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precocious (adj.) advanced, developing ahead of time
prescribe (v.) to lay down a rule
pretense (n.)an appearance or action intended to deceive
primeval (adj.) original, ancient
privation (n.) lacking basic necessities
profane (adj.) lewd, indecent
profuse (adj.) plentiful, abundant
prowess (n.) extraordinary ability
prudent (adj.) cautious, circumspect
pungent (adj.) having a pointed, sharp quality—often used to describe smells
punitive (adj.) involving punishment
putrid (adj.) rotten, foul
quaint (adj.) charmingly old-fashioned
rancid (adj.) having a terrible taste or smell
rancor (n.) deep, bitter resentment
rash (adj.) hasty, incautious
raucous (adj.) loud, boisterous
raze (v.) to demolish, level
rebuke (v.) to scold, criticize
recapitulate (v.) to sum up, repeat
reciprocate (v.) to give in return
reconcile 1. (v.) to return to harmony
refute (v.) to prove wrong
pinnacle (n.) the highest point
pittance (n.) a very small amount, especially relating to money
placid (adj.) calm, peaceful
platitude (n.) an uninspired remark, cliché
plausible (adj.) believable, reasonable
plenitude (n.) an abundance
plethora (n.) an abundance, excess
pliable (adj.) flexible
potable (adj.) suitable for drinking
pragmatic (adj.) practical
precipice (n.) the face of a cliff, a steep or overhanging place
extraneous (adj.) irrelevant, extra, not necessary
fabricate (v.) to make up, invent
façade 1. (n.) the wall of a building 2. (n.) a deceptive appearance or attitude
feral (adj.) wild, savage
fervent (adj.) ardent, passionate
fetid (adj.) having a foul odor
fetter (v.) to chain, restrain
fickle (adj.) shifting in character, inconstant
figurative (adj.) symbolic
flabbergasted (adj.) astounded
florid (adj.) flowery, ornate
foil (v.)to thwart, frustrate, defeat
forage (v.) to graze, rummage for food
noxious (adj.) harmful, unwholesome
nurture (v.) to assist the development of
obsolete (adj.) no longer used, out of date
obstinate (adj.) not yielding easily, stubborn
oration (n.) a speech delivered in a formal or ceremonious manner
ornate (adj.) highly elaborate, excessively decorated
orthodox (adj.) conventional, conforming to established protocol
oscillate (v.) to sway from one side to the other
pacific (adj.) soothing
palatable (adj.) agreeable to the taste or sensibilities
meritorious (adj.) worthy of esteem or reward
metamorphosis (n.) the change of form, shape, substance
moderate 1. (adj.) not extreme 2. (n.) one who expresses moderate opinions
modicum (n.) a small amount of something
morose (adj.) gloomy or sullen
negligent (adj.) habitually careless, neglectful
neophyte (n.) someone who is young or inexperienced
nocturnal (adj.) relating to or occurring during the night
nomadic (adj.) wandering from place to place
nondescript (adj.) lacking a distinctive character
novice (n.) a beginner, someone without training or experience
regurgitate 1(v.) to vomit 2(v.) to throw back exactly (n)__________
relish to enjoy
remedial (adj) intended to repair gaps in student's basic knowledge
renovate 1(v) restore, return to original state 2(v) to enlarge and make prettier, especially a house (n)____________
renown (n) honor, acclaim
repose (v) to rest, lie down
reprieve (n) a temporary delay of punishment
repudiate (v) to reject, refuse to accept (n)________
repulse 1(v) to disgust 2(v) to push back Adjective__________
reputable (adj) of good reputation
rescind to take back, repeal. Opposite of reputable
resilient (adj) able to recover from misfortune; able to withstand adversity (n)______ (adverb) ________________
maelstrom (n) a destructive whirlpool which rapidly sucks in objects
malediction (n) a curse
malevolent (adj) wanting harm to befall others (n)___________ adverb_______________
malleable (adj) capable of being shaped or transformed (n)________________
mandate (n) an authoritative command
manifects 1(adj) easily understandable, obvious 2(v) to show plainly (n)___________
manifold (adj) diverse, varied
maxim (n) a common saying expressing a principle of conduct
meager (adj) deficient in size or quality (n)____________ adverb_____________
medley (n) a mixture of differing things
mercurial (adj.) characterized by rapid change or temperamentality (n)_____________
implement (n.) an instrument, utensil, tool
inarticulate (adj.) incapable of expressing oneself clearly through speech
incessant (adj.) unending Adverb
inclination (n.) a tendency, propensity adj______________________
inept (adj.) not suitable or capable, unqualified Adverb _____________ Noun ______________
ingenious (adj.) clever, resourceful Noun ___________________
inhibit (v) to prevent, restrain, stop Noun____________________
innovate (v.) to do something in an unprecedented way Noun________________
intrepid (adj.) brave in the face of danger
inundate (v.) to flood with abundance Noun________________
jubilant (adj.) extremely joyful, happy
deferential (adj.) showing respect for another’s authority
deft (adj.) skillful, capable Noun _______________, Adverb ________________
defunct (adj.) no longer used or existing
delegate (v.) to hand over responsibility for something Noun _______________
denounce (v.) to criticize publicly
deplore (v.) to feel or express sorrow, disapproval adj________________
derelict (adj.) abandoned, run-down Noun___________
desolate (adj.) deserted, dreary, lifeless Noun____________ Adv_______________
despondent (adj.) feeling depressed, discouraged, hopeless Noun_______ Adv____________
destitute (adj.) impoverished, utterly lacking Noun___________
devious (adj.) not straightforward, deceitful Noun____________ Adv____________
dialect (n.) a variation of a language
virtuosso (n.) one who excels in an art; a highly skilled musical performer
vocation (n.) the work in which someone is employed, profession
wallow (v.) to roll oneself indolently; to become or remain helpless
wane (v.) to decrease in size, dwindle
whimsical (adj.) fanciful, full of whims Adverb ______________
wily (adj.) crafty, sly Noun ____________
winsome (adj.) charming, pleasing Adverb _____________, Noun ________________
wistful (adj.) full of yearning; musingly sad Adverb _____________, Noun ________________
wizened (adj.) dry, shrunken, wrinkled
wrath (n.) vengeful anger, punishment
commence (v.) To begin, start new
constant (aadj)Ever present, always there
concerned (adj)Interested in or worried about
ignorance (n)Lack of knowledge or education
compensate (v)1. to pay a wage 2. to make up for a shortcoming
ingredient (n)One part of a greater mixture
component (n)Part of a complex set-up or classification system.
resemblance (n)The state of being similar in appearance.
consume (v)To use up; eat
contradict (v)assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone).
compatible (adj) Get along well, fit together
decade (n) A ten year period
urgent (adj) Important, pressing
consent (v, n) To give permission or the permission; agreement
confine (v) To restrict or limit
abundant (adj) Plentiful, in vast quantities
absurd (adj) Ridiculous, silly
lariat (n) Lasso or looped rope used by a cowboy to control a wild animal
legible (adj) Clear enough to read or understand
lenient (adj) Permissive, not strict
abduct (v.) to kidnap, take by force
abstain (v.) to freely choose not to commit an action
accentuate (v.) emphasize
accessible (adj.) obtainable, reachable
acclaim (n.) high praise
accommodating (adj.) helpful, obliging, polite
adept (adj.) extremely skilled
adhere 1. (n.) to stick to something 2. (n.) to follow devoutly
adorn (adj.) skillful, dexterous
agriculture (n.)farming
anecdote (n.) a short, humorous account
animated (adj.) lively
anonymous (adj.) being unknown, unrecognized
anxiety (n.) intense uneasiness
anxiety (n.) intense uneasiness
appraise (v.) to assess the worth or value of
arid (adj.) excessively dry
Created by: lng123
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