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Integumentary Stys

Chapter 3 - HW Packet and Handout

What are the 5 parts of the Integumentary System SWEAT GLANDS, SEBACEOUS GLANDS, HAIR, NAILS, SKIN
What are the 3 layers of skin? Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous Layer
What is in the Dermis Layer? Connective Tissue, Collagen Fibers
What is another term for freckle or birthmark? Nevus
What is Sebum and where is it produced? Sebaceous Glands
Lordosis Backwards Curvature of Spine
Kyphosis Creates Hump in Sine
Scoliosis Curved Spine
List 5 Parts of Axial Skeleton Head Neck Trunk Chest Spine
List 4 parts of Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral Girdle Upper Extremities Pelvic Girdle Lower Extremities
Closed Fracture no skin wound - Also called Simple Fracture
Compound Fracture skin has been broken
Complete Fracture Clean?
Comminuted Fracture Bone has been shattered, splintered, or crushed
Greenstick Fracture incomplete break, only one side of bone broken
Compression Fracture Loss of height
How many cervical vertebrae are there? 7
How many Throacic Vertebrae are there? 12
How many Lumbar vertebrae are there? 5
What is the most common type of joint? Synovial Joint
Primary Function of Integumentary System? 2-Way Barrier (keeps out pathogens) Protects underlying tissues
Sensory Receptors Detect... Temperature Pain Touch Pressure
The Epidermis Layer is composed of... Strata - Flat scale like cells Basal Layer - Deepest Layer
Basal Layer Houses Keratin Protein Melanin
Dermis is also called... Corium "True Skin"
The Dermis is Composed of Connective Tissues and Collagen Fibers
The Dermis Houses... Hair Follicles, Blood Vessels, Lymph Vessels Sweat Glands, Sensory Receptors, Nerve Fibers Sebaceous Glands, Muscle Fibers
Subcutaneous Layer also called... Hypodermia
Subcutaneous Layer composed of... Lipocytes
Accessory Organs in the Subcutaneous Layer Hair, Nails, Sweat Glands, Sebaceous Glands
Parts of Hair Hair Follicle, Hair Root, Hair Shaft, Arrector pili Muscles
Parts of the Nail Nail Body, Nail Bed, Lunula, Nail root, Cuticle, Free Edge
Sweat Glands also called... Sudoriferous Glands
What are Apocrine Glands? Found in Pubic and underarm, produce thicker sweat and body odor
Created by: ianholden
Popular Anatomy sets




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