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BBC Pharm

Ch. 39: Adrenergic drugs

these are drugs that stimulate the receptors associated with the SNS, most notably the alpha and beta receptors adrenergic drugs
stimulation of alpha 1 receptors causes what? vasoconstriction, increased PVR, increased BP, mydriasis (dilated pupils), and increased internal bladder sphincter tone
stimulation of alpha 2 receptors causes what? decreased NE and insulin release
beta one receptor stimulation causes what? tachycardia, increased cardiac contractility, increased lipolysis
beta 2 stimulation causes what? vasodilation (in vesels of sk and cardiac muscles), small decrease in PVR, bronchodilation, increased gluconeogenesis. increased glycogen release, relaxes uterus
dopamine receptors come in what two types? D1, D2
D1 receptor stimulation causes what? renal and mesenteric vasodilation
D2 receptor stimulation causes what? decreased NE release
the group of chemicals known as catecholamines includes... NE, EPI, dopamine
ADRS of alpha blockers? orthohypotension, reflex tachy, vertigo, decreased ejaculation
phentolamine, besides being used in hypertensive crisis, may also be used in what? diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.
what class is phentolamine? nonselective alpha blocker
prozasin and terazosin are used for what? hypertension, BPH. they are alpha 1 blockers
common SE of prozasin and terazosin? first dose syncope. al
this is a central alpha 2 agonist and is generally used for hypertension in the general population. it is usually relegated to hypertensive people suffering from opiate or benzodiazepine withdrawal. clonidine
via clonidine, central alpha 2 receptor stimulation results in what? decreased SNS outflow, decreased blood pressure
beta blockers have direct effects on the.. heart.
beta two blockers result in.. bronchoconstriction
why do beta blockers not cause postural hypotension? because it is the alpha one receptors that control peripheral resistance
use of beta blockers? migraine prophylaxis because chronic treatment iwth them results in, via indrect means, decreased vasodilation int he CNS. can also use for glaucoma bc if used chronically can block ciliary secretion of aqueous humor, decreasing pressures.
bet ablockers with beta two activity cannot be used in which class of patients? asmatics because of bronchoconstrictive problems.
terbutaline and albuterol are especially good for... asthma because they inhibit bronchoconstriction.
terbutaline is also used for.. premature uterine contractions in pregnancy. they are beta 2 agonists
this is used in shock because it acts as a pressor to raise BP but also stimulates D1 receptors, keeping renal and mesenteric vessels patent and preventing them from having vasoconstricitve response. increase cardiac output, overall DOC for shock dopamine
reserpine belongs to which class of drugs? indirect adrenergic drug, have indirect negative effect on receptors, prevents NE and dopamine from getting packaged into vescles; therefore these molecules remain int eh cell cytoplasm and are degraded by MAO.
this has the same MOA as reserpine, but alos blocks NE releaese of any NE already in vesicular stores. also used with hypertension. side effects include decreased male sexual funciton and orthostatic hypotension guanethidine
how do inrective (positively) adrenergic drugs work? prolong neurotransmitter action. do this by increasing release of stored catecholamines.
Created by: aferdo01
Popular Medical sets




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