin greater wing and lateral surface of lateral protion of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone, maxilla
lp insertion condyle of mandible, tmj
lp action protracts mandible, depresses mandible as in opening mouth, and moves mandible from side to side
lp innervation mandibular division of trigeminal v nerve
Muscle of mastication definition muscles that move the mandible (list) and assist in mastication (chewing)
List muscles of the Head that move the tongue and assist in mastication types genioglossus, stlyoglossus, hyoglossus, palateglossus
Genioglossus origin mandible
geniglossus insertion under surface of tongue and hyoid bone
genioglossus action depresses tongue and thrusts it anteriorly (protraction)
genioglossus innervation hypoglossal nerve xii
styloglossus origin styloid process of temporal bone
styloglossos insertion side and underface of tounge
styloglossous action depresses tongue and draws it posteriorly (retraction)
styloglos innervation hypoglossal xii nerve
hyoglossus origin greater horn and body of hyoid bone
hyoglossu insertion side of tongue
hyoglossus action depresses tongue and draws down its sides
hyoglossus innervation hypoglossal xii nerve
palatoglossus origin aneterior surface of soft palate
palatoglossus insertion side of tongue
palatoglossus action elevates posterior protion of tongue and draws soft palate down on tongue
palatoglossus innervation pharyngeal plexus, which contains axons from the agus (x) nerve
Two groups of muscles aassociated with anterior neck suprahyoid and infrahyoid
Suprahyoid so called because they are located superior to hyoid bone
infrahyoid so called because they are below hyoid
Both infrahyoid and suprahyoid stabilize the hyoid bone,allowingit to serve as a firm base on which the tongue can move
List the suprahyoid muscles of the anterioir neckthat assist in degula digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid
Digastric origin anterior belly from inner side of inferiror border of mandible ; posterior belly from temporal bone
digastric insertion body of hyoid bone via an intermediate tendon
digastric action elevates hyoid bone.RMA: depresses mandible asin opening of mouth
digastric innervation anterior bellyu of mandibular division of trigeminal v nerve
Stylohyoid origin styloid process of temporal bone
stylohyoin insertion body of hyoid bone
stylohyoid action elevates hyoid bone and draws it posteriorly
stylohyoid innervation facial vii nerve
Mylohyoid origin inner surface of mandible
mylohyoid insertion inner surface of mandible
mylohyoid action elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth and depresses mandible
mylohyoid innervation mandibular division of trigeminal v nerve
geniohyoid origin iiner surface of mandible
geniohyoid insertion body of hyoid bone
geniohyoid action elevates hyoid bone, draws hyoid bone and tongue anteriorly , depresses mandible
geniohyoid innervation first cervical spinall nerve c1
List of infrahyoid muscles omohyoid sternohyoid strenothyroid thyrohyoid
Omohyoid origin superior border of scapular and superior transverse ligament
omohyoid insertion body of hyoid bone
omohyoid action depresses hyoid bone
omohyiod innervation branches of spinal nerves c1-c3
Sternohyoid origin medial end of clavicle and manubrium of sternum
sternohyoin insertion body of hyoid
sternohyoid action depresses hyoid bone
sternohyoid innervation branches of spinal nerves c1-c3
sternothyoid origin manubrium of sternum
sternnothyoid insertion greater forn of hyoid bone
sternthyoid action depresses throid cartilage of larynx
strenthyoid innervation branches of spinal nerves c1-c3
thyrohyoid origin thyroid cartilage of larynx
Thhyrohyoid insertion greate horn of hyoid bone
thyrohyoid action depresses hyoid bone . RMA:Elevates thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid innervation branches of spinal nerves c1-c2 and descending hypoglossal nerve.
List muscles of the neck that move the head sternocleidomastoid, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitus, longissimus capitus, spinalis capitis
sternocleidomastoid insertion mastoid process of temporal bone and lateral half of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
sternocleidomastoid action look in book
sternocleidomastoid innervation Acessory (xi) nerve, c2, and c3
semispnalis capitis origin articular process of c4-c6 and transverse processes of c7-t7
semispinalis capitis insertion occipital bone netween superior and inferior nuchal lines
semispinalis capitis action Acting todether, extend head and vertebral column, acting singly, rotate head side to side opposite contracting muscle
semispinalis capitis innervation cervical and spinal nerves
splenius capitis origin ligsmentum nuchae and spinous process of c7-t4
splenius capitis insertion occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
splenius capitus action extend head, acting together, muscle of each region (cervical and thoracic) extend vertebral column of their respective regions
splenius capitis innervation cervical spinal nerves
Longissimus Capitis origin articular process of t1-t4
longissimus capitus insertion mastoid process of temporal bone
longissimus capitis action Acting together, extend ead and vertebral column;acting singly, laterlly flex and rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
longissimus capitis innervaton cervical and spinal nerves
Spinalis capitis origin often absent or very small; arises with semispinalis capitis
spinalis capitis insertion occipital bone
spinalis capitis action extends head and vertebral column
spinalis capitis innervation cervical spinal nerves
List muscles of the bdomen that protect abdominal viscera and move the vertebral column rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis,quadratus lumborum
Rectus abdominis origin pubic crest aand pubic symphysis
Rectus abdominis inserion cartilage of ribs 5-7 and xiphoid process
Rectus abdominis action look in book
rectus abdominis innervation thoracic spinal nerves
external oblique origin ribs 5-12
external oblique insertion iliac crest and linea alba
external oblique action look in book
external oblique innervation thoracic spinal nerves t7-t12 and the iliohypogastric nerve
Internal oblique origin iliac crst, inguinal ligmanet , and thorocolumbar fascia
Internal oblique insertion cart ribs 7-10 and linea alba
internal oblique action look in book
internal oblique innervation thoracic spinal nerves t8-t12 the iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinial nerve
Transversus abdominis Iliac crest inguinial ligament , lubar fasia, and cart of ribs 5-10
transversus insertion xiphoid process, linea alba and pubis
transversus action compresses abdomen
transversus abdominis innerevation thoracic spinal neres t8-t12, iliohypogastric nerve, ang ilioinguinial nerve
Quadratus lumborum origin iliac crest and iliolumbar ligament
quadratis lumborun insertion inferior boreder of rib 12 and l1-l4
Quadratus lumborum action look in book
quadratus lumborum innervation thoracic spinal nerves t12 and lumbar spinal nerves L1-L3 or L1-L4
List muscles of the thorax that assist in breathing diaphragm, external intercostals, internal intercostals Diaphram origin
Diaphram origin xiphoid process, cost cartilage of ribes 7-12, lumbar vert and intervert disc
Diaphram insertion central tendon
Diaphram action look in book
Diapram inervation phrenic nerve which contains axons from cervical spinal nerves c3-c5
external intercostals origin inferior border of rib above
external intercostal insertion superior border of rib below
external intercostals action look in book
external intercostals innervation thoracic spinal nerves t2-t12
Internal intercostals origin superior border of rib below
internal intercostals insertion inferior border of rib above
Internal intercostals action look book
internal intercostal innervation thoracic spinal nerves t2-t12
List the muscles of the pelvic floor that support the pelvic viscera and function as sphincters levator ani, pubococcygeus, puborectalis, illiococcygeus, ishiococcygeus
Levator ani origin muscle is divisible into three parts: puboccocygeus, puborectalis, illiococcygeus
Pubococcygeus origin pubis and ishial spine
pubococcygeus insertion coccys, urethra, anal canal, perineal body of perineum, and anococcygeal ligament
pubococcygeus action refer to book
pubococcygeus innervation sacral spinal nereves s2-s4
Puborectalis orign posterior surface of pubic body
puborectalis inserion forms a sling posterior ti the anorectl junction
puborectalis action helps maintain fecal continence amd aassists in defacation
puborectalis innervaton sacral spinal nerves s2-s4
illiococcygeus origin ishial spine
illicoccygeus insertion coccyx
iliiococcygeus action same as pubococcygeus
iliococcygeus innervation sacral spinal nerves s2-s4
Ischiococcygeus origin ishial spine
ishioccocygeus insertion lower sacrum and upper coccyx
ishiococcygeus action refer to book
ischiococcygeus innervation sacral spinal nerve s2-s4
List superficial muscles of the Perineum superficial transverse perineal, bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernous
Superficial transverse perineal origin ischial tuberosity
superficial transvere perineal insertion perineal body of perineum
superficial transverse perineal action stabilzes perineal body of perineum
superficial transverse perineal innervation perianal branch of pudendal nerve of sacral plexus
Bulbospongiosus origin perineal body of pernium
bUlbospongiosus insertion perineal membrane of deep muscle of perineum , corpus spongiosumm of penis, and deep fascia on dorsum of penis in male, pubic arch and root and dorsum of clit in female
Bulbospongious action helps expel urine during urination, helps prople semen along urethra, assists in erection of penis in male, contricts vaginal orfice and assits in erection of clit in fem
bulbospongious innervation perineal branch of pudenial nerve and sacral plexus
ischiocavernous origin ishial tuberosity and ishial and pubic rami
ishiocavernosus inserion corpora vavernosa of penis in malle and clitoris in female. Pubic symphisys
ischiocavernosus action maintains erection of penis in male and cli by decreasing urine drainage
ischiocavernosus innervation perineal branch of pudenial nerve of sacral plexus
List the deep perineal muscle deep transverse perineal, external urethral spinchter, compressor urethrae, sphincter urethroaginalis, external anal spinchter
deep transverse perineal origin ishial ramus
deep transverse perineal inerstion perianal body if perinum
deep transverse perineal action helps expel last drops of urine and semen in male
deep transver perineal innervation sacral spinal nercve s4 and inferior rectal branch of pud nerve
wexternal urethral sphincter orin ishial and pubic rami
external urethral sphincter insertion median raphe in male and vaginal wall female
emetenal urethral spincter action helps expel last drop of urine and semen in male, and urine in female
compressor urethrae origin ishiopubic ramus
compressor urethra insertion blends with same muscle of oppsite side anterior to uretha
compressor urethra action serves as accersory sphincter of urethra
compressor urethra innnervation perineal branch of pudenal nerve of sacral plexus
Sphincter urethrovaginalis origin perineal body
spinchter urethrovaginalis insertion blends with same muscle of opposite side snterior to urethra
sphincter urethrovaginalis action serves as accessory spincther o urethra and facilititates closing of vagina
sphincter urethrovaginalis innervation perinel branch of pud nerve of sacral plexus
external anal sphincter origin anococcygeal ligasment
external anal sphincter insertion perianal body of perineum
external anal sphincter action keeps anal canal and anus closeed
external anal sphincter innervation sacral spine nerve s4 and inferior rectal branch of pud nerve
List anterior thoracic muscles of the thorax that move the pectoral girdle subclavis, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior
subclavis origin rib 1
subclavis insertion clavicle
subclavis action depresses and moves clavicle anteriorly and helps stabilize pectoral girdle.
subclavis innervation subclavian nerve
pectoralis minor origin rib 2-5, 3-5, or 2-4
pectoralis minor insertion coracoid process of scapula
pectoralis minor action abducts scapula and rotates it downward. RMA elevates ribs 3-5 during forced inhalaton when scapula is fixed
pectoralis minor innervation medial pectoral nerve
serratus anterior origin ribs 1-8 or 1-9
serratus anterior insertion bert border and inferior angle of scapula
serratus anterior action abducts scapula and rotates it upward. RMA: elevates ribs when scapula is stabilized. know as boxers muscle because it is important in horizontal arm movements such as punching and pushing
serratus anterior innervation long thoracic nerve
list the posterior muscles of the thorax that move the pectoral girdle trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major and rhomboid minor
trapezius origin superior nuchal line of occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, and spines of c7-t12
trapezius insertion clavicle and acromion spine of scapula
trapezius action superior fibers rotate scapula, middle fibers adduct scapula; inferior fibers depress and upward rotate scapula, superior and inferior fibers together rotate scapula upward; stabilizes scapula. RMA: superior fibers can help extend head
trapezius innervation accessory (XI) nerve and cervical spinal nerves c3-c5
levator scapulae origin transverse processes of c1-c4
levator scapulae insertion superior vertebral border of scapula
levator scapulae action eleates scapula and rotates it downward
levator scapulae innervation dorsal scapular nerve and cervical spinal nerves c3-c5
rhomboid major origin spines of spines of t2-t5
rhomboid major insertion vert border of scapula inferior to spine
rhomboid major action elevates and adducts scapula and rotates it downward, stabilizes scapula
rhomboid major innervation dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboid minor origin spines of c7-t1
rhomboid minor insertion vert border of scapula superior to spine
rhomboid minor innervation dorsal scapular nerve
list the axial muscles that move the humerus pectoralis major, latissmus dorsi
Pectoralis major origin clavicular head, sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 2-6 amd sometimes ribs 1-7 (sternocostal head)
pectoralis major insertion greater tubrecule aamd lateral lip or intertubecular sulcus of humerus
pectoralis major action as a whole, adducts and medially rotates arm at shoulder joint, clavicular head flex arm, sternocostal head extends flexed arm to side of trunk
pectoralis major innervation medial and lateral pectoral nerves
lassimus dorsi origin spines of t7- L5, lumbar vertebrae, crests of sacrum and ilium, ribs 9-12 via thoracolumbar fascia
latissmus dorsi insertion intertubecolar sulcus of humerus
latissmus dorsi action extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm at shoulder joint, draws arm inferiorly and posteriorly. Rma: elevates vert column and torso
lattismus dorsi innervation thoracodorsal nerve
list the scapular muscles that move the humerus deltoid, subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres ,ajor, teres minor, coracobrachialis
deltoin origin acromial exteremity of clavicle (anterior fibers) acromion of scapula and spine of scapula
deltoid insertion deltoid tuberosity of humerus
deltoid action lateral fibers abduct arm at shoulder joint, posterior fibes extend laterally rotate arm at shoulder jooint
deltoid innervation axillary nerve
suscapularis origin subscapular fossa of scapula
subscapularis insertion lesser tubercule of humerus
subscapularis action medially rotates arm at shoulder joint
infraspinatus origin infraspinous fossa of scapula
infraspinatus insertion greater tubercule of humerus
infraspinatus action laterally rotates arm at shoulder joint
infraspinatus innervation suprascapular nerve
Teres major origin inferior angle of scapula
Teres major insertion medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
teres major action extends arm at shoulder joint and assists in adduction and medial rotation of arm at shoulder joint
teres major innervation lower subscapular nerve
teres minor origin inferior lateral border of scapula
teres minor insertion greater tubercle of humerus
teres minor action laterally rotates and extends arm at shoulder joint
teres minor innervation axillary nerve
coracobarachialis origin coracoid process of scapula
coracobrachialis insertion middle surface of medial surface of shaft of humerus
coracobrachailis action flexes and adducts arm at shoulder joint
coracobrachialis innervation musculocutaneous nerve
supraspinatus origin supraspious fosa of scapula
supraspinatus insertion greater tubercle of humerus
supraspinatus action assist deltoid muscle on abducting arm at shoulder joint
supraspinatus inervation suprascaplar nerve
List the muscles of the arm that move the radius and ulna biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, triceps brachii, anconeus, pronator teres, pronator quadratus, supinator
Forearm flexors biceps brachaii, brachialis, brachioradialis
forearm extensors triceps brachii, anconeus
forearm pronators pronator teres, pronatos quadratus
forearm suponator supinator
biceps brachii origin long head ooriginates from tubercule above glenoid cavity of scapula (supraglenoid tubercule)
biceps brachii insertion radial tuberosity of radius and bicipital aponeurosis
biceps brachii action flexes forearm at elbow joint, supinates forearm at radioulnar joints, and flexes arm at shoulder joint
biceps brachii innervation flexes forearm at elbow joint , supinates forearm at radioulnar joints, and flexes arm at sholder joint
biceps brachii innervation musculocutaneous nerve
brachialis origin distal anterior surface of humerus
brachialis insertion ulnar tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
brachialis action flexes at elbow joint
brachialis innervation musculocutanous and radial nerve
brachioradialis origin lat boredr of distal end of humerus
bracioradialis insertion superior to styloid process of radius
brachioradialis action flexes forearm at elbow joint, supinates and pronates forearm at radioulnar joints to neutral position
brachioradialis innervation radial nerve
triceps brachii origin long head originates from infraglenoid tubercle , a projection inferior to glenoid cavity of scapula. Lat head origin from lat and post surface of humerus. Medial head originates from entire posterior surface of humerus infe to a grove for the radia nerve
triceps brachii insertion olecranon of ulna
triceps brachii action extends forearm at elbow and extends arm at shoulder joint
triceps brachii innervation radial nerve
anconeus origin lat epicondyle of humerus
anconeus insertion olecranon and superior portion of ulna shaft
anconeus action extends forearm at elbow joint
anconeus innerveation radfial nerve
pronator teres origin med epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna
pronator teres insertion midlateral surface of radius
pronator teres action pronates forearm at radioulnar joint and weakly flexes forearm at elbow joint
pronator teres innervation median nerve
supinator origin lat epicondyle of humerus and ridge near radial notch of ulna (supinator crest)
supinator insertion lat surf of proximal one third of radius
supinator innervation deep radial nerve
supinator action supinates forearm at radioulnar joint
List muscles of the forearm that move wrist, hand, thumb and digits superficial anterior (flexor) compartment of the forearm, deep anterior (flexor) compartment of the forearm
List superficial anterior compartment of the forearm flexo carpi radialis, palamaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficial
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