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Unit 3

Development of Europe

Reunification to make or become a single unit; to unify a country that has been separated
Mikhail Gobachev A Soviet (USSR) political leader whose policies brought an end to the Cold War.
Berlin Wall a guarded concrete wall, 28 miles long, with minefields and controlled checkpoints, erected across Berlin by East Germany in 1961 and dismantled in 1989
Settlement a colony or a small community of people
Colonization invading and taking over sovereignty of another area, which then becomes known as a colony
Prince Henry the Navigator The Prince of Portugal who coordinated the mathematical and navigational learning of Portugal especially at the Institute of Sagres.
Communism a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state
Industrialism social and economic organization characterized by large industries, machine production
Catholicism the faith, system, and practice of the Catholic Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church-sect of Christianity
Nationalism taking great pride in one's own nation; asserting the interest of one's own nation
Exploration the act of traveling to new places to learn about those regions
Empire a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government
Industrial Revolution The complex time of radical socioeconomic changes that started in Britain and spread to the U.S.; Nations moved from economies being based on agriculture to being based on industry
Alliance a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes; especially during war
Berlin Aircraft Airlift in 1948 that supplied Western Berlin with food and fuel since the USSR had blocked the U.S. from aiding Germans
Cold War rivalry between the USSR and the U.S.; it was a struggle over political differences between two countries carried on by methods short of war and usually without breaking diplomatic relations
Joseph Stalin Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as the leader of the communist party
Winston Churchill British Prime Minister and leader during WWII
Franklin D. Roosevelt The 32nd President of the USA who was elected 4 times during the Great Depression and WWII
Holocaust he systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II
World War I (WWI) the war fought mainly in Europe and the Middle East, between the Central Powers and the Allies, beginning on July 28, 1914, and ending on November 11, 1918, with the collapse of the Central Powers
World War II (WWII) the war between the Axis and the Allies, beginning on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland and ending with the surrender of Germany on May 8, 1945, and of Japan on August 14, 1945.
Great Depression the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s
Treaty a formal documented agreement between two or more states in reference to peace, alliance, commerce, or other international relations
Russian Revolution the overthrow of this provisional government by a group called the Reds on November 7, 1917, establishing the Soviet Union (USSR) government.
Superpower an extremely powerful nation, especially one capable of influencing international events and the acts and policies of less powerful nations; ex: U.S. and the USSR emerged as superpowers after WWII
Adolf Hitler The leader of the Nazis Party during WWII.
Militarism a belief that a strong military force should be maintained and used aggressively to defend or promote national interests
Imperialism The practice of a larger country or government growing stronger by taking over poorer or weaker countries that have important resources.
Created by: KimberleyAWELCH
Popular European History sets




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