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med term

mod 4

thyr/o Thyroid gland
Oophor/o ovary
orchid/o testes;testis
salping/o fallopian tubes/ovaries
spermat/o sperm; spermatic cord
cervic/o cervix
men/o menstruation
colp/o vagina
-itis inflammation
-tropin stimulating effect of hormone
hypo- deficient; below
NSD normal spontaneous delivery
t4 thyroxin
RAIU radioactive iodine uptake test
LMP Last menstrual period
ADH antidiuretic hormone
L and D Labor and delivery
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
FBS fasting blood sugar
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
amenorrhea absence or lack of menstruation
cervical pertaining to the cervix
adrenomegaly enlargement of the adrenal gland
prostatectomy surgical removal of all or part of the prostate
salpingo-oophorectomy surgical removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries
parturition childbirth and delivery
menarche onset of menstruation
oligospermia low sperm count
endocrinologist specialist of endocrine system
polydipsia excessive thirst
hysterorrhexis rupture of the uterus
dystocia difficult or painful labor
menorrhagia excessive bleeding during the menstrual period
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tube
colposcopy examination of vaginal and cervical tissue using a scope
cryptorchidism undescended testicle
fibroadenoma benign tumor in breast
primigravida first pregnancy
nullipara never having given birth to a viable fetus
dysmenorrhea painful or abnormal menstrual flow
mastectomy surgical removal of the breast and surrounding tissue
orchitis inflammation of the testes
adrenalectomy surgical removal of one or both of the adrenal glands
parathyroidectomy surgical removal of one or all of the parathyroid glands
acromegaly enlargement of the bones of the extremities due to excessive secretion of growth hormone
hypercholesterolemia abnormal increase of cholesterol in the blood
aspermia lack or absence of sperm
oophoropexy/ovariopexy surgical fixation of the ovary or ovaries
fallopian tubes a tubal ligation is the surgical cutting of the fallopian tubes
mastitis inflammation of the breast
mammography visual record of breast
hysterectomy surgical removal of uterus
Created by: aklecha
Popular Medical sets




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