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Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves-Neuro test 2

Cranial Nerve i Olfactory Nerve
Olfactory begins with receptor cells within _________ which is located in the _______ over _______ ________ ______ and the _____ _____ of the ______ ______. 1. Olfactory epithelium 2. Mucosa 3. Superior Nasal Conchae 4. Upper 3rd 5. Nasal Septum
The 15-20 filaments of Olfactory that pass from this mucosa traverse the ______ ______ of the _____ leaving the nasal cavity and end in the ______ ______ ______'s ________ ______. 1. Cribiform Plate 2. Ethmoid 3. Anterior cranial fossa's 4. Olfactory Bulb
Once in the olfactory bulb, the synapse is made with _____ cells, which will convey the impulse from the ______ ____ along the ______ tract to the point where the tract divides into the ______ ______ _____ and the ______ _____ _____. 1. Mitral Cells 2. Olfactory bulb 3. Olfactory 4. Lateral Olfactory striae and the Medial Olfactory striae
The lateral olfactory striae terminates in the ________ ______ of the ______ _______. 1. Anterior part 2. Temporal lobe
The Medial olfactory striae crosses over to the ______ _____ through the _______ _______. 1. Opposite side 2. Anterior Commissure
This area of the temporal lobe mediates smell. Anterior part/Anterior commissure
What kind of nerve is olfactory? 100% sensory nerve
The loss of a sense of smell Anosmia
Most noticeable sense loss Taste
Cranial nerve number 2 (ii) Optic nerve
Name the 3 coats of the eye for optic nerve 1. Sclera 2. Choroid coat 3. Retina
The retinal layer contains __________. Rods and cones
What are the colors of rods and cones? Rods= black & white, Cones=color
The retina gives rise to ______ nerves Optic
Optic nerves course _________ (direction), cross at the _________ ______ and then form ______ ______ which course to the _________ ________ _______. 1. Postiero-medially 2. Optic chiasma 3. Optic Tracts 4. Lateral Geniculate Ganglia
The Chiasma lies ______ (direction) to the __________ (also known as _________) and ________ ______. 1. Anterior 2. Infundibulum (hypophyseal stalk) 3. Mammillary bodies
Axons of optic nerves then pass from the _______ ________ ______ back to the _______ lobes on the optic ___________ where _______ is interpreted. 1. Lateral geniculate body 2. Occipital 3. Radiations 4. Sight
What kind of nerve is optic nerve? Sensory nerve that mediates the sense of sight
Occulomotor nerve is cranial nerve # ___. 3 (iii)
Which nerves supply the orbital structures? 1. Occulomotor (iii) 2. Trochlear (iv) 3. Abducent (vi)
These 3 nerves also supply the __ skeletal muscles. Name them all. -7 muscles 1. 4 Rectus 2. 2 Obliques 3. Levator palpebrae superioris
Initially, you see ______ ______ _____ overlapping the _______ ______. 1. Levator Palpebrae superioris 2. Superior Rectus
The view of the levator palpable superioris overlapping the superior rectus also shows the ______ nerve going to the ______ _______. 1. Trochlear 2. Superior Oblique
When the levator and superior rectus reflected, we can see what? The anterior view shows what? -The optic nerve -The lateral rectus (innervated by abducent n.) - The superior oblique -Nasocilliary nerve -Medial rectus Anterior view= inferior rectus and inferior oblique
The superior oblique is seen passing through the _____ (______), which allowed for a bend of ___ degrees. 1. Pully (trochlea) 2. 55 degrees
Occulomotor nerve is the chief ______ nerve to the _____ muscles. 1. Motor 2. Orbit muscles
Occulomotor lies in the __________ _____, passing between _____________&___________. 1. Interpeduncular fossa 2. Posterior cerebral artery and superior cerebellar artery
Does the occulomotor n pierce dura? Yes
After occulomotor pierces dura, is courses through __________________. The cavernous Sinus
After coursing through the cavernous sinus, occulomotor courses between __________ & __________ of the _______ through the ___________ __________ _________. 1. Greater and lesser wings 2. Sphenoid 3. Superior orbital fissure
The common tendinous ring is a circle of _______ at the _____ of the orbit which gives origin to the __ _______ muscles. 1. Cartilage 2. back 3. 4 Rectus
These 3 nerves pass through the ______ ______ ______ but ______ the ________ ______ _____. - Frontal, lacrimal, and trochlear nerves 1. Superior Orbital fissure 3. Above 4. Common tendinous ring
What are the 2 divisions of Occulomotor? Abducent and nasociliary nerves
Where do the 2 divisions of Occulomotor pass? They pass through the fissure plus the ring
Which 2 structures pass through the optic canal, but still within the common tendinous ring? Optic nerve and ophthalmic artery.
The optic nerve and ophthalmic artery pass through the ______ _____ but still _______ the _______ _________ _____. 1. Optic Canal 2. Within 3. Common tendinous ring
What 3 nerves are branches of the ophthalmic portion of the trigeminal nerve? Lacrimal, frontal, and nasociliary nerves
Occulomotor-- Upper division goes to ____ _____ & ____ _____ ______. 1. Superior rectus 2. Levator palpebrae superioris
Occulomotor-- Lower division goes to ______ _____, _______ _____ and ________ ________. 1. Medial rectus 2. Inferior rectus 3. Inferior oblique
Since Occulomotor courses between the _________ _______ ______ and the ________ ________ ________, this can affect the nerve. This is due to an ________ in these vessels. 1. Posterior Cerebral artery 2. Superior cerebellar artery 3. Compression 4. Aneurysm
Trochlear nerve is cranial nerve # ___? 4 (iv)
Trochlear nerve is the only nerve to arise from the _____ part of the _____. Dorsal part of the CNS
Trochlear nerve winds around the ______ ______ and then courses ______ through the _________ _______. 1. Cerebral peduncles 2. anteriorly 3. Cavernous sinus
Trochlear nerve traverses the ________ ________ ______ and enters and supplies _________ ________. 1. Superior orbital fissure 2. Superior oblique
What becomes paralyzed when trochlear nerve lesions occur? What happens? Superior oblique becomes paralyzed. You can't turn the affected eye inferomedially.
Trigeminal nerve= Cranial nerve # ___. 5 (V)
Trigeminal nerve has __ subdivisions. 3
Name the 3 subdivisions of trigeminal nerve 1. Ophthalmic nerve (ophthalmic division of 5) 2. Maxillary nerve (maxillary division of 5) 3. Mandibular nerve (Mandibular division of 5)
Trigeminal nerve is a _______ nerve for the ______ and a ______ nerve to the ________ of _________ (___________). 1. Sensory nerve for the face 2. Motor nerve to the muscles of mastication (chewing)
Trigeminal nerve is a ______ nerve. Mixed-- has both sensory and motor functions
Trigeminal nerve attaches to the ____ ________ (direction) Pons laterally
After attaching to the pons, it courses to the area on either side of the ______ _____. This is where is divides into its 3 divisions. Sphenoid body
Where does the trigeminal nerve divide into its 3 divisions? Either side of the sphenoid body
The ganglion where the trigeminal nerve is located is called the _________ ganglion or also the ________ _______ or ________ ________. 1. Trigeminal Ganglion 2. Semilunar Ganglion 3. Gasserian ganglion
The ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve courses ______ toward the _________ _______ _______ and divides into its __ branches just before transversing the fissure. 1. Forward 2. Superior orbital fissure 3. 3
What are the branches of the Ophthalmic division? Frontal, Lacrimal, and nasociliary nerves
Lacrimal nerve goes along the _____ to ________ _______. 1. Orbit 2. Lacrimal gland
Frontal nerve divides at a ______ ______ into 2 nerves. What are these 2 nerves? Divides at a variable point into: 1. Supraorbital nerve 2. Supratrochlear nerve
Nasociliary has 2 types of nerves. What are they? Ciliary and ethmoidal nerves
What is the 2nd division of the trigeminal nerve? Maxillary Nerve
The Maxillary nerve (division 2 of trigeminal n.) traverses the ______ ______ and passes _______ to the _________ ________. 1. Foramen Rotundum 2. Forward 3. Pterygopalatine fossa
At the Pterygopalatine fossa, the maxillary nerve has the _________ ________ attached. Pterygopalatine ganglion
COPS= 4 parasympathetic ganglia. Name all 4 Ciliary Otic Ptrygopalatine Submandibular
The maxillary nerve gives rise to _______ _______ nerves which supply the _______ ______ ______. 1. Superior alveolar nerves 2. Superior dental plexus
The maxillary nerve divides into __ nerves. Name them. 2 nerves -Infraorbital -Zygomatic
The zygomatic nerve splits into what 2 nerves? The Zygomaticotemporal The Zygomaticofacial
The zygomaticotemporal nerve enters the _____ _____ via the _________________ _________. 1. Lateral Scalp 2. Zygomaticotemporal foramen
The zygomaticofacial nerve passes through the ____________ __________ which does _______ on the ______. 1. Zygomaticofacial Foramen 2. Skin on the cheek
The 2nd branch of maxillary nerve, Infraorbital nerve, courses through the (1)__________ ________, (2)_______ and (3)_________ in that order and will give branches to WHAT 3 THINGS? 1. Infraorbital groove 2. Canal 3. Foramen Gives branches to: Lower Eyelid Lateral Nose Upper Lip
The 3rd division of trigeminal nerve, Mandibilar nerve, courses through the ___________ ________ and gives off __ Branches. Name them. 1. Foramen Ovale 2. 3 branches (1) Buccal nerve (2) Lingual nerve (3) Inferior alveolar nerve (The mental nerve branches off of this)
The Buccal nerve is used for ____________ to _____ & ______ on each surface of the ______________ (AKA ________________) 1. Sensation 2. Skin & Mucosa 3. Buccinator 4. The cheek muscle
The Lingual nerve picks up _________ _________. Being carried by the lingual nerve supplies the ___________ ___________ of the ________. 1. Chorda Tympani 2. Anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
The lingual nerve supplies __________ _________ and the chorda tympani is involved in _______. 1. General sensation 2. Taste
The inferior alvelolar nerve off of the mandibular nerve courses through the ________ _______ and supply __________ _______. It gives off ____________. 1. Mandibular Foramen 2. Lower Teeth 3. The Mental nerve
The mental nerve is given off through the _________ _________ and ends as the ________ _______ to the ________ _______. 1. Mental Foramen 2. Incisive branch 3. Incisor teeth
What is a root that comes off of Trigeminal nerve? Motor Root
The motor root courses ONLY with what nerve? Mandibular nerve
The motor root courses through the _________ ________ and supplies ____________________. 1. Foramen Ovale 2. The muscles of mastication
Name the muscles of mastication 1. Temporalis 2. Masseter 3. Lateral & Medial Pterygoid
Cranial nerve # 6 (vi) Abducent (Abducens)
The abducent nucleus lies within the ______ and emerges from the _______ where? 1. Lies within the pons 2. Emerges from the Brainstem between the Medulla and Pons
Does abducent pierce dura? YES
After abducent pierces dura, it courses into ___________ _______. It then goes through the _________ _______, through the _________ ________ _________ and ends in the __________________________. 1. Subarachnoid Space 2. Cavernous sinus 3. Superior orbital fissure 4. Inside of the lateral rectus muscle
What muscle does Abducent supply? Lateral Rectus Muscle
Cranial nerve #7 (vii) is ________ _______. Facial nerve (vii)
Facial nerve attaches where? Facial nerve attaches to the base of the brain at the lower border of pons.
Facial nerve passes with the _____________ nerve through the _________ __________. 1. Vestibulocochlear (Auditory) nerve 2. Internal Auditory (acoustic) foramen
The vestibulocochlear (auditory) nerve stays inside the ______ ______. Petrous Temporal
The facial nerve will _____ in the _____ at the ________ ________ and exit the skull through the ___________ __________. 1. Bend in the bone 2. Geniculate Ganglion 3. Stylomastoid Foramen
The facial nerve gives off ________ ________ nerve. Chorda Tympani nerve
The chorda tympani nerve passes between the _________ and _______ bones of the _______ ______ and then joins the _______ ______ to go to the _________________. 1. Passes between the malleolus and incus bones of the MIDDLE EAR 2. Lingual nerve 3. Anterior 2/3's of the tongue
The facial nerve leaves through the ________ ______. Stylomastoid foramen
After leaving through the stylomastoid foramen, the facial nerve then forms the _________ ________ in the ________ ________. Forms the Parotid plexus in the parotid gland
The parotid plexus has __ branches. 5
What are the 5 branches of the parotid plexus? Temporal, Zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular and Cervical (Two zebras bit my cat)
Vestibulocochlear nerve is Cranial nerve # ___ 8 (viii)
Vestibulocochlear is also known as what? Auditory/Acoustic
Vestibulocochlear has 2 parts.. Name them. 1. Vestibular Portion 2. Cochlear portion
The Vestibular portion of Vestibulocochlear nerve goes to the _________ ______ for ___________. 1. Semicircular canals 2. Equilibrium
The Cochlear portion of Vestibulocochlear nerve is for _________. Hearing
Glossopharyngeal nerve is cranial nerve # __ 9 (ix)
Where does the glossopharyngeal nerve attach? Attaches to the medulla lateral to the olive
What are the 3 nerves that attach to the medulla lateral to the olive? Glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerve
The Glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerve traverse the _______ _______ along with the ________ _________ _____. 1. Jugular Foramen 2. Internal Jugular vein
Glossopharyngeal descends in front of the _____ ______ ______ and winds around the _________ muscle, supplying it. 1. Internal carotid artery 2. Stylopharyngeus
What muscle does the Glossopharyngeal nerve supply? Stylopharyngeus muscle
Where does the Glossopharyngeal nerve end? On the posterior 3rd of the tongue for taste and general sensation
Vagus nerve= Cranial nerve # __ 10 (X)
Vagus travels from _____ to _____ to ______ to ______. Head to neck to thorax to abdomen
Where does the vagus nerve attach to the brain? Attaches to the medulla, lateral to the olive
The vagus nerve gives off ________ _______ nerve which has an internal branch. Superior laryngeal nerve
The superior laryngeal nerve has an internal branch that pierces the _________ _______ and supplies ________ _______ above the _______ _____. 1. Thyrohyoid membrane 2. Laryngeal mucosa 3. Above the vocal cords
The _______ ______ nerve pierces the thyrohyoid membrane with what kind of structure? Superior laryngeal nerve Pierces the membrane with an artery
The _______ _______ of the superior laryngeal nerve will supply only ___ of the 6 intrinsic muscles of the larynx. What is this muscle called? 1. External branch 2. 1 3. The cricothyroid
What supplies the remaining 5 intrinsic muscles of the larynx? The recurrent laryngeal nerve
The recurrent laryngeal nerve courses _______ the __________________ on the _____ side AND ______ the ________________ on the ____ side. 1. Under the arch of the aorta on the left side 2. Under the right subclavian artery on the right side
The recurrent laryngeal nerve course in the _______ between the _______ and ______ and enter the ________ supplying __ muscles and the __________ below the _______ _______. 1. Groove 2. Between the trachea and esophagus 3. larynx 4. supplying 5 muscles 5. Mucosa below the vocal folds
What is the terminal branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve? The inferior laryngeal nerve
Vagus gives of _________ branches that help form the _______ ______ with ___ and ___. 1. Pharyngeal branches 2. pharyngeal plexus 3. IX & XI
Other branches of the vagus include what? 1. Esophageal nerves 2. cardiac nerves 3. Nerves for the lungs
The vagus nerve LARPS, forming the ___________ _______. LARP= ? Esophageal plexus LARP= left, anterior, right, posterior
Where does the vagus nerve end? In the abdomen in the celiac plexus.
What kind of fibers does Vagus nerve carry? Carries Sensory and also parasympathetic fibers
Cranial nerve # 11 (xi) Accessory nerve
Accessory nerve consists of __ parts. 2
Name the 2 parts of Accessory nerve The cranial portion and the spinal portion
The cranial portion of the Accessory nerve joins ______ nerve and helps form the ________ ______ on the back of the __________. 1. Joins the vagus nerve 2. Helps form the pharyngeal plexus 3. On the back of the pharynx
The spinal portion of the Accessory nerve arises from where? The upper part of the spinal cord
The spinal portion of Accessory nerve ascends through the _________ _______ and then courses through _______ _______ as it exits the neck. 1. Foramen Magnum 2. Jugular Foramen
Where does the spinal portion of the Accessory nerve exit the neck? Through the jugular foramen
The cranial portion of the Accessory nerve supplies what 2 structures? 1. Pharynx 2. Larynx
The spinal portion of the Accessory nerve supplies what 2 structures? 1. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Trapezius muscle
Cranial nerve # 12 (xii) = ___ Hypoglossal nerve
Where does Hypoglossal nerve arise? Hypoglossal nerve arises via rootlets between the OLIVE & the PYRAMID OF THE MEDULLA.
The Hypoglossal nerve passes through the __________ _______ just above the _________ _________. 1. Hypoglossal canal 2. Just ABOVE the occipital condyles
The Hypoglossal nerve curves around the ________ _______. It goes _________ and then ________ to muscles to enter and supply them. 1. Curves around the Occipital artery 2. Goes FORWARD and then DEEP
It is ________ to the _________ and several ________ _________ muscles. 1. MOTOR 2. Intrinsic and several extrinsic TONGUE muscles
Created by: 30315474
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