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Miller Analogies Test general facts and vocabulary

consonance recurrence or repetition of consonants, esp. at the end of stressed syllables w/out similar vowels. Ex: stroke of luck
paradox assertion seemingly opposed to common sense but that may have some truth in it
portmanteau word created by blending 2 words to form new word related to both. EX: breakfast + lunch = brunch
tautology repetition of an idea in a different word, phrase, or sentence. EX: "Cease and desist"
alology study of algae
anthropology study of human beings
apiology study of bees
axiology study of values and value judgments (e.g., ethics)
cetology study of whales
cytology study of cells
deontology study of ethics
enology study of wine and wine making
entomology study of insects
epistemology study of the nature, grounds, and limits of knowledge
eschatology study of the end of the world
ethology study of animal behavior in the wild
etiology study of the causes of phenomena
etymology study of the origins of words
geology study of the earth and its history
gerontology study of aging and problems with the aged
graphology study of handwriting
hagiology study of saints and revered persons
herpetology study of reptiles and amphibians
hippology study of horses
histology study of living tissue
horology study of measurement of time
ichthyology study of fishes
kinesiology study of the principles of human movement
limnology study of fresh waters
mammalogy study of mammals
meteorology study of climate and weather
morphology study of the structure and forms of plants and animals
mycology study of fungi
myrmecology study of ants
nephology study of clouds
numismatology study of coins
oncology study of tumors
ontology study of nature of existence
ophiology study of snakes
opthalmology study of structure, function, and diseases of the eye
ornithology study of birds
otology study of ears
paleontology study of fossils
pathology study of diseases
pedology study of children
petrology study of rocks
philology study of language, speech, linguistics, and literature
physiology study of functions and activities of living organisms
pyrology study of fire
seismology study of earthquakes
speleology study of caves
teleology study of final causes or purpose in nature
teratology study of malformations or serious deviations from the norm in organisms; monsters and monstrosities
thanatology study of death and dying
virology study of viruses
vulcanology study of volcanoes
zoology study of animals
a posteriori based on inductive reasoning
a priori based on deductive reasoning
ad hoc for a specific purpose
alter ego a second self
amicus curiae friend of the court
beau geste noble gesture
bete noire someone or something particularly disliked; literally "black beast"
bon mot witty remark or comment; literally "good word"
bona fide in good faith; genuine
carpe diem seize the day
carte blanche unrestricted power; "blank document"
causus beli pretext for war
caveat emptor let the buyer beware
corpus delecti body of crime; substantial fact necessary to prove the commission of a crime
de facto actual
de jure by right; technically true
deus ex machina contrived device to resolve a situation "god from a machine"
dies irae day of wrath; Judgment Day
dolce vita the sweet life; a life of indulgence
ecce homo behold the man
ex cathedra by virtue of one's office
ex parte from a partisan point of view
ex post facto after the fact; retroactively
fait accomplis a done deed; an accomplished fact
hoi polloi the common people
idee fixe obsession; "fixed idea"
in camera in private; secretly
in extremis near death
ipso facto by the fact itself; an inevitable result
memento mori reminder that you must die
mot juste the appropriate word
nolo contendere no contest
nota bene note well
prima facie on the face of it
pro forma done as a matter of form; perfunctory
quo vadis where are you going
rara avis rare bird; unusual specimen
sangfroid self-possession or equanimity, esp. under strain; "cold blood"
sic transit gloria mundi thus passes away the glory of the world
sine qua non something indispensable;"without which not"
sui generis one of a kind
tout le monde all the world; everyone of importance
vox populi voice of the people
weltanschauung comprehensive apprehension of the world; "world view"
weltschmerz sorrow over the evils of the world; "world pain"
single: alga plural: algae
single: bacillus plural: bacilli
single: basis plural: bases
single: cherub plural: cherubim
single: corpus plural: corpora
single: corps plural: corps
single: die plural: dice
single: fauna plural: faunae
single: flora plural: florae
single: genus plural: general
single: magus plural: magi
single: passerby plural: passersby
single: seraph plural: seraphim
single: species plural: species
allegory written piece in which the ideas or morals are represented by individual characters or things
allusion reference w/in artistic work to another artistic work
ballad story-poem, often sung aloud
Beat movement group of American poets and artists who expressed alienation in 1950s; underground movement (Ginsberg, Kerouac)
Ginsberg Beat poet
Kerouac Beat poet
blank verse Non-rhyming verse consisting of 10-syllable lines
canto subdivision of an epic poem
Classicism Artistic or literary movement based on Ancients Greeks or Romans
climax point in story where action reaches its zenith
couplet two rhyming lines of poetry in succession, most often of a similar or like meter
denouement conclusion or resolution following the climax of a story
elegy poem of remembrance
Existentialism French philosophical idea that the individual lives in an indifferent world and must take responsibility for his or her own choices (Satre, Camus)
Satre Existentialist
Camus Existentialist
fable allegorical story often using animals as characters (Aesop)
genre category of work within arts or letters, usually a distinctive style
haiku Japanese poem- 5--7--5
irony literary style in which a situation shown with the intent of representing its opposite
Lost Generation expat writers and artists in Paris in the 1920s centered on Gertrude Stein (Hemingway, Fitzgerald)
Gertrude Stein Lost Generation
Hemingway Lost Generation
Fitzgerald Lost Generation
Modernism high intellectual movement whose goal was the examination of pure art (Pound, Stein, Woolf)
Pound Modernism
Stein Modernism
Woolf Modernism, stream of consciousness
motif recurring element or theme in an artistic work
ode lyric poem of rigidly structured stanzas
pathos evoking pity in a literary work
Realism Style in which society and events are depicted as they appear in real life
Restoration 1660-1688--Charles II in England (Dryden)
Dryden Restoration
Romantic movement Predominantly English in 19th cent; passion should supersede logic and whose main opposition was Classicism (Keats, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron)
Keats Romantic
Wordsworth Romantic
Coleridge Romantic
Byron Romantic
Satire use of irony, sarcasm and wit to show the absurdity of humanity (Swift's "A Modest Proposal")
Swift Satire; "A Modest Proposal"
sonnet verse of 14 lines (Shakespeare, Petrarch)
stanza one division within a poem, usually of commonly metered verse
stream of consciousness literary device in which a character's thoughts emerge on the page as they occur (Joyce, Woolf)
Joyce stream of consciousness
Transcendentalism American movement in which insight and experience take precedence over logic and reason; held the belief all things coexist in nature (Thoreau, Emerson)
Thoreau Transcendentalism
Emerson Transcendentalism
Victorian Age 19th cent England; apex of British Industrial Revolution and Empire (Dickens, Hardy)
Hardy Victorian Age
Aeschylus (525-456 BC) ancient Greek dramatist esp. tragedies; "Prometheus Bound"
Aesop (620-560 BC) Ancient Greek fabulist
Aligheri, Dante 1265-1321 Early Renaissance Italian writing; father of modern lit; "Divine Comedy"
Anderson, Sherwood 1876-1941 American short-story; "Winesburg, Ohio" collection
Balzac, Honore de 1799-1850 "La Comedie Humaine" series
Beckett, Samuel 1906-1989 Irish-born French novelist and playwright; Existentialist; "Waiting for Godot"
Bellow, Saul 1915-2005 Nobel Prize for lit; American; "Herzog" and "Humboldt's Gift"
Blake, William 1757-1827 British artist, poet, and engraver; "Songs of Innocence and Experience"
Bronte, Charlotte 1816-1855 pen name Currer Bell; "Jayne Eyre" and "Shirley"
Bronte, Emily 1818-1848 pen name Ellis Bell; "Wuthering Heights"; Romantic novels
Bunyan, John 1628-1688 English preacher and writer of allegorical stories; "Pilgrim's Progress"
Byron, Lord George 1788-1824 Romantic poet; Don Juan and Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Camus, Albert 1913-1960 French writer; Existentialist; "The Stranger" and "The Plague"
Carroll, Lewis 1832-1898 aka Charles Dodgson; Alice in Wonderland
Cervantes, Miguel de 1547-1616 Don Quixote; first modern novel
Chaucer, Geoffrey 1340-1400 Canterbury Tales
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich 1860-1904 Russian playwright and short-story writer; "The Seagull" and "The Cherry Orchard"
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1772-1834 Romantic; "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"; wrote "Lyrical Ballads" with Wordsworth
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle 1873-1954 French author; Claudine novels; "The Innocent Wife"
Conrad, Joseph 1857-1924 Polish-born British writer; "Heart of Darkness" and "Under Western Eyes"
Crane, Stephen 1871-1900 "Red Badge of Courage"
Dickens, Charles 1812-1870 Victorian (contemporary of Thomas Hardy); "Tale of Two Cities" and "Great Expectations" and "A Christmas Carol"
Dickinson, Emily 1830-1886 American; 19th cent emotional poems; never published in her lifetime
Donne, John 1572-1631 English writer and religious scholar; essayist; metaphysical poems: "The Flea" and "Death Be Not Proud"
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 1821-1881 Russian novelist; "Crime and Punishment" and "The Idiot"
Dreiser, Theodore 1871-1945 American novelist; naturalist; "Sister Carrie" and "An American Tragedy"
Eliot, George 1819-1880 aka MaryAnn Evans; "Middlemarch" and "Adam Bede"
Eliot, T. S. 1888-1965 American-born British Modernist poet; obscure, referential poems: "The Waste Land" and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1803-1882 American Transcendentalist; mentor to Thoreau; "Nature"
Euripedes 480-406 BC Greek dramatist
Faulkner, William 1897-1962 American Southern novelist;"The Sound and the Fury" and "Absolom! Absolom!" and "As I Lay Dying"
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1896-1940 Jazz Age; "The Great Gatsby"
Flaubert, Gustave 1821-1880 "Madame Bovary"
Frost, Robert 1874-1963 American poet; Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening "Mending Wall"
Ginsberg, Allen 1926-1997 Beat poet; collection "Howl"
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1749-1832 "Faust"
Hammett, Dashiell 1894-1961 American noir or detection writer; "Maltese Falcon" and "The Thin Man"
Hardy, Thomas 1840-1928 Victorian; "Far From the Madding Crowd" and "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-1864 American; "The Scarlet Letter"
Hemingway, Ernerst 1899-1961 journalist, novelist "The Sun Also Rises" and "A Farewell to Arms"
Hesse, Hermann 1877-1962 Swiss-born German writer; duality of life; "Siddhartha" and "Steppenwolf"
Homer 850 BC Ancient Greek; Iliad and Odyssey
Hughes, Langston 1902-1967 20th c. black poet; shaped Harlem Renaissance; "Weary Blues" and "Selected Poems"
Hugo, Victor 1802-1885 Les Miserable
James, Henry 1843-1916 Expat; "The Turn of the Screw" and "Daisy Miller"
Johnson, Samuel 1709-1784 first modern dictionary 1755
Joyce, James 1882-1941 Irish; groundbreaking narratives; "Ulysses" and "Finnegan's Wake"
Kafka, Franz 1883-1924 German existentialist; "The Metamorphosis"
Keats, John 1795-1821 English Romantic poet; Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn
Kerouac, Jack 1922-1969 Beat poet; voice of the counterculture; "On the Road"
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882 Romantic poet; "Songs of Hiawatha"
Marlowe, Christopher 1564-1593 English playwright; "Tamburlaine the Great" and "Dr. Faustus"
Melville, Herman 1819-1891 "Bartleby Scrivener" short story
Miller, Arthur 1915-2005 Pulitzer Prize-winning plays: "Death of a Salesman" and "The Crucible"
Miller, Henry 1891-1980 controversial work "Tropic of Cancer"
Milton, John 1608-1674 outspoken essayist during Reformation; "Paradise Lost" and Paradise Regained"
Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin 1622-1673 French playwright and actor; helped define modern theater; "Tartuffe" and "The Misanthrope"
Morrison, Toni 1931- Nobel Prize 1993; "Beloved" and "Song of Solomon"
Nabokov, Vladamir 1899-1977 Russian-American writer and essayist; "Lolita" and its effete protagonist Humbert Humbert
O'Neill, Eugene 1888-1953 20th c. argued to be greatest American dramatist; "Desire Under the Elms" and "The Hairy Ape" and "The Iceman Cometh"
Orwell, George 1903-1950 English, 1984 and Animal Farm
Ovid 43 BC - 17 CE Roman poet; "Metamorphoses"; inspiration for Renaissance and Baroque writers
Petrarch 1304-1374 Renaissance Italian poet; great infl on 16th/17th cent. Brits
Plath, Sylvia 1932-1963 Confessional school whose tempestuous life was subject of many of her poems; "Daddy" and "The Bell Jar"; suicide
Plutarch 46-120 "Parallel Lives"
Pound, Ezra 1885-1972 American poet and editor; Modernist movement
Proust, Marcel 1871-1922 French novelist; complex novels and stories; "Remembrance of Things Past"
Rushdie, Salman 1947- Brit; "Satanic Verses"
Sappho 620 BC Greek; fragments of poems only
Scott, Sir Walter 1771-1832 Scot; historical novels; "Ivanhoe"
Shaw, George Bernard 1856-1950 Irish, Nobel Prize; "Pygmalion" "Saint Joan"
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 1792-1822 wife Mary wrote Frankenstein; Romantic movement; vocal social critic; lyrical drama "Prometheus Unbound"
Sophocles 496-406 BC Greek dramatist; Oedipus Rex
Spenser, Edmund 1552-1599 epic poem "The Faerie Queen"
Stein, Gertrude 1874-1946 expat; Lost Generation
Steinbeck, John 1902-1968 Nobel Prize; The Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden
Stevenson, Robert Louis 1850-1894 Treasure Island; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Swift, Jonathan 1667-1745 Irish-born English; satirist; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
Thoreau, Henry David 1817-1862 Transcendentalist; "Walden" is classic text in Western thought
Tolstoy, Count Leo 1828-1910 War and Peace; Anna Karenina
Updike, John 1932-2009 Rabbit; Run; Bech at Bay
Virgil 70-19 BC Roman poet; "Aeneid"
Voltaire 1694-1778 helped shape Enlightenment; "Candide"
Walker, Alice 1944- The Color Purple
Whitman, Walt 1819-1892 "Leaves of Grass" among greatest American poetical works
Wilde, Oscar 1854-1900 Irish; The Importance of Being Earnest; Salome
Williams, Tennessee 1914-1983 Southern playwright; A Streetcar Named Desire; The Glass Menagerie
Woolf, Virginia 1882-1941 Brit, stream of consciousness; "To the Lighthouse" and "Mrs. Dalloway"
Wordsworth, William 1770-1850 Romantic; "Lyrical Ballads"
Yeats, William Butler 1865-1939 Irish playwright and poet; The Winding Stair
Zola, Emile 1840-1902 natural school; "J'Accuse" an article that decried the French gov'ts role in the Dreyfus Affair
Aphrodite Venus--love
Apollo Apollo--sun
Ares Mars--war
Athena Minerva--wisdom
Calliope Greek muse of epic poetry and eloquence
Clio muse of history
Dionysus Bacchus--wine and pleasure
Erato muse of love poetry
Euterpe muse of the flute
Frigg (Frija) love and marriage; wife of Odin; Friday
Griffin lion and eagle
Hades Pluto--underworld
Hera Juno--marriage and maternity; Zeus
Heracles Hercules
Hermes Mercury; travelers, commerce, and profit
Melpomene muse of tragedy
Odin Wednesday
Perseus Pegasus; Medusa
Polyhymnia muse of mimic art
Poseidon Neptune; sea
Terpsichore muse of lyric poetry and dance
Thalia muse of comedy
Theseus minataur
Tiw (Tyr) Norse; war; Tuesday
Urania muse of astronomy
Zeus Jupiter; supreme god
apostate one who abandons his/her religious loyalty
Bhagavad Gita sacred book of Hinduism
Buddhism enlightenment; Siddhartha Gotama; life is suffering...meditate and escape Samsara (Wheel of Suffering) to Nirvana (enlightenment)
Confuscianism codes and ethics system; understand role in society
John Calvin strict Protestant faith; predestination
Shintoism Japanese; polytheistic worship of nature and ancestors
Taoism Pantheistic; China; principles that allow harmony with natural order; Lao-tzu founder
1st Amendment freedome of religion, press, speech, and assembly
2d Amendment Right to keep and bear arms
3d Amendment prohibits forced quarering of military during peacetime
4th Amendment Unreasonable searches and seizures; probably cause; warrants
5th Amendment Sets out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy
6th Amendment Right to fair, speedy public trial by jury; right to face accuser, obtain counsel, and obtain witnesses
7th Amendment Trial by jury in certain civil cases
8th Amendment Prohibits excessive fines or bail; cruel and unusual punishment
9th Amendment Protects rights not enumeratied in the Constitution
10th Amendment Limits power of the federal government to those delegated to it by the Constitution
11th Amendment States immune from suits from out-of-state citizens and foreigners
12th Amendment Revises presidential election procedures
13th Amendment Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude (unless punishment for a crime)
14th Amendment Defines citizenship; contains due process clause, equal protection clause, privileges and immunities clause (and other post-CW issues)
15th Amendment Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude (unless you are female)
16th Amendment Allows federal gov't to collect income tax
17th Amendment Direct election of senators by popular vote
18th Amendment Prohibition
19th Amendment Women allowed to vote
20th Amendment Changes the date on which the terms of the President and Vice President (January 20) and Senators and Representatives (January 3) end and begin
21st Amendment Repel of 18th
22d Amendment Term limit for president
23d Amendment gives DC electors in the Electoral College
24th Amendment prohibits poll tax
25th Amendment Addresses succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities
26th Amendment lowers voting age to 18
27th Amendment Delays laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until after the next election of representatives (1992)
Balfour Declaration Great Britain's 1917 proclaimation supporting the establishment of a separate homeland for Jews in Palestine
Cultural revolution 1966-76 campaign in China to revitalize Communist party and consolidate Mao's leadership
Fourteen Points Post-WW I peace plan proposed by Wilson; self-determination and association of nations
Geneva Conf 1954--divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel
glasnost 1985 Soviet policy of "openness"; Mikhail Gorbechev
totalitarianism one-part political system with the goal of supporting the welfare of the state above all else
Treaty of Versailles ended WWI
Yalta meeting of FDR, Churchill, and Stalin; partitioned Europe at end of WW2
Nation, Carry temperance movement
Smith, Adam Wealth of Nations (1776); free market (laissez faire) capitalism
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady American leader of the women's rights movement
apostate one who abandons his/her religious loyalty
Bhagavad Gita sacred book of Hinduism
Buddhism enlightenment; Siddhartha Gotama; life is suffering...meditate and escape Samsara (Wheel of Suffering) to Nirvana (enlightenment)
Confuscianism codes and ethics system; understand role in society
John Calvin strict Protestant faith; predestination
Shintoism Japanese; polytheistic worship of nature and ancestors
Taoism Pantheistic; China; principles that allow harmony with natural order; Lao-tzu founder
1st Amendment freedome of religion, press, speech, and assembly
2d Amendment Right to keep and bear arms
3d Amendment prohibits forced quarering of military during peacetime
4th Amendment Unreasonable searches and seizures; probably cause; warrants
5th Amendment Sets out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy
6th Amendment Right to fair, speedy public trial by jury; right to face accuser, obtain counsel, and obtain witnesses
7th Amendment Trial by jury in certain civil cases
8th Amendment Prohibits excessive fines or bail; cruel and unusual punishment
9th Amendment Protects rights not enumeratied in the Constitution
10th Amendment Limits power of the federal government to those delegated to it by the Constitution
11th Amendment States immune from suits from out-of-state citizens and foreigners
12th Amendment Revises presidential election procedures
13th Amendment Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude (unless punishment for a crime)
14th Amendment Defines citizenship; contains due process clause, equal protection clause, privileges and immunities clause (and other post-CW issues)
15th Amendment Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude (unless you are female)
16th Amendment Allows federal gov't to collect income tax
17th Amendment Direct election of senators by popular vote
18th Amendment Prohibition
19th Amendment Women allowed to vote
20th Amendment Changes the date on which the terms of the President and Vice President (January 20) and Senators and Representatives (January 3) end and begin
21st Amendment Repel of 18th
22d Amendment Term limit for president
23d Amendment gives DC electors in the Electoral College
24th Amendment prohibits poll tax
25th Amendment Addresses succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities
26th Amendment lowers voting age to 18
27th Amendment Delays laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until after the next election of representatives (1992)
Balfour Declaration Great Britain's 1917 proclaimation supporting the establishment of a separate homeland for Jews in Palestine
Cultural revolution 1966-76 campaign in China to revitalize Communist party and consolidate Mao's leadership
Fourteen Points Post-WW I peace plan proposed by Wilson; self-determination and association of nations
Geneva Conf 1954--divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel
glasnost 1985 Soviet policy of "openness"; Mikhail Gorbechev
totalitarianism one-part political system with the goal of supporting the welfare of the state above all else
Treaty of Versailles ended WWI
Yalta meeting of FDR, Churchill, and Stalin; partitioned Europe at end of WW2
Nation, Carry temperance movement
Smith, Adam Wealth of Nations (1776); free market (laissez faire) capitalism
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady American leader of the women's rights movement
Created by: Pippin14
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