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A&P1-7 Nervous Sense

Ch 7: Nervous Systems - Senses

Accommodation Ability of the eye to change the shape of the lens to keep an image in focus with a change in distance
Dynamic equilibrium Equilibrium perceived when the head is rotating
Gustation The sense of taste
Humor Fluid found in the eye (aqueous humor & vitreous humor)
Hyperopia Farsightedness caused by the cornea and lens focusing an image behind the retina
Lacrimal Pertaining to tears
Lingual Pertaining to the tongue
Myopia Nearsightedness caused by the cornea and lens focusing an image ahead of the retina
Nociceptor Pain receptor that detects tissue injury or potential tissue injury
Olfactory Pertaining to the sense of smell
Otoliths Calcium carbonate and protein granules located in the saccule and utricle of the inner ear
Perilymph Fluid found in the cochlea of the inner ear
Presbyopia A decreased ability of the eye to accommodate (lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see objects up close)
Receptive field An area in which a single neuron is responsible for detecting a stimulus
Refraction The bending of light as it passes through materials of different densities
Sensorineural Type of hearing loss caused by a problem with the organ of Corti or the auditory nerve
Static equilibrium Equilibrium perceived when the head is stationary or moving in a straight line
Umami A meaty taste derived from some amino acids binding to taste buds
Vestibular apparatus Anatomy used to perceive equilibrium; includes the saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals of the inner ear
Visual acuity Ability to discern visual detail. The best visual acuity is the sharpest vision
Created by: teribere
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