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MedCon 17
The following activity is for the "key terms" in chapter 17 of your textbook.
Question | Answer |
Bimanual examination | an examination in which the physician places one hand on the abdomen and inserts fingers of the other hand into the vagina to feel the female organs between the two hands |
Carcinoma in situ | atypical cells residing in the epithelial layer of tissue, not having broken through the basement membrane and invading other local tissues |
Cervicitis | inflammation of the cervix |
Chancre | a painless, highly contagious lesion occurring in the primary stage of syphilis |
Cryptorchidism | undescended testicle |
Cystoscopy | an invasive procedure to look into the urethra and bladder by using a lighted scope |
Cytologic | pertaining to cytology |
Digital rectal examination | a manual examination in which the physician feels the prostate for abnormal enlargement (hypertrophy or hyperplasia) and tumors, |
Dilatation and curettage (D&C) | a procedure that involves a dilation of the cervix (dilatation) and scraping (curettage) of the uterine endometrial tissue; commonly performed for abnormal uterine bleeding and following a spontaneous abortion |
Dysmenorrhea | pain in menstrual periods |
Dysparenunia | painful sexual intercourse |
Dysuria | difficulty or pain with urination |
Eclampsia | a condition of pregnancy characterized by all the symptoms of toxemia or preeclampsia plus the symptoms of convulsions |
Ectopic | out of normal place |
Endometritis | inflammation of the uterus lining |
Florescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) | an indirect fluorescent antibody test used to confirm a diagnosis of syphilis |
Gumma | a characteristic soft, gummy lesion caused by bacteria that invade organs throughout the body; found in the tertiary stage of syphilis |
Hysterosalpingogram | an X-ray picture of the uterus and fallopian tubes |
Impotent | inability in the male to achieve or maintain a penile erection |
Laparoscopy | looking inside the abdominal cavity with a lighted scope; commonly used to view the female organs for abnormalities, diagnose endometriosis and perform a tubal ligation |
Leukorrhea | a white, usually foul |
Mammography | a procedure of taking an X-ray picture of breast tissue |
Mammoplasty | a surgical procedure that involves reconstruction of the breast with plastic surgery and prosthetic breast implants |
Mastectomy | surgical removal of the breast |
Multiparity | multiple births |
Nocturia | excessive voiding at night |
Oophoritis | the study of tumors |
Orchiectomy | removal of the testicle(s) |
Panhysterectomy | the surgical removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus |
Phimosis | abnormally tight foreskin of the penis |
Preeclampsia | the development of hypertension with proteinuria and/or edema due to pregnancy; also called toxemia |
Primigravid | the term used to describe a female who is pregnant with her first child |
Prophylactic | something that works to prevent |
Puerperal | relating to childbirth |
Pyruia | pus in the urine |
Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) | a blood test for symphilis |
Salpingitis | inflammation of the fallopian tube |
Septicemia | a systemic disease caused by the spread of microorganisms in the blood; also called blood poisoning |
Sterility | inability to conceive. In the female, an inability to become pregnant. In the male, an inability to impregnate a female often related to sperm quality or quantity |
Trichomonas | a parasitic protozoan that commonly infects the vagina and causes trichomoniasis |