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Tissue Human Anatomy 232 Brown S14

Skeletal Muscle Striated, mutlinucleated, voluntary movement, attached to bones and sometimes skin
Striations the overlapping pattern of parallel thick and thin contractile protein filaments inside the cell
Smooth muscle non-striated, centrally located nucleus, involuntary movement, Located in hollow organs
Cardiac muscle striated, intercalated discs, involuntary movement, located in the heart
Intercalated disk strong gap junctions between cells
4 types of tissue Epithelial, connective, nervous, muscle
Tissue Group of cells working together, for a purpose, through the body
Epithelial Tissue covers exposed surfaces and lines body cavities
Connective Tissue Protects/supports and interconnects body parts & organs
Muscle Tissue shortens to produce movement
Nervous Tissue conducts impulses for internal communication
Adipocytes fat cells
Function of Simple Squamous Allows diffusion
Location of Simple Cuboidal kidney tubules
Location of Simple Columnar GI lining
Location of Simple Squamous Alveoli of lungs
What is lumen? middle of an artery where things flow
What is the basement membrane? is a thin extracellular layer between epithelium and underlying connective tissue
Neurons Sends electrochemical signals
Fibrocyte fiber cell
Collagen Fiber bundles of protein
What does microvilli do? increase the surface area for secretion and absorption
Where are microvilli located? on the surface of cells
Simple cuboidal (function) Absorption and secretion
Simple columnar (function) absorption and secretion, secretion of mucin
Goblet cell secrete mucin
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Protection, secretion of mucin, and movement of mucus across surface
Cilia Hair like structures that provide movement
Stratified squamous – keratinized Protection of underlying tissue
Hyaline cartilage supports soft tissue, and model for bone growth
Chondrocyte mature cartilage cells
Matrix (Ground substance) consists of protein and carbohydrate molecules and variable amounts of water
Areolar binds and packs around organs
Elastic fiber contain the protein elastin;allows skin, lungs, and arteries to return to normal after stretching
Adipose protects; stores fat; and insulates
Erythrocyte red blood cells
Leukocyte white blood cells
Platelet cell fragment that helps with blood clotting
Axon carries outgoing signals to other cells
Cell body of neuron controls the cell and produces protein for the cell
Cardiac striations light and dark bands in/on tissue
Transitional epithelium varies in appearance depending on whether it is in a relaxed or stretched state
Fascia sheath of fibrous tissue that envelops the body beneath the skin
Created by: Dr Jay Brown
Popular Anatomy sets




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