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Histology: Muscle

WVSOM: Muscle TIssue

3 connective tissue sheaths associated with muscle (from out to in) Epimysium, parimysium, endomysium
Dark bands are made up of? Thick fliaments, A-band, myosin filaments
Light bands are made up of? Thin filament, I-bands, F-actin chains
How fibers move during contraction Sliding motion over one another
Composition of M-line binding protiens, creatine kinase and myomesin
Which bands reduce in contraction H-bands and I-bands
What are the two types of muscle fibers Type I (Red) and Type II (white)
Characterisitcs of type I (red) muscle high myoglobin, highly vascular, lots of mitochondria, slow endurance, resistant to fatigue
Location of Type I muscle postural muscles of cervical and lumbar regions and higher levels of upper and lower limbs
Characteristics of Type II (white) muscle Low myoglobin, few mitochondria, low vascularity, easyily fatigued, fast movement, precise actions
Location of type II eye muscles, but mixes with type I
3 components of a motor unit motor nueron, muscle fibers innervated by a single motor nueron and nueromuscluar junctions
What is a muscle spindle a sensory receptor
what does a muscle spindle sense/detect muscle tension and stretch
what are muscle spindles composed of intrafusal fibers
what type of tissue surround muslce spindles dense irregular
3 types of muscle cardiac, skeletal, and smooth
Describe Cardiac muscle striated, single nucleus in the center of the cell, and branched. Involuntary and have intercalated disks
Describe skeletal muscle striated, longer than caridac, multiple nuclei on edge of cell
Describe Smooth muscle not striated, cigar shaped nuclei, single central nucleus
What is an intercalated disk found in cardiac cells, bind cells together so that they work as a unit
what tyoe of cell adhesions are found in an intercalated disk zonula adherens and desmosomes link the cell together, while gap junctions exist on lateral aspects
What are purkinge fibers cells that are 4-5 times the size of a normal cell, found in the interventricula space, and relay information very fast
What are Nodal fibers found in SA and AV nodes, set basic rhythum for the heart, smaller than normal cells
What are dense bodies found in smooth muscle, serve much like Z-disks to help anchor filaments using a-actinin
Which muscle tissue is mitotically active? Give an example smooth, menstral cycle
Can the regeneration of smooth muscle become pathological YES
what cells are important for the formation of skeletal muscle satellite cells
What is Rhabdomyoma benign tumor of skeletal muscle
What is Leiomyosarcoma malignant tumor of smooth muscle
Created by: lowryc
Popular Histology sets




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