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Stack #143155

Stack #143155 Joints and Ligaments of Lower Limb

JointsLigamentsBones AssociatedType of JointMotion AllowedOther info
Sacroiliac Intrinsic: Interosseous sacroiliac, Ventral sacroiliac and Dorsal sacroiliac Extrinsic: Sacrotuberous and Sacrospinous (blank) Mixed: anterior 1/3 is synovial and inferior 2/3 is fibrous Nutation (very limited)
Pubic Symphysis Intrinsic: Superior pubic and Arcuate pubic Pubic Fibrous None
Hip Intrinsic: Capsule, Illiofemoral (Y shaped), Pubofemoral, Ischiofemoral Extrinsic: Acetabular labrum, Transverse acetabular ligament, Tigamentum teres Head of the femur, and acetabulum Synovial "Universal" Ball and Socket, but extension limited by ligaments (iliofemoral) Flex range: 135 degrees Extension range: 15 degrees
Femoro-tibio-Patellar (knee) Intrinsic: Capsule, Patellar, Lateral (Fibular) collateral, Medial (Tibial) Collateral (attached to miniscus and frequently injured), Oblique Popliteal, Arcuate Extrinsic: Anterior and Posterior (the stronger one) Cruciates Femur with tibia, femur with patella, and proximal tibia/fibular <-- but is a noncomponent because is is inferior to it Synovial with complex joint capsule Roll and Glide of femur over tibia at condylar surfaces. Patella glides over femoral condyles Remember the three "C"s of injury: Medial Collateral, Anterior Cruciate, Medial Cartiledge
Proximal tibiofibular Anterior and Posterior intrinsics tibia and fibula Synovial Limited: superior and inferior gliding
Distal tibiofibular Intrinsics: Anterior and posterior tibiofibular and inferior transverse ligaments Extrinsics: Interosseous tibiofibular and possibly the interosseous membrance Distal tibia and fibula Fibrous Minimal Stabilizes ankle: location of high ankle sprain
Talocrural (ankle) Medial (deltoid) ligaments: made up of 4 - tibionavicular, tibiocalcaneal, anterior and posterior tibiotalar Lateral ligaments: made up of 3 - Anterior talofibular (most often injured in lateral sprain), posterior talofibular, and calcaneofibular Talus with medial fibula and the inferior and lateral surfaces of the tibia Synovial with all three joint surfaces in same capsule Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion (NO EVERSION OR INVERSION!!) Priniciple connection of leg to foot: one of the "ankle" joints Lateral ligaments weaker than medial
Talocalcaneonavicular (ONE PART OF Subtalar to surgeons) Calcaneonavicular posteriorly and Talonavicular anteriorly, Plantar calcaneonavicular ("Spring Ligament") Calcaneous with anterior talus and calcaneous owith middle talus, talus with navicular <-- not included in subtalar to surgeons Synovial EVERSION AND INVERSION OF FOOT
Calcaneocuboid Intrinsic: short plantar Extrinsic: Posterior calcaneocuboid Calcaneous and cuboids Synovial
Transverse Tarsal Those of the talocalcaneonavicular and the calcaneocuboid Talus, calcaneous, cuboids and navicular Actually two joints together: The talocalcaneonavicular and the calcaneocuboid. Also called Chopart's Joint Forefoot abduction or adduction Combined motions of the foot require motion at talocrural, subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints
Cuneocuboid various intrinsic ligaments reinforce capsule between cuboid and lateral cuneiform Maybe own synovial joint or share a joint capsule with the three other cuneiform bones
Intercuneiform various intrinsics Three cuneiform bones Synovial
Cuneonavicular various intrinsic Share capsule with eachother, the intercueiform joints and sometimes the cuneocuboid joint Synovial
Tarsalmetatarsal (blank) Bases of metatarsals and the three cuneiforms, and cuboid All synovial with three distinct cavities Slight gliding Lisfrancs Joint
Intermetatarsal intrinsic ligaments and a deep transverse metatarsal ligament Between bases of metatarsals Synovial Gliding motions very limited
Metatarsal Phalangeal Collateral and plantar ligaments Head of metatarsals and bases of proximal phalanges Synovial Rolling and allows flexion, extension, abduction and adduction of toes 1st metatarsal is unique: has 2 sesammoid bones in plantar ligament that reinforces its capsule
Interphalangeal Collateral and plantar ligaments Heads of distal and bases of proximal phalanges Synovial rolling and gliding produces phalangeal flexion and extension
Talocalcaneal (ONE PART of Subtalar to Surgeons) talocalcaneal ligaments POSTERIOR talus and POSTERIOR calcaneus Synovial EVERSION AND INVERSION OF FOOT This is the POSTERIOR portion of the the Subtalar Joint to Surgeons (Anterior and middle are the talocalcaneonavicular joints)
Created by: aslubows
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