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Overview of Limbic system and limbic circuitry

what is the main function of the limbic system? takes all input and transfers it to the hypothalamus and brainstem, it's taking what we see in the world and translating it to what we do autonomically.
what does the limbic system do in terms of behavior and movements? It links goal directed behavior (what we see, what we wanna do), to instinctive behaviors (AKA automatic behaviors)
the limbic system is made up of... limbic cortex and related subcortical nuclei.
the limbic system is located immediatley adjacent to.. the corpus collasum and diencephalon
the structures comprising the limbic system are interconnected by complex and often looped connections that ultimately project to the... hypothalamus
the input to the luimbic system from neocortical oassociation areas link... complex "goal directed" behavior to more primitive, instrinctive behavior and internal homeostasis
entry of information into the limbic system is either directly to the ________ or indirectly to the ___________ via the entothinal area. amygdala, hippocampal formation
the amygdala appears to provide an affective connotation to _________ experience, and especially that relevant to social stimuli.
the development of feelings/emotionsl are derived from sensory autonomic input from bodily organs to the... hypothalamus
this is essential to remembering and learning hippocampal formation
the informational flow to this structure permits a link to a previous experience hippocampal formation
the limbic functions can be divided into these four basic categories... "HOME" homeostasis, olfaction, memory, emotion
in limbic function, what key structure is associated with olfaction? olfactory cortex
in limbic function, what key structure is associated with memory? hippocampal formation
in limbic function, what key structure is associated with emotions and drives? amygdala
in limbic function, what key structure is associated with hemostasis (autonomic and neuroendocrine control)? hypothalamus
list some components of the limbic system limbic cortex, hippocampal formation, amygdala, olfactory cortex, hypothalamus, thalamus, septal nuclei, brainstem
the limbic cortex forms a ring around these structures... corpus collasum and upper brainstem-diencephalic junction
the limbic lobe includes these structures... subcollasal area, cigulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, uncus, temporal pole, orbital frontal gyri
the limbic system includes the mammillary body. What are three components of the mammillary body? nucleus accumbens, basal forebrain, septal neuclei
this is thought to be the emotional circuit Papez circuit
describe the papez circuit fibers from the hippocampus travel to mammillary body via fornix, an dthen projects through the mammilothalamic tract to the anterior thalamic nucleus, which then projects through the internal capsule to the cingulate gyrus,
the cingulate gyrus then projects where? it projects through the cingulum (cingulate bundle) to the entorhinal cortex and hippocampal formation
when you see a tiger, which part of the limbic circuitry are you using? the occipital part of hte cortex.
what part of the limbic circuitry are you using to recognize that you are seeing a tiger? parietal and occipital/temporal cortex
this is the major output from the hippocampal formation fornix
this is the structure between the limbic lobe to hippocampal formation cingulum
this structure goes from the amygdala ot hypothalamus and septal nuclei stria terminalis
the ventral amygdalafugal pathway goes from... amygdala to/from the hypothalamus, basal forebrain nuclei, brainstem nuclei
medial forebrain bundle goes from... amygdala and forebrain structures to/from brainstem nuclei
why is the olfactory system special? because it does not go through the thalamus
name four aspects that make the olfactory system remarkable 1.somas of the primary afferent neurons occupy a surface epithelium.2 axons of the primary afferents enter cerebral cortex directly(no second order afferent)3primary afferentneuronsundergocontinuous turnover,beingreplacedfrombasalstemcells
what are three cell types in the olfactory epithelium olfactory bipolar neurons (primary afferents with olfaction receptors 2. sustentacular cells-supporting cells 3. basal cells-maintaining a continuous population of olfactory neurons
olfactor neuron processes forming hte olfactory nerve exit through ___________ to reach the ______________, where they synapse on mitral or tufted cells. the cribiform plate, olfactory bulb,
the olfcatory tract splits into.... meidal and lateral oflactory striae
the medial stria contains axons from where, and what do they do? the anterior olfacotry nucleus, which consists of multipolar neurons scattered within the olfactory tract. some of these axons travel tot he septal area.
the lateral olfactory stria terminates in the _________ and projects to the... primary olfactory cortex, anterior entorhinal cortex and orbitofrontal olfactory cortex.
what is the highest center for olfactory discrimination? orbitofrontal cortex, which receives connetions from the piriform lob directly via the entorhinal cortex or indirectly from hte mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
this structure links the olfactory cortical areas with the hypothalamus and brainstem. these linkages trigger autonomic responses ushc as salivation and gastric contraction, and arousal responses through the reticular formation medial forebrain
clicker questions...
the principal effector element of the limbic system is.. .hypothalamus
what's the amygdala responsible for? emotion drives
hippocampus responsible for? memory
cingulate gyrus responsible for? all aspects of forefunctions
what structure is responsible for olfactory discrimination? orbital frontal olfactory cortex
this structure is part of hte homeostatic and memory response. damaging it results in no long-term memory mamillary bodies
Created by: aferdo01
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