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test #2

Stack #163161

Epithelial Tissue Covers surfaces, glands, tubes
Connective Tissue support/bind tissue, energy reserves, immunity
Muscular Tissue Movement
Nervous Tissue Communication, coordination, activities
Squamous epitheium flat rapid passage of substances
Cuboidal epithelium square, secretion/absorption
Columnar epithelium taller, more protection, secretion/absorption, may have vili or cilia
Transitional epithelium changes shape, cubodial to flat, stretch, in bladder
Simple epithelium single layer, diffusion, osmosis, filteration, secretion, absorption
Simple squamous lines heart,aveoli,blood vessels
Simple columnar some cuboidal, ovaries,secretary part of glands, thyroid
Ciliated move mucus/particles
Ciliated simple columnar epithelium tracheal,upper repiratory tract
Gladular epithelium specialized epithelium
Glands secretes substance
Endocrine glands secrete into interstital fluid and diffuse pituitary, hormone, adrenals, thyroid
Exocrine glands secrete into ducts ( mucus, perspiration, milk, saliva, digestive enzymes)
Collagen fibers very strong, 25% protien in body, in most connective tissue, vit. C, MSM
Elastic fibers smaller, stretch 1 1/2 x length and return, elastin
Reticular fibers support walls of vessel, organ framework, thin fibers, basement membrane
Loose connective tissue keep blood vessels in place
Areolar subcutaneous, mucous membranes, around blood vessels
Adipose fat, triglyceride storage
Reticular connective tissue binds smooth muscle, liver, spleen, lymphnodes
Dense connective tissue (Regular) tendons, ligaments, aponeurosis attatchments
Dense connective tissue (Irregular) fascia, deep dermis periosteum, joint/organ capsules
Elastic connective tissue lung,arteries, bronchides, vocal cords, ligaments between vertebrae
Hyaline cartilage ends of long bones, ribs, nose, larynx, trachea
Fibro cartilage pubis symphysis, IVD, menisci
Elastic cartilage ear, epiglottis, eustachian tubes
Muscle (Skeletal) attatch to bones, straited, voluntary
Muscle (Cardiac) heat, intercalated disc, involuntary, straited
Muscle (Smooth) non-straited, invouluntary, bladder
Mucous membrane line cavity open to exterior
Serous (pleura, peritoneum, pericardium) membrane line closed cavity (pleura in the lungs, pericardium
Keratinocytes produces keratin, water repellant/sealant, 90% of cells
Melanocytes pigment melanin, 8% of cells, absorb UV light
Langerhan's Cells immune cells, damaged by UV light
Merkel Cells tactile sensation, touch, hot cold etc
Papillae fingerlike projections, contain, A,V, and N. Meisner's sorpuscles and free nerve endings
Meisner's corpuscles touch
Free nerve endings warm, cool, pain, tickle, itch
Epidermal layers slowly pushed to surface
Stratum basale (stratum germinativum) deepest, cuboidal/columnaer, keratinocytes, single layer, some stem cells- continually produce keratinocytes
Stratum soinosum 8-10 layers, keratinocyes close together
Stratum granilosum 3-5 layers, keratinocytes in apoptosis keratin present to decrease water loss
Stratum lucidum thick skin. palms/soles of the feet/fingers 3-5 layers, flat, dead kreatinocytes and keratin
Stratum corneum 25-30 layers, continually shed, interior of cells mostly keratin, callus formation- increase number of layers from friction
Accessories to the skin dead keratinized cells
Hair most surface except palms, soles
Follicle Sheath around hair, has nerves
Arrector pilli Smooth muscle from dermis to follicle
Alopecia Hair loss
Androgenic alopecia male pattern baldness
Root in epidermis
Shaft superficial part
Sebaceous gland oil, most connected to hair follicle, make sebum, protect skin, blackhead, pimple, boil
Sudorifeous glands eccrine, water, ions, urea, uricacid, ammonia, glu, lac, a.a, reg. temp, in deep dermis, temperature regulation
Apocrine glands sex, excitement, axilla/groin, subcutaneous, open to hair follicle, more fat and protien than eccrine, emotional stress
Ceruminous glands earwax, sticky barrier to foreign matter
Created by: vanessamay21
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