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Microbiology Final Exam

Histology the study of microorganisms
Cytology science that deals with the formation, function, and structure of cells
Pathology study of disease and its origin
Morphology study of the color and shape of microorganisms
Pathogens disease-producing organisms
Microorganisms organisms that are visisble only by using a microscope. May or may not be disease producing
Agglutinates refers to the clumping of cells
Cultures propagation of microorganisms or living tissue cells in special media conducive to growth, such as broth or agar
Streak culture performed by spreading of bacteria across a culture plate by drawing a wire containing the inoculum across the surface ofthe medium
Aerobes microorganisms that live only in the presence of oxygen
Anaerobes microorganisms able to survive without oxygen
Microbes small organisms, including bacteria, protozoa, algae, fungi, and defined viruses
Bacteria single-celled microoganisms that lacke a true nucleus
Viable an organism that is capable of living
Serology the study of serum
Normal Flora majority of microbes present in and around the human body and are nonpathogenic
Gram Negative bacteria retain only the safranine color of pink after staining
Aseptic substance or individual free of septice and/or infectious matter
Antiseptic agent or material capable of preventing growth of pathogenic microorganisms
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act - provides guidelines for QA and control, record keeping, and personnel qualifications in the clinical laboratory
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration - provides guidelines for employee safety in the workplace
CDC Centers for Disease Control - provides guidelines and research related to health and infectious disease issues.
POL Physician Office Laboratories - small clinical laboratories found in many physician's office
FDA Food and Drug Administration - regulates controlled substances and drug testing
CLIA's 3 categories for testing: high-complexity test; moderate-complexity test; waiver test
Waiver Test a simple, stable test that requires minimum of judgment and interpretation
Balantis inflammation of the glans penis
Prepus foreskin of the penis
Crytorchism a condition in which the testes fail to descend into the scrotum
Epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis
Azoospermia a condition in which there is a lack of spermatozoa in the semen
Puberty period of change in the lives of boys and girls during which time the reproductive system mature and become capable of reproduction
Spermatogenesis ability to have an erection
NIH National Institute of Health
Erectile Dysfunction (impotence) inability to obtain an erection sufficient for intercourse
Circumcision the surgical process of removing the foreskin of the penis
Spermatozoon the male sex cell
Spermatoblast sperm germ cell
BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) - enlargement of the prostate of men 50 years and older
TURP Transurethral resection of the prostate - an endoscopic insturment is introduced directly through the urethra to the prostate and small pieces of the prostate gland are removed
Proscar (finasteride) an oral medication to help relieve BPH
Spermicide an agent that kills sperm
Vasectomy surgical excision of the vas deferens
Ericsson sperm separation method a process of separating Y-chromosome sperm from the X-chromosome sperm.
Ovaries primary female reproductive organs; make female gametes (Ova); secrete female hormones (estrogen & progesterone)
Internal genitalia ovaries and the internal ducts
External genitalia external sex organs
Fornix upper portion of vagina
Male: testicles, penis, scrotum
Female: ovaries, clitoris, labia majora
OS opening of cervix
Ectopic Pregnancy pregnancy in fallopian tubes
Broad Ligament round ligament - attachment at the side
Metra (Uterus)
Urogenital diaphram
3 walls of uterus: endometrium (internal), myometirum (muscular), perimetirum (surrounding)
Perineal Area (blank)
Created by: sgaston712
Popular Medical sets




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