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9.6 Terms

Terminology of the Male Reproductive System

acid phosphatase test for enzyme found from prostate cancer that has metastasized to the body
benign of no danger to health, esopecially relating to a tumorous growth; not malign
canal a tubular anatomical passage or channel
chancre a lesion that ulcerates, forms a crust, then heals
chlamydia most common sexually transmitted bacterial infectiion; causing conjuctivitis in cattle and sheep, and trachoma, nonspecific urethritus, and proctitis in humans
chordee downward curvature of the penis during an erection
coitus the physical union of a male and a female during sexual intercourse
condylomata acuminata (genital warts) human papillomavirus (HPV), with itching and irregular lesions on genitals and cervical dysplasia which can lead to cervical cancer in women
corpora cavernosa two of three columns of erectile tissue in the penis, located along the upper surface
corpus spongiosum one of three columns of erectile tissue in the penis, centered along the underside
ductus duct (Latin for "to lead")
dysfunction impaired or abnormal functioning (as an organ of the body)
ejaculat/o- to expel suddenly
epididymis a long, coiled tube (over 20 feet in length) attached to the outer wall of each testis
flagellum a threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain cells or organisms that function as an organ of locomotion
follicle a small bodily cavity or sac
gamete a mature sexual reproductive cell, as a sperm or egg, that unites with another cell to form a new organism
glans penis a conical vascular body forming the extremity of the penis
herpes herpes simplex virus, type 2 with vesicular lesions (blisters) on skin of genitalia in men and women
hormone a substance produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity, such as growth or metabolism.
impotence (also erectile dysfunction) the inability to achieve or sustain an erection of the penis
lues syphilis
lumen the inner open space or cavity of a tubular organ, as of a blood vessel
lutenizing hormone a hormone tha tstimulates the interstitial cells to begin to secrete testosterone
meiosis a type of cell division in which a nucleus divides into four daughter nuclei, each containing half the chromosome number of the parent nucleus
mitosis the entire process of cell division including division of the nucleus and the cytoplasm, resulting in two new nuclei, each of which has exactly the same chromosome and DNA content as the original cell
penis the male organ of copulation and of urinary excretion
perineum the area on the outside of the body between teh anus and teh scrotum
premature happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time
prepuce foreskin
prostate gland a round gland at the base of the bladder in males
scrotum a soft pouch of skin behind the penis and in front of the legs (Latin for "bag")
semen a viscous whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and consisting of secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands
smegma a white, cheesy discharge of skin cells and oil that collects between the glans penis and the foreskin or around the clitoris and labia minora
sperm the male impregnating fluid
spermatozoon a motile male gamete of an animal usually with rounded or elongated head and a long posterior flagellum
syphilis a chronic infectious bacterial disease from sexual intercourse, or from mother to child in utero, with three stages characterized by ulcerous skin eruptions, and systemic infection that leads to general paresis (also lues)
testicle used interchangeably with "testis"
testis (pl. testes) (also testicle) the gonads or sex glands in the male
testosterone the most abundant and biologically active of all the male sex hormones
trichomoniasis a sexually transmitted disease with vaginitis and persistent discharge that may also invade teh male urethra and bladder
ultrasound vibrations of the same physical nature as sound but with frequencies above the range of human hearing
vas deferens (also ductus deferens) a long duct that receives spermatozoa from the epididymis
vesicle a membranous and usually fluid-filled pouch
Created by: vikingmedterm
Popular Medical sets




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