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What is an important difference between a clinic and a hospital? A clinic cannot monitor patients.
Long-term Care Facility A health care facility that provides skilled, long term care to people who are medically stable, but can't care for themselves.
Release of Information (ROI) A form signed by a patient or health care facility that allows for copying and releasing of patient information
Nurse Practitioner A nurse who can diagnose and treat under the supervision of a physician
Communication Transmission of information
Walk-In Clinic An office providing non-acute, short term care
Admitting Privileges When a physician is permitted to admit her patients to a particular hospital
Advance Directives Contain medical instructions in case the patient cannot make or communicate decisions
Admission At least a 24-hr stay in a facility
Emergent Care A type of care delivered in response to an immediate health care need
Acute care Immediate or urgent care for patients who need immediate assistance for recently-developed diagnosis
Non-acute Care Care for patients who have chronic diagnosis
Professional Conduct A physician who provides direct care to patients admitted to a hospital
Hospitalist Another part of the process of ensuring accurate communication
Repetition Behavior and communication that inspires trust and confidence
HIPAA specifies that patient information can be only shared with who? People with a legitimate interest in the patient's care.
What is the primary responsibility of a physician? Diagnose and prescribe.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System that is responsible for responding to community medical emergencies and treating and transporting injured or sick individuals to the appropriate health care service
Physician's Assistant (PA) A health care professional who can diagnose and treat under the supervision of a physician
Physician A medical doctor who can diagnose and treat
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) A series of regulations governing how and by whom patient information can be used
Administrative To organize and process
Prescription A physician's order for a medication, test, or treatment
Informed Consent A form patients sign prior to operations and procedures indicating they agree to have the operation done and have been informed of the risks
Difficult Patient A patient who is a danger to other patients or staff, or seriously disrupts delivery of patient care
Referral A request by a physician for a patient to be seen by another physician
Short-term Care Care for patients who have diagnosis that health care workers can quickly resolve
Subpoena A legally binding request for the release of medical records or documentation
Laboratory A facility that performs diagnostic tests on blood or other specimens
Non-emergent Care A type of care for patients who do not need immediate assistance
Confirmation Part of the process of making sure communications are accurately transmitted and received
Attending Physician The physician who has overall responsibility for a hospitalized patient
What must a patient who is scheduled for surgery do? Sign a consent form
A professional conduct is a behavior and communication that..... Inspires confidence and trust.
Created by: cwhitaker0820
Popular Medical sets




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