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SAT words

Aberrant Markedly different from an accepted norm
aberration Deviation from a right,customary, or prescribeal course. (the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.)
Abondon noun. total lack of inhibition (limit)
abate verb. To decrease, to reduce
abjure verb. to renounce under oath to abandon forever, to abstain from
baleful malignant (disposed to cause harm, suffering, or distress deliberately; feeling or showing ill will or hatred.)
banal commonplace
bask to make warm by genial heat
beatify to make supremely happy
bedaub to smear over, as with smething oily or sticky.
cabal A number of persons seretly united for effecting by intrigue some private purpose.
cacophony a disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sound or compbination of sounds or tones.
cajole to impose on or dupe by flattering speech
callow without experience of the world
Calumny Salnder
dearth Scarcity, as of something customary, essential, or desirable.
Defer To delay or put off to some other time
deign to deem worthy of notice or account
deleterious Hurtful, morally or physically
delineate To represent by sketch or diagram
earthenware anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun
ebullient showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling
edacious given to eating
edible Suitable to be eaten
educe to draw out
facetious amusing
facile not difficult to do.
factious turbulent
fallacious illlogical
fatuous idiotic
gainsay to contradict; to deny
gamut the whole range or sequence
garrulous given to constant trival talking
germane relevant
gesticulate to make gestures or motions, as in speaking, or in place of speech
halcyon calm
harangue a tirade
harbinger one who or that which foreruns and announces the coming of any person or thing
head adv. precipitately, as in diving.
heinous odiously sinful
iconoclast an image-breaker
idiosyncrasy a mental quality or habit peculiar to an individual
ignoble low in character or purpose
ignominious shameful
illicit unlawful
jocular inclined to joke
jovial merry
judicious prudent
junta a council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon theaffairs of government
lachrymose given to shedding tears
malaise a condition of uneasiness or ill-being
malcontent one who is dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs
malevolence ill will
malign to speak evil of, especially to do so falesly and severely
malleable pliant (easily influenced) (flexible)
nadir the lowest point
nefarious wicked in the extreme
megligent apt to omit what ought to be done
neophyte having the character of a beginner
noisome very offensive, particularly to the sense of smell
obdurate impassive t feelings of humanity or pity
obfuscate to darken; to obscure
oblique Slanting; said of lines
bosequious showing a servil readiness to fall in with the wishes of will of another
obstreperous boisterous (rough and noisy; noisily jolly or rowdy)
palatial magnificent
palliate to cause to appear less guilty
palpable perceptible by feeling or touch
panacea a remedy or medicine proposed for or professing to cure all diseases
qualm a fit of nausea
quandary a puzzling predicament
quibble an utterly trivial distinction or objection
quiescence being quite, still, or at rest; inactive
quiescent being in a state of repose or inaction
raconteur a person skilled in telling stories
ramify to divide or subdivide into branches or subdivisions
rapacious sieze by force, avaricious
raucous harsh
reactionary pertaining to, of the nature of, causing, or favoring reaction.
sagacious able to discern and distinguish with wise perception
salacious having strong sexual desires
salient standing out prominently
salubrious healthful; promoting health
salutary beneficial
taciturn disinclined to conversation
taut stretched tight
temerity foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness
terse pithy
timorous lacking courage
ubiquitous being present everywhere
ulterior not so pertinent as something else to the matter spoken of
umbrage a sense of injury
unctuous oily
undermine to subvert in an underhand way
vagary a suddan desire or action
vainglory excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity
valourous courageous
vapid having lost sparkling quailty and flavor
variegated having marks or patches of different colors; also, varied
wean to transfer (the young) from dependence on mather's milk to another form of nourishment
whimsical capricious (subject to, led by, or indicative of caprice or whim)
winsome attractive
zenitgeist the intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch.
Created by: babyblue07
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