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ANT Chpt 4 & 5

Anatomy Chapter 4 & 5

What type of tissue covers and lines the body and its parts? Epithelial
Epithelial tissue can be classified according to the ___ and ___ of its cells? shape, arrangement
Associated with the inner lining of some joints between bones are what type of membranes? synovial
The presence of ___ in a tissue allos stretching and ability to return to the original shape. elastic fibers
(T/F) Except for cartilage, connective tissue has a rich blood supply? TRUE
What classification of epithelium forms the stroma (framework) of many organs? reticular connective
Adipose is another name for? fat storage
What classification of epithelium protects the skin from damage? keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
What classification of epithelium composes the intervertebral discs? fibrocartilage
What stores red bone marrow, protects, supports? bone
What muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs? smooth muscle
Which classification of epithelium is found in lungs & is involved in diffusion? simple squamous epithelium
Which classification of epithelium is found in kidney tubules & is involved in absorption? simple cuboidal epithelium
(T/F) Endocrine gland secretions diffuse into the bloodstream. TRUE
(T/F) Exocrine gland secretions enter ducts. TRUE
In what tissue type would you find stores of calcium and phosphorus? bone
What tissue type is found in tendons? dense regular connective tissue
What are the functions of the stratified squamous epithelium? proctection and secretion
Which tissue forms the bulk of the heart wall? cardiac muscle
Modified columnar epithelial cells that secrete mucus are ___ cells. mast
Which connective tissue cells secrete anitibodies? plasma cells
Which of the following materials would NOT be found in the extracellualre matrix of connective tissue? keratin
The four main types of tissue are? epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous
The interior of your nose is lined with? a mucous membrane
A connective tissue with a liquid extracellular matrix is? blood
In the repair of tissue, scar tissue appears when? fibroblasts secrete extracellular materials and collagen
Which is NOT true concerning epithelial tissue? epithelial tissue is well supplied with blood vessels.
If you were going to design a hollow organ that needed to expand & have stretchability, which epithelial and connective tissue would you use? transsitional epithelium & elastic connective tissue
The hair structure that responds to touch is the? root plexus
What changes when exposed to ultraviolet radiation of the sun? skin coloration
In which portion of the skin will you find dermal papillae? superficial region of the dermis
If you pricked your fingertip with a needle, the first layer of epidermis you penertrate is? stratum corneum
The localized overgrowth of melanocytes causes what on the skin? nevus (mole)
The accumulation of melanin causes what on the skin? freckles
The inherited inability to produce melanin causes what of the skin? albinism
The shedding of excess keratinized cells causes what of the skin? dandruff
White patches from loss of melanocytes causes what of the skin? vitiligo
Hemoglobin in the blood moving through capillaries int eh dermins causes us to see what in the skin? red or pink tones
When you have your hair cut, scissors are cutting through the hair shaft
Which is NOT true concerning eccrine sweat glands? production of visous secretion
Which tissue is the main type found in the deeper region of the dermis? dense irregular connective
Which is NOT a function of skin? calcium production
Which is NOT true concerning hair? Hirsutism is another nanme for male-pattern baldness
Which type of gland secrete on oily substance? sebaceous glands
As keratinocytes int eh stratum basale are pushed toward the skin's surface they begin to die
To activate vitamin D, the skin cells need to be exposed to ultraviolet light
To prevent an unwanted hair from growing back, you must destroy the hair matrix
What happens in a decline in the activity of sebaceous glands? aging
Which is NOT an accessory structure of the skin? dermis papillae
What is the response by effectors when the body temperature is elevated? sweat glands increase production of sweat
Langerhans cells function where? in immune responses
Merkel cells is a ___ which is found where? touch receptor found in epidermis
Keratins is a protective protein of ____ & ____? skin, hair
Melanin is described as ? yellow to black pigment
Lamellated (paciniam) corpuscles are? nerve endings sensitive to pressure
Cerumen is also known as? earwax
Carotene is described as? yellow-orange precursor of vitamin A
Striae is described as? silvery white streaks
corpuscle of touch (Meissner corpuslce) is a ___ which is found where? touch receptor found in dermal papillae
Which of the following answers includes the four main categories of tissues? connective, epithelial, muscle, nervous
One way of classifying epithelial tissues depends on whether they are arranged in layers or not. The terms used in this classification are simple, stratified, or pseudostratified.
Smooth muscle tissue is located in the walls of hollow internal structures (e.g., blood vessels, airways of lungs, and the urinary bladder).
___ are cells that perform supportive functions for neurons. neuroglia
Which of the following are essential for proper blood clotting? platelets
Which of the following is a function of muscle tissue? generation of force
Perichondrium surrounds cartilage.
Which of the following cells engulf foreign microorganisms that invade the body? phagocytic white blood cells
___ are cells embedded in extracellular matrix. Chondrocytes
All epithelium sits on a thin extracellular layer called the ___. basement membrane
Which of the following types of tissue protects and supports organs, binds organs together, stores energy reserves as fat, and provides immunological protection? connective
Filtration, diffusion, and osmosis most easily occur through which of the following? simple squamous epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium forms the ___. kidney tubules
Goblet cells are found in the ___. columnar epithelium of the lining of the large intestine
The function of ciliated simple columnar epithelium is to move fluids or particles along a passageway.
Ciliated simple columnar epithelium is found in the lining(s) of the ___. uterine (Fallopian) tubes
The columnar cells of stratified columnar epithelium are located only in the apical layer.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium, with cilia and goblet cells, is found in the lining of the trachea.
The name of a specific kind of stratified epithelium depends on the shape of its surface cells.
The most abundant protein in the human body is ___. collagen
A type of connective tissue that is the major storage site of the energy reserves of the body and helps to support and protect various organs is ___. adipose tissue
The strength of cartilage is due to the presence of ___. collagen fibers
A tissue that contains collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers, and several kinds of cells imbedded in a semifluid ground substance is ___. loose areolar connective tissue
Combined with adipose tissue, which of the following forms the subcutaneous layer? areolar connective tissue
What tissue is found in the dermis of the skin, periosteum of bone, the membrane capsules of organs, and heart valves? dense irregular connective tissue
What tissue is usually attached to bone? skeletal muscle
If fibroblasts of the stroma of injured tissue are active in repair, a scar will form.
A tissue that consists largely or entirely of closely packed cells with little extracellular material between adjacent cells and at least some of the cells touching a basement membrane is: epithelium
The follicles of the thyroid gland (an endocrine gland), are made up of which type of epithelium? simple cuboidal
___ are cells, numerous in connective tissues, that secrete the fibers and ground substance of the matrix. Fibroblasts
___ are connective tissue cells that are specialized for storing triglycerides. adipocytes
What tissue forms tendons and ligaments? dense regular connective tissue
Elastic cartilage contains ___. chondrocytes and elastic fibers
Synovial membranes line which of the following? the cavities of certain joints
Which of the following lines the abdominal cavity? serous membrane
Which of the following describes the tissue depicted in this illustration? pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
Mesothelium forms which of the following? epithelial layer of serous membranes
Which of the following are secretions of endocrine glands? hormones
Which of the following is a typical characteristic of connective tissue? composed of cells imbedded in a noncellular matrix
The principal epithelial membranes of the body include all of the following except: periosteal membranes
A common autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and destruction of exocrine glands, especially the lacrimal (tear) glands and salivary glands is: Sjögren’s syndrome
The tissue depicted in the illustration below is which of the following? hyaline cartilage
Which membrane is attached to the outside of the heart and also lines a portion of the thoracic cavity? pericardium
Transitional epithelium is found lining the inner surface of the urinary bladder.
(T/F) Epithelial tissues repair well because they have a good blood supply. FALSE
(T/F) Generally, tissues heal faster and leave less obvious scars in the young than in the aged. In fact, surgery performed on fetuses leaves no scars. TRUE
(T/F) With aging, collagen fibers are likely to increase in number and change in quality. TRUE
(T/F) An obese person has many more blood vessels than a lean person, a situation that can cause high blood pressure, since the heart has to work harder. TRUE
Epithelial tissue covers and lines the body and its parts.
Epithelial tissue can be classified according to its function.
Associated with the inner lining of some joints between bones are synovial membranes.
The presence of ___ in a tissue allows stretching and ability to return to the original shape. elastic fibers
Which of the following is true concerning connective tissue? Some connective tissues have a rich blood supply.
Which type of tissue is found in the lungs and involved in diffusion? simple squamous epithelium
If you were going to design a hollow organ that needed to expand and stretch, which of the following epithelial and connective tissues might you use? transitional epithelium and elastic connective tissue
Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning epithelial tissue? Epithelial tissue is well supplied with blood vessels.
In the repair of tissue, scar tissue appears when fibroblasts secrete extracellular materials and collagen.
A connective tissue with a liquid extracellular matrix is blood.
The interior of your nose is lined with a mucous membrane.
The four main types of tissue are connective, epithelial, muscular, and nervous.
Which of the following materials would NOT be found in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue? keratin
Which connective tissue cells secrete antibodies? plasma cells
Modified columnar epithelial cells that secrete mucus are ___ cells. goblet
Which tissue forms the bulk of the heart wall? cardiac muscle
Stratified squamous epithelium functions mainly to perform what function? protection
What tissue type is found in tendons? dense regular connective tissue
In what tissue type would you find stores of calcium and phosphorus? bone
Which of the following statements is true concerning glandular tissue? Endocrine gland secretions diffuse into the bloodstream; exocrine gland secretions enter ducts.
As cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface, they degenerate and die.
Sweat from eccrine glands helps regulate body temperature.
The hypodermis (subcutaneous layer) consists of areolar and adipose tissue with pressure-sensitive nerve endings.
What contributes to the color of skin and absorbs ultraviolet (UV) light? melanin in melanocytes and keratinocytes
Nails are formed from epidermal cells.
Which layer of skin has no blood vessels? epidermis
Which layer of skin undergoes cell division (mitosis)? stratum basale
Which of the following best describes the stratum corneum? many layers of completely keratinized and dead cells
Hair is surrounded by these cells and is also a product of cells of the ___. epidermis
People who rarely venture outdoors or completely cover their skin when outdoors may develop a deficiency of vitamin D.
Gray hair and changes in skin pigmentation in older people are due to a decrease in the number of functioning melanocytes.
Half of burn victims die when the burn area exceeds ___ percent of the body. 70
Nail growth originates at which of the following? nail matrix
Which of the following is the most common cell type found in the epidermis? keratinocyte
Which of the following are cells of the epidermis that participate in immune responses mounted against microbes that invade the skin? Langerhans cells
Which of the following does NOT impart color to skin? keratin
Hair and nails are composed primarily of which of the following substances? keratin
In which stratum do new skin cells arise, in this figure of the epidermis? B
Which of the strata of the epidermis in the figure is missing in thin skin? Stratum lucidum
Constant exposure to friction or pressure stimulates the formation of a(n) ___, which is an abnormal thickening to the epidermis. callus
Which term means “itching”? pruritis
Blood vessels in the dermis will constrict in response to which of the following conditions? decrease in environmental temperature
A morphine patch applied to the skin is effective in treating pain because the skin is capable of ___. absorption
(T/F) The deepest part of the skin is composed of dense regular connective tissue. FALSE
(T/F) The build-up of bilirubin in the blood makes the mucous membranes, nail beds, and skin appear blue in color (cyanotic). FALSE
(T/F) Most sweat glands are eccrine (rather than apocrine). TRUE
(T/F) The skin is the largest organ of the body both in surface area and in weight. TRUE
The hair structure that responds to touch is the ___. root plexus
Skin coloration changes when exposed to ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
In which portion of the skin will you find dermal papillae? superficial region of the dermis
If you pricked your fingertip with a needle, the first layer of epidermis that it would penetrate is the ___. stratum corneum
Which below is described as a localized overgrowth of melanocytes? nevus
The red or pink tones seen in some skin are due to hemoglobin in the blood moving through capillaries in the dermis.
When you have your hair cut, scissors are cutting through the hair ___. shaft
Which of the following is NOT true concerning eccrine sweat glands? They produce a viscous secretion.
Which tissue is the main type found in the deeper region of the dermis? dense irregular connective
Which of the following is NOT DIRECTLY a function of skin? calcium production
Which of the following is NOT true concerning hair? Hirsutism is another name for male-pattern baldness.
Sebaceous glands ___. secrete an oily substance
As keratinocytes in the stratum basale are pushed toward the skin’s surface, they ___. begin to die
To activate vitamin D, the skin cells need to be exposed to ___. ultraviolet light
To prevent an unwanted hair from growing back, you must destroy the ___. hair matrix
Aging can result in ___. a decline in the activity of sebaceous glands
The portion of the nail that is responsible for nail growth is the ___. nail matrix
Which below is associated with a Langerhans cell? function in immune responses
Which of the following is NOT an accessory structure of the skin? dermal papillae
What is the response by effectors when the body temperature is elevated? Sweat glands increase production of sweat.
Created by: dtgs2010
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