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Root words

Root words/element

abdomin/o abdomen
acanth/o thorny/spiny
acetabul/o acetabulum(hip socket)
acr/o extremities,top
actin/o ray,radius
acous/o sound
aden/o gland
adren/o adrenals
aer/o air/gas
algesi/o pain
alveo/o cavity
ambly/o dull,dim
amni/o amnion
amyl/o starcho
angi/o vessel (blood,lympathic)
ankyl/ crooked,stiff,bent
an/o anus
antr/o antrum
aort/o aorta
appendic/o appendix
arche/o first,beginning
arteri/o arteries
arteriol/o arteriole (small artery)
articul/o Joint;distinct speech
arthro/o joint
ather/o yellowish,fatty plaque
atrio/o atrium
aur/i,aur/o ear
axill/o axilla or armpit
bacteri/o bacteria
bil/i bile
bleph/o blephar/o eyelid or eyelash
brachi/o arm,particularly upper arm
bucc/o cheek
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum/brain
cerebr/o cerebrum
cerbrumcervic/o neck;cervix neck of uterus
cheil/o lip
cerumin/o cerumen(earwax)
cine/o movement
chir/o, cheir/o hand
chol/e bile,gall
choledoch/o common bile duct
chondr/o cartilage
clavicul/o clavicle (collar bone)
col/o colon (large intestine)
coll/a glue
colp/o vagina,hollow
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
cor/o,coron/o heart
core/o pupil (eye)
corne/o cornea of eye
cortic/o cortex
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
cry/o cold
culd/o cul-de-sac,pouch
cutane/o skin
cyan/o blue
cyes/o,cyes/i pregnancy
cyst/o cell
dacry/o pertaining to tears
dactylo/o fingers or toes
dent/i tooth
derm/o,dermat/o skin
dextr/o right
diaphor/o sweat
digit/i, digit/o finger,toe
dipl/o two,double
dips/o thirst
diverticul/o diverticulum
dors/i back (of the body)
duct/o tube channel
dur/o dura (hard)
dynam/o power or strength
ech/o sound
ectop/o displacement or malposition
electo/o electricity, electrical activity
hypn/o sleep
hyster/o uterus
ile/o, ili/o ileum
immun/o immune
iri/o,irid/o iris
isch/o deficiency,suppression
is/o equal,same
jejun/o jejunum,portion of upper small intestine
kerat/o cornea of eye
kin/e movement
kyph/o hump
labi/o lip
embry/o embryo
encephal/o brain
enter/o intestines (usually small intestines)
episi/o vulva
erythr/o red
esthesi/o sensation, feeling
femor/o femur
fet/o,fet/i fetus,unborn child
gangl/o knot-like mass, nerves
gastr/o stomach
geront/o old age, aged
gluc/o sugar, sweetness
gnath/o jaw
gnos/o knowledge
gon/o knee
gloss/o tongue
glyc/o sugar,sweet
gravid/o heavy, as in pregnancy
gynec/o female, woman
hem/o blood
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia
heter/o other;different from; opposite
hidr/o sweat or sweat glands
hist/o tissue
home/o sameness,unchanging
hydr/o water
lacrim/o tear;tear duct,lacrimal duct
lact/o milk
lamin/o lamina,thin flat plate or layer
lapar/o loin or flank
later/o side
laryng/o larynx;voice box
later/o side
leiomy/a smooth visceral muscle
leuk/o white
lingu/o tongue
lip/o fat
lith/o stone,calculus
lob/o section,lobe
lymph/o watery fluid,lymphatic structures fluids
macr/o abnormal largeness
mann/o breast
mast/o breast
maxill/o upper jawbone
melan/o black
men/o menstrustions
mening/i,mening/o membranes,meninges
menisci/o meniscus (crescent)
micr/o small
mon/o one
morph/o form,shape
my/o muscle
myc/o fungus
myel/o,myelon/o marrow;spinal cord,bone marrow
hymen/o memebrane;hymen
narc/o stupor
necr/o death,dead
nephr/o kidney
nyct/o night
neur/0 nerve
ocul/o eye
omphal/p umbilicus,navel
onc/o bulk,mass
onych/o nail,claw
oophor/o ovary
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o vision
or/o as mouth,opening
orchi/o testis
orth/o straight,correct,normal
oste/o bone,ost
ot/o ear
ov/i,ov/o,ovul/o egg
papill/o nipple-shaped elevation or structure
pari/o,par/o bear,give birth to, labor
path/o disease
pector/o chest
ped/o child,foot
phac/o lens of the eye
phag/o eat,swallow
myring/o eardrum (tympanic)
somat/o body
somn/i sleep
sphen/o wedge;sphenoid bone
spiro/o to breath
spondyl/o vertebra,spinal column
stern/o sternum (breast bone)
steth/o chest
staphed/o innermost part of ear
stomat/o mouth
strept/o twist
squam/o scale or plate-like
synovi/o union,synovial memb
tars/o edge(framework)
ten/o stretch,tendon
therm/o heat
thorac/o chest
thromb/o clot,lump
top/o place
toxico/o poison
trich/o hair
tympan/o eardrum or its enclosure
uln/o ulna (lower arm bone)
uvul/o fleshy mass
vas/o vessel, duct,vas deferens
vestibule/o space or cavity of canal
phleb/o veins
phob/o fear
phon/o voice, sound
phragn/o fence, block up
phren/o mind;diaphragm
physic/o physical, nature,physiology
pil/o hair
pleru/o membrane, rib side
plex/o plexus braid ( of nerves)
pneum/o,pneumon/a lung,air
pod/o foot
poster/o back (of body)
proct/o rectum
proxim/o near,nearest
pseudo/o false
psych/o mind
pulmon/o lung
pyr/o fever, heat
radic/o,radicul/o nerve root
rect/o rectum
ren/o renal, the kidney
retr/o backward, behind
rhin/o nose
sac/o bag-like organ or structure
salping/o fallopian tube
scapula/o wing-like, scapula (shoulder blade)
sarc/o flesh
scler/o hard
ventr/o front,abdomen cavity
vesic/o urinary bladder
viscer/o organ, internal organ
xanth/o yellow
Created by: Goalgazer
Popular Medical sets




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