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Test Two Study Guide

What is anabolism? making large molecules from smaller ones
What type of energy is found in molecular bonds? chemical
What are descriptors of enzymes? large, catalysts, proteins, specific for substrate
What are the products of cellular respiration?
Where does gycolysis occur? cytoplasm
What are the bases of DNA? Guamine, Thymine, Adenine, and Cytosine
What is another term to describe DNA replication? semi conservative replication
What does the genetic code consist of? 64 codons
What is a mutation? change in DNA
What are the components of a enzymatic reaction? substrate > enzyme > enzyme-substrate complex > product > enzyme(unchanged)
What is transcription? process of copying DNA to mRNA in nucleus
What are codons? 3 nucleotides that code for specific amino acids
What is an expressed gene? one that makes its product
What terms describe epithelial tissues? thin, widespread, simple, strat, squamous, cuboidal
What are the four major tissue types? epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous
What type of tissue makes up air sacs in the lungs? simple squamous epithelium
What cells secrete proteins that form fibers? fibroblasts
What structures increase the small intestine surface area?
What are the three types of muscular tissue? skeletal, smooth, cardiac
What are descriptors of the tissue lining respiratory passages? mucus secreting, pseudostratified, cilia
Where would you find smooth muscle? walls of hollow organs
What cells sense changes in their surroundings? neurons
What tissue makes up tendons and ligaments dense regular, white connective
What cells produce mucus? goblet
What tissue makes up the urinary bladder? transitional
What glands release watery, protein rich fluids by exocytosis? marocrin
What tissue insulates, cushions, and stores energy? adipose
What tissue has a liquid matrix? blood (plasma)
Created by: wmisaacharris
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