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Unit 3 Chap 19

Small Animal Medical Nursing Terms

anorexia loss of appetite or absence of foo, especially when prolonged
azotemia condition in which blood has increased concentrations of nitrogenous wastes like BUN. Ex.prerenal-dehydration, renal-impaired kidney function, postrenal-urethral obstruction.
barrier nursing collection of techniques employed during nursing of a contagious patient to limit transmission of an infectious pathogen to other patients. Ex. separate equipment used in isolation wards versus regular ward
cachexia weight loss, loss of muscle mass, and general debilitation that may accompany chronic disease
dyspnea difficulty or labored breathing
eclampsia postpartum complication caused by a deficiency of blood calcium, where low levels of blood calcium causes severe involuntary muscle contractions.
etiology study of the cause of disease
galactostasis cessation of milk production in the dam
hematemesis vomiting blood
hematochezia frank, red blood in feces
hemoptysis coughing up blood, or blood in sputum
hepatic encephalopathy altered cognitive and neurologic function due to buildup of toxins in the bloodstream that are normally removed by the liver
hypoxemia low blood oxygen levels
hypoxia low tissue oxygen levels
mastitis inflammation of the mammary gland. Typically occurs during lactation.
melena passage of dark tarry stools that contain decomposing blood, usually ian indication of bleeding in the upper part of the alimentary tract; esp the esophagus, stomach and duodenum
metritis inflammation of the uterus, often associated with a buildup of septic fluid in the uterus. If endotoxins are absorped from the septic fluid then endotoxemia can result (toxic metritis)
orthopnea shortness of breath when lying down
pathogenesis sequence of events that leads to or underlies a disease
pleural effusion fluid buildup in the space surrounding the lungs within the thorax
polydipsia a condition evidenced by increased levels of thirst and excessive drinking
polyuria excessive production of urine
regurgitation flow of stomach contents into the esophagus and mouth unaccompanied by retching.
stridor a harsh, high-pitched respiratory sound usually caused by obstruction of airflow at the pharynx or larynx
technician assessment clinical judgement that the veterinary technician makes regarding the physiologic and psychological problems and needs of a patient. This assessment, "A" portion of SOAP (list of evaluations arranged in order of priority based on the needs of the patient
tenesmus distressing but ineffectual urge to evacuate the rectum or urinary bladder
zoonoses any disease that is transmissible from lower animals to humans. ex rabies, leptospirosis
Created by: tnewhouse
Popular Medical sets




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