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Stack #156010

limbic system components amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, hypothalamus, thalamus
limbic system fcts emotion, memory, behavior related to sexual fct, appetite, aggression
amygdala involved in signalling of emotions such as fear, reward and motivation, involved in social fcts and mating
hippocampus involved in storage of long term memories
cingulate gyrus involved in attention, cognitive processing, also affects autonomic fcts such as BP and HR
hypothalamus regulates hormone production, connects limbic system in the physical expression of emotions, regulates autonomic fct including temp, BP, HR, ion/electrolyte balance, homeostatic mechanisms hunger, thirst.
thalamus relay station to the cortex
dentate gyrus may be involved in the formation of new memories and regulating happiness
nucleus accumbens center involved in reward, pleasure, addiction
orbitofrontal cortex part of limbic system, involved in decision making
mamillary body involved in formation of memory
symptoms of cerebellar disorders ataxia, hypotonia, intention tremors, dysdiadocokinesis, aesthenia,dymsmetria, pendular reflexes, speech disorders/dysarthria
midbrain cranial nerve associations CN III, IV
pons cranial nerve associations CN V
pontine/medulla cranial nerve associations CN VI, VII, VIII
medulla cranial nerve associations CN IX,X, XII
basal ganglia corpus striatum in cerebral hemispheres,subthalamic nuclei,substantia nigra in midbrain,caudate, putamen, globus pallidus.
basal ganglia function regulating/modulating ms tone, smoothness of movements
extrapyramidal system made up of cerebellum and basal ganglia, in dz causes a problem with ms tone, or modulation of movement
basal nucleus of meynart degredation of this nucleus is thought to be the cause of Alzheimer's dz, base of the frontal lobe just lateral to the optic chiasm
VPL and VPM nuclei in the thalamus that send info to the somatosensory cortex from the spinothalamic tracts
Anterior cerebral artery supplies medial and superior surfaces of brain and frontal pole
Middle cerebral artery sipplies lateral surface of frontal lobe, parietal lobe, and temporal lobe
posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies inferior vermis, central and undersurface of cerebellum, medulla
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies anterior and inferior cerebellum, pons and upper medulla
Superior cerebellar artery supplies inferolateral and medail surfaces of the temporal lobe, lateral and medial occipital lobe, thalamus and midbrain
posterior cerebral artery supplies midbrain, posterior temporal lobe, and occipital lobe.
superior cerebral veins drain superolateral surface of brain
Inferior and superficial middle cerebral veins drain inferior, inferoposterior and deep aspects of cerebral hemispheres of brain
great cerebral vein (of Galen) single midline vein,merges with inferior saggital sinus to form the straight sinus
superior and inferior cerebellar veins drain cerebellum
Created by: jelyons3
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