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A&P I Chap. 1

Microscopic anatomy Examines structures that cannot be observed by the unaided eye
Cytology study of cells and their internal structure
Histology study of tissues
Gross anatomy Investigates structures visible to the unaided eye. Specimens are dissected for examination.
Systemic anatomy Studies anatomy of each functional body system
Regional anatomy Examines all of the structures in a particular region of the body.
Surface anatomy Focuses on superficial anatomic markings and internal body structures.
Comparative anatomy Examines similarities and differences in anatomy of different species
Embryology anatomy studies developmental changes from conception to birth
Pathologic anatomy examines anatomic changes resulting from disease
Radiographic anatomy investigates internal structures visualized by scanning procedures (xrays, mri)
Cardiovascular physiology Functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
Neurophysiology Functions of the nerves and nervous system organs
Respiratory physiology Functioning of the respiratory organs
Reproductive physiology Functioning of the reproductive hormones and the reproductive system
Pathophysiology Relationship between the function of an organ system and disease or injury to the system
Metabolism The sum of all chemical reactions that occur within the body. Includes anabolism, catabolism
Anabolism Smaller molecules joined to form larger ones
Catabolism Larger molecules broken down into smaller ones
Grow and develop Assimilate materials from the environment, often increase size, increase in specialization
Responsiveness The ability to sense and react to stimuli
Regulation Adjust internal bodily function to environment changes
Homeostasis The ability of an organism to maintain a consistent internal environment or "steady state"
Reproduce Produce new cells for growth, maintenance and repair. With sex cells, can develop into new organisms.
Body's levels of organization 1) atom 2) molecule 3) macromolecule 4) organelle 5) Cells 6) Tissue 7) Organ 8) Organ system
All organisms must...... exchange nutrients, wastes and gases to carry on metabolism
Multicellular organisms require .... organ systems to perform multiple activities
In humans, there are ____ number or organ systems 11
Anatomic position Body is 1) upright 2) feet parallel and flat to floor 3) upper limbs at the sides 4) palms face anteriorly 5) head is level 6) eyes look forward
Anterior Front
Posterior Back
Superior Top, above
Inferior Bottom, below
Medial Middle
Lateral Away from middle, towards side of body
Proximal Closest to point of origin
Distal Furthest of point of origin
Dorsal Same as posterior, back side
Ventral Same as anterior, belly side
Cranial At the head end
Caudal At the rear or tail end
Rostral Toward the nose or mouth
Deep Internal to another structure
Superficial On the outside
Cephalic Head
Frontal Forehead
Orbital Eye
Nasal Nose
Oral Mouth
Buccal Cheek
Cervical Neck
Mental Chin
Deltoid Shoulder
Axillary Armpit
Brachial Bicep area
Antecubital Inner elbow
Coxal Hip
Carpal Wrist
Palmar Palm
Digital Finger, toe
Femoral Thigh
Patellar Kneecap
Crural Leg
Tarsal Ankle
Pubic Genital area
Inguinal Groin
Pelvic Just above pubic area
Abdominal Abdomen (Below diaphragm to above hip line)
Thoracic Clavicle to just above diaphragm area
Auricular Ear
Occipital Back of head
Vertebral Spinal column
Olecranal Elbow
Sacral Just below lumbar region
Gluteal Buttocks
Dorsum of hand Top of hand
Sural Calf
Calcaneal Heel
Plantar surface Sole of foot
Popliteal Back of knee
Perineal Close to genital/anal area
Manus Hand
Antebrachial Forearm
Lumbar Lower back
Parietal membrane Outer layer of the membrane that lines an organ.
Visceral membrane Inner layer of the membrane that directly covers an organ.
Serous membrane The layer that lies between the parietal and visceral membranes which is filled with fluid for protection of the organ.
Ventral cavity Includes the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Cranial cavity Includes the brain and spinal cord.
Thoracic cavity Includes the heart and lungs
Abdominopelvic cavity Includes the abdominal and pelvic cavities
Abdominal cavity Includes from the diaphragm to just above the pelvic cavity. Includes all of the internal organs below the diaphragm.
Pelvic cavity Includes the reproductive organs, bowel, rectum, bladder and ureters
Pleural cavity Surround the lungs
Pericardial cavity Outer portion of membrane that surrounds the heart
Visceral pericardium Inner portion of membrane that surrounds the heart
Peritoneum The membrane that surrounds all of the internal organs.
Homeostasis The body's ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment in response to changing conditions.
Stimulus Changes in a variable that is regulated such as: temperature, stretch in muscle
Receptor Structure that detects the stimulus such as a sensory neuron. Sends input information to control center.
Control Center Integrates input and initiates change through the effector (usually the brain or endocrine gland). Sends output information to an effector.
Effector Structure (muscle or gland) that brings about a change to the stimulus
Positive feedback Another type of homeostatic control. Moves the stimulus in the same direction. Occurs less frequently than negative feedback. ex: breastfeeding, blood clotting, uterine contractions during labor
Created by: daydreamer67
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