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Purple Module

Purple Module Eye

accommodation Adjustment of the eye far various distances so that images fall on the retina.
achromatopsia Severe congenital deficiency in colour perception - complete colour blindness.
amblyopia Lazy eye syndrome
ametropia Error in reflection causing poor focus.
antiglaucoma agents Decrease aqueous humor production by constricting the pupil to open the angle between the iris and cornea.
astigmatism Defective curvature of the cornea or lens.
blepharoptosis Prolpase of the eyelid.
blepharoplasty Surgical repair of the eyelid.
cataracts Opacities on the lens or capsule that encloses the lens, causing loss of vision.
chalazion Small hard tumor developing on the eyelid.
ciliary muscles Muscles which relax/constrict to alter the shape of the lens, allowing rays to focus on the retina.
conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva producing red or pink eye.
convergence Medical movement of both eyeballs so they are directed at the object.
corectasis Dilation of the pupil.
cornea The clear, transparent portion of the sclera - anterior to the lens.
cyclodialysis Formation of an opening for draining of aqueous humor in glaucoma.
cloplegia Agents which paralyse ciliary muscles, causing dilation of the pupils.
dacryocystography Radiographic imaging procedures of the nasolacrimal (tear) glands and ducts.
dacryocystorhinostomy Creation of an opening into the nose for draining of tears.
dacryorrhea Flow of tears.
diopter Measurement of refractive error.
ectropion Eversion or outward turning of the edge of the lower eyelid.
electronystagmography Assessing and recording eye movements with electrical activity of the extraocular muscles.
emmetropia Correct vision.
entropion Inversion or inward turning of the edge or the lower eyelid.
enucleation Removal of the eyeball from the orbit.
epiphora Abnormal overflow of tears.
esotropia (ST) Inward turning of the eye.
exotropia (ET) Outward turning of the eye.
evisceration Protrusion of one or both eyeballs.
fluorescein angiography Assesses blood vessels and their leakage in and under the retina after fluorescein dye injection.
glaucoma Accumulation of aqueous humor in the eye.
gonioscopy Examination of the angle of the anterior chamber to diagnose and manage glaucoma.
hordeolum Swelling of one of the several sebaceous glands of the eyelid; also called a stye.
hyperopia Farsightedness.
intracapsular extraction A cold metal probe to remove cataracts.
iridectomy Excision of the iris.
iritis Inflammation of the iris.
keratocentesis Surgical puncture of the cornea.
lacrimal Pertaining to a tear.
metamorphopsia Visual distortion of objects.
mydriatics Drugs that disrupt parasympathetic nerve supply causing the pupil to dilate.
myringoplasty Reconstruction of the ear drum.
nyctalopia Impaired vision in dim light; night blindness.
nystagmus Involuntary eye movements that may appear jerky and reduce vision.
opaque Substance that does not allow the passage of light; not transparent.
ophthalmic decongestants Constrict the small arterioles of the eye, decreasing redness and relieving conjunctival congestion.
ophthalmic moisturizers Smoothe dry eyes due to environmental irritants and allergens.
ophthalmodynamometry Visual examination of the interior of the eye with an ophthalmoscope. Has a light and adjustable lenses.
ophthalmoplegia Paralysis of the eye.
Optometrist One who specializes in eye measurements.
orthoptic training Exercises to improve eye movements or visual tracking, using training, tinted or prism glasses.
otic analgesics Provide temporary from relief from pain and inflammation associated with otic disorders.
papilledema Edema and hyperemia on the optic disc usually associated with increased ICP; also chocked disc.
phacoemulsification Treating cataracts by using ultrasonic waves to disintegrate the cloudy lens, then aspire and remove.
photophobia Unusual intolerance & sensitivity to light.
photopigments Light-sensitive pigment in the retinal cones and rods that absorbs light and initiates the visual process; also called visual pigment.
presbyopia Form of farsightedness associated with aging.
radial deratotomy Incision of the cornea for treatment of nearsightedness or astigmatism.
refractive Ability to bend light rays as they pass from one medium to another.
retinitis pigmentosa Chronic progressive disease of degeneration of the retina + atrophy of the optic nerve.
retinopathy Any disorder of retinal blood vessels.
retinoscopy Evaluation of refractive errors by projecting a light into the eyes to determine the movement of reflected light rays.
sclero The white of the eye - a tough, fibrous tissue that serves as a protective shield.
sclerostomy Surgical formation of an opening in the sclera.
strabismus One eye is misaligned with the other or out of synchromy.
sty(e) A localized circumscribed inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid.
tonometry Evaluation of ICP by measuring the resistance (of the eyeball) of an applied force.
trachoma Chronic, contagious form of conjunctivitis. Common in southwestern US - leads to blindness.
tuning fork test Evaluate sound conduction, using a vibrating tuning fork.
visual acuity test Determines the smallest letters that can be read on a standardized chart from 20 feet.
visual field Area within which objects may be seen when the eye is in a fixed position.
Created by: Barbara Ross
Popular Medical sets




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