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zoo ch.7 bones

zygomatic process forms posterior part of zygomatic arch
mastoid process attachment for sternocleidomastoid muscle
foramen magnum surrounds connection between brain and spinal cord
occipital condyles form joints between skull and first cervical vertebrae
sella turcica holds pituitary gland
ethmoid forms roof of nasal cavity
perpendicular plate forms upper bony part of nasal septum
superior and middle nasal conchae helps mix and filter air
cribriform plate permits passage of olfactory nerves
temporal process forms anterior part of zygomatic arch
palatine forms posterior part of hard palate
vomer forms lower bony part of nasal septum
mandible body horizontal part
mandible ramus ascending part (ramus means branch)
mandible angle corner where body meets ramus
mandible, condylar process forms joint with temporal bone
mandible, coronoid process attachment point for temporalis muscle
vertebral body weight bearing portion
vertebra pedicles and lamine form vertebral arch around vertebral foramen
spinous, transverse process attachment points for muscles
superior and inferior articular processes form joints with adjacent vertebrae
intervertebral foramina formed by spaces between successive pedicles
cervical c1-c7, c1 atlas, c2 axis
thoractic t1-t12 , articulate with ribs at costal facets
lumbar L1-L5
sacrum s1-s5
thoractic cage, tubercle has articular facet that articulates with vertebral column
thoractic cage, costal groove path of nerves and blood vessels
costal cartilages attach ribs to sternum
sternum breast bone
sternum, manubrium superior portion, articulates with clavicle, has jugular notch
sternum, body middle portion, cpr performed here
xiphoid process inferior portion
clavicle collarbone
scapula shoulder blade
glenoid caivty forms joint with head of humerus
acromion forms joint with clavicle bone
spine posterior ridge
humerus, head forms joint with glenoid cavity
humerus, medial and lateral epicondyles attachment point for forearm muscles
humerus, deltoid tuberosity attachment site for deltoid muscle
radius lateral forearm bone
radial tuberosity attachment site for biceps brachii muscle
interosseous membrane fibrous sheet that connects shafts of ulna and radius
ulna meidal forearm bone
carpals, pisiform pea shaped
trapezium four sided
trapezoid wedge shaped
capitate head shaped
hamate hooked
metacarpals palm bones
ilium superior portion
iliac crest upper ridge
pubis anterior inferior portion
pubic symphysis fibrous cartilage pad connecting pubic bones
ischium posterior inferior portion
ischial tuberosity bears body weight when seated
acetabulum forms joint with head of femur
femur head froms joint with acetabulum of hip bone, have fovea capitis
femur, greater and lesser trochanters attachment points for muscles
femur, lateral and medial condyles forms joint with tibia bone
tibia shin bone : medial leg bone
lateral and medial tibial condyles form joint with femur bone
tibial tuberosity attachment site for patellar ligament
interosseous membrane fibrous sheet that connects shafts of tibia and fibula
medial malleolus medial bony bump at ankle
fibula lateral leg bone
lateral malleolus lateral bony bump and ankle
tarsal, calcaneus heel bone, attachment site for achilles tendon
navicular boat shaped
cuneiform wedge shaped
Created by: btuehara
Popular Medical sets




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