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2008 Science OGT

Vocabulary Practice

Conservation of Mass matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system
Locomotion the act or power of moving from place to place
Observation to notice or perceive something
Paramecium any freshwater protozoan (single-celled organism having animal-like characteristics) that has cilia hairs, oval body, and a long deep oral groove
Migration the movement of a group of animals from one place to another
Thermal Energy the average motion of all moving particles within a substance, can also be called heat energy
Theory a proposed explanation of of something observed
Earth Processes any natural occurence that shapes the crust of Earth ie. earthquakes, volcanoes, and plate tectonics
Igneous Rock rock formed by the solification of molten magma or lava
Sedimentary rock rock formed from other rock particles or through the process of sediment deposited in layers and may contain fossils
Metamorphic rock rock that was once one form of rock, but has changed to another type of rock due to pressure and heat
Cellular Processes those processes that give life to a cell, ie. respiration, metabolism, and growth
Pesticide a chemical that is used to destroy plants, fugus, or animal pests
Herbicide a chemical used to kill plants- especially weeds
Mutation a physical change of an organism that resulted from a change in a gene or chromosome, they can positively or negatively impact that organism
Offspring the child or young of an organism
Hypothesis a possible explanation for an observation of the natural world or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation
Radiometric Dating a method of determining the age of earth materials based upon the measurement of either short-lived radioactive elements or the amount of long-lived radioactive elements and its decay product
Isotope an element that has the same number of protons(atomic number)as an element, but different numbers of neutrons (different atomic weights)
Amplitude the maximum height of a wave
Ethical conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior
Bogus something that is being described as not genuine or fake
Proposal the act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance such as scientific research
Frequency the number of cycles per unit of time of a wave
Conductivity the measure of the ability of a substance to carry electric current, heat, or sound
Seismic Wave an elastic shock wave that travels through the earth, as from an earthquake or explosion, can also specifically be one of four distinct types of waves generated from an earthquake
Relevant having a bearing or connection to the topic being discussed or thought about
Consumption the act of using something,also refers to the decay or destruction of something
Debilitating causing a loss of strength or energy
Velocity a record of distance travelled per unit of time, also known as speed
Nebula a cloud of gas and dust found in space
Predation a relationshiop between animals in which one organism captures and feeds on others
Natural Selection the process by which organisms having traits that better help them to adapt and survive in a specific environment reproduce in greater numbers to eventually ensure the continuation of these favorable traits in future generations
Gene Pool the total amount of genetic information within a population
Advocate to speak or write in favor of something, to support or urge by argument, recommend publically
Mimic to imitate or copy something or someone
Valid describing something that produces the desired result as in an experiment, describing something that is well-founded and just
Epidemic a rapid spreading of disease that affects many people, it is not permanent
Implementation the act of fulfilling or carrying out something such as a a new set of procedures
Malleable describing a metal that is capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure
Ductile describing a metal that has the ability of being shaped or bent without breaking or lowering in material strength
Pasteurization to expose (a food, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) to a high temperature to destry certain microorganisms that would cause the food to spoil or ferment
Fermentation the conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol without the presence of oxygen
Homeostasis the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its life processes
Magma hot liquid material beneath or within the earth's crust, igneous rock is formed from this
Subduction the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate being drawn down and partly covered by another
Potential Energy the energy an object has due to its position, rather than its motion (ie. coiled spring or a raised weight)
Created by: ecotogt
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