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Indigo Module
Nutrition Review
Question | Answer |
A condition characterized by the body's inability to synthesize or process food into forms the body can use for energy, growth, and development | metabolic disorder |
A condition in which the upper part of the stomach, which is joined to the esophagus or feeding tube, moves up into the chest through a hole (called a hiatus) in the diaphragm | hiatus hernis |
(MIC device) A feeding device placed permanently in the stomach to facilitate supplemental feedings | Bard button |
A feeding tube inserted through an incicion in the abdomen into the stomach | gastrostomy tube (G tube) |
A feeding tube inserted via endoscopy into the stomach or jejunum | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG tube) |
A feeding tube placed through the abdominal wall into the small bowel | jejunostomy tube (J tube) |
A feeding tube put through the nose into the stomach | nasogastric tube (N-G tube) |
An accumulation of fluid in the body tissues or body cavities | fluid retention |
Difficulty swallowing | dysphagia |
Feeding by tube directly into the gastrointestinal system | enternal feed |
Gentel suction applied to a tube placed in the stomach to remove excessive secretions,such as saliva and gastric juices,that tend to accumulate in the stomach after surgery or trauma because the intestine is sluggish. | gastric suction |
The amount of energy expended in a given period, or the physical changes that occur in the body that result in heat production, determined by gender, environment, lifestyle and genetics | metabolic rate |
The audible return of gastrointestinal movement or function, also called peristalsis; often charted as BS x 4, meaning it sounds audible in all four abdominal quadrants | bowel sounds present (BSP) |
The physiological and biochemical process that promote growth and sustain life | metabolism |
Describe cardiac diet | *pt with or pre-exisiting heart disease *low in fat and cholesterol, may restrict sodium and calories |
Describe diabetic diet | *inability to properly use glucose; intake is important to control diabetes *prescribed number of calories and certain portions of fat, carbohydrates and proteins; surgary foods avoided and excessivly fatty foods |
Describe gluten-free diet | *celiac disease *complete elination of gluten (diagnosed for life) *NO wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale, spelt) |
Describe high calorie diet | *pts with excessiev weight loss from an illness or who cannot reach or maintain a healthy weight (butter, cream, fried foods, Ensure) |
Describe high protein diet | *pts who need to gain weight or repair tissue (recovery from surgery) *high protein meat, fish, milk, eggs, legumes, and nuts |
Describe No added salt/Na restricted | *salt should not be added at table *no processed chees, cured or smoked meats, sports drinks *pt with problems with fluid retention and congestive heart failure |
Describe progressive diet | *following surgery or an illness involving gastrointestinal tract *sequence of diets introduce food in stages as pt can tolerate |
Describe pureed | *pt cannot chew or have dysphagia *all food ground to soft, silky texture, sometimes thickeners added to hot or cold fluids until desired consistancy |
Why would a TPN feed be ordered? | *pt malnourished, being prepared for surgery *receiveing radiation/chemotherapy *had major surgery, severe burns, multiple fractures *cannot/should not get nutrition through eating *prolonged coma *severe anorexia *inflamed bowel *terminally ill |
What does NPO mean? When would you post an NPO sign? | *nothing by mouth *if client is to have a fasting blood sugar or cholesterol and triglycerides, they must remain NPO for 8-12 hours *if client is to remain NPO you must post a sign that states, "NPO for 8 to 12 hours" |
How does activity affect nutritional needs? | *more active-more calories expended *less active, fewer calories expended *process of healing will increase body's caloric utilization |
How does age affect nutritional needs? | *metabolic rate usually slows with age and fewer calories are required *children have higher metabolic rate and need more calories in portion to body weight, especially during growth periods (2yrs to adolescence) |
How does gender affect nuttritional needs? | *men need more calories than women, men are larger and have more muscle mass *hormones play role in increasing metabolic rate |
How does genetics affect nutritional needs? | *body structure is predetermined by genetics and affect our BMR *thyroid gland function is genetically influenced, low thyroid function slows BMR and increases thyroid function |
How does illness affect nutritional needs? | *fever, trauma and surgery will raise person's BMR *extra calories and sometimes extra protein are needed |
How does pregnancy affect nutritional needs? | *women must adjust their daily caloric intake to ensure a healthy, well-nourished baby *metabolism increases to meet energy demands of supporting pregnancy *diet in protein and appropriate calories are important especially if breastfeeding |
How many grain products should an adult eat in a day? | female 6-7, male 8 |
How many food groups are there? | 4 (vegetables & fruits, grain products, milk & alternatives, meat & alternatives) |
What is the "other" food group? | oils and fats |
BRAT | banana, rice, applesauce, toast |
BSP | bowel sounds present |
CDA | Canadian Diabetic Association |
CF | clear fluids |
CF-DAT | strart with clear fluids then progress to diet as tolerated |
DAT | diet as tolerated |
dc, d/c | discontinue, discharge |
DD | diabeic diet |
EF | enternal feed |
FF | full fluids |
FF-DAT | start with full fluids then progress to diet as tolerated |
Fr. | French |
GF | gluten-free |
G-TUBE | gastrostomy tube |
HF | high fiber |
HP | high protein |
LR | low residue |
MN | minced |
NAS | no added salt |
N-G TUBE | nasogastric tube |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
PAR | parenteral feed |
PE | physical examination |
REG | full diet |
SS | surgical soft |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |