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Nervous system

Encepal/o Brain
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Echoencephalography(echoEG) The process of recording the brain using sound waves
Electroencephalogram(EEG) A record of the electrical activity of the brain
Electroencephalograph The machine that records the electrical activity of the brain
Electroencephalography The process of recording the electrical activity of the brain
Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) Encephalopathy A disease condition of the brain caused by the virus that can result in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS)
Cerebr/o Cerebrum
The cerebrum is the Largest part of the brain
The cerebrum contains your memories,hopes,dreams,wishes,fantasies,imagination,desires
The cerebrum is the part of the brain that houses your Individuality
Cerebral thrombosis Abnormal condition of a thrombus(clot)in the cerebrum
Cerebral infarction Occlusion of an artery in the cerebrum
Cerebral cortex The outer portion of the cerebrum
Cerebral angiography Process of recording the vessels(blood) of the cerebrum
Cerebral medulla The middle OR inner portion of the cerebrum
cerebral aneurysm A weakness in a arterial septum of the cerebrum
A septum is A wall
Cerebral concussion Traumatic brain injury(TBI)where the neurological deficits last less then 24 hours
Neurological deficits include: 1.)temporary LOC which stands for Loss of consciousness 2.)Amnesia(memory loss)about the traumatic event 3.)disorientation AKA confusion
Cephalalgia AKA HeadAche(HA)
Lethargy AKA Mental sluggishness
N+V which stands for Nausea and Vomiting
Tinnitus AKA Ringing in the ears
Vertigo AKA Dizziness
Cerebral contusion Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)where the neurological deficits last more then 24 hours
Craniocerebral Pertaining to the cranium(skull)and the cerebrum
The brain is made up of sections called Lobes
Lobotomy Surgical incision of a lobe
Lobectomy Surgical removal of a lobe
Hemisphere Half of a sphere(brain)
The brain also has chambers called Ventricles
Cerebell/o Cerebellum
The cerebellum is located at the posterior base of your brain
The cerebellum is responsible for balance and equilibrium
cerebellar Pertaining to the cerebellum
The brain stem is responsible for regulation of your Ventilation(breathing) Blood Pressure(BP) Heart Rate(HR)
Cerebellitis Inflammation of the cerebellum
Tax/o coordination
Ataxia(ataxic) A condition of no coordination(take a taxi when uncoordinated)
The brain stem is made up of the: 1.)Pons 2.)medulla oblongata 3.)midbrain
Myel/o Spinal cord
Polio myelitis Inflammation of the spinal cord caused by the polio virus
Myelogram A record of the spinal cord
Lumbar Puncture(LP) Surgical puncture between lumbar vertebrae to aspirate Cerebrospinal Fluid(CSF)AKA "spinal tap"
Mening/o OR meningi/o Meninges
The meninges are protective tissue that surround the Brain AND spinal cord
Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges
Meningioma Tumor OR mass of a meninx<--(singular)
Meningocele Herniation of a meninx
Meningomyelocele Herniation of the spinal cord through the meninges
The meninges are made up of the 1.)Dura mater 2.)Arachnoid membrane 3.)Pia mater(I gotta go..)
The space under the dura mater is called the Subdural space
The space under the arachnoid membrane is called the Subarachnoid space
Subdural hematoma A blood mass in the subdural space
Subarachnoid hematoma A blood mass in the subarachnoid space
Neur/o Nerve(s)
Neurologist A specialist in the study of nerves
Neuritis Inflammation of a nerve(s)
Neurotomy Surgical incision of a nerve
Neurectomy Surgical excision of a nerve
Neuroplasty Surgical repair of a nerve
Neurorrhaphy Suturing a nerve
Neuralgia A condition of nerve pain
Neurosis(neurotic) Abnormal condition of the nerves
Polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves (poly likes many crackers)
Neurasthenia A condition of nerve weakness
Neuroma A tumor or mass in a nerve
A neuron is a Nerve cell
Sensory neurons allow you to Feel,taste,smell,hear,AND see
Motor neurons allow you to Move
CNS Central Nervous System
The Central Nervous System(CNS)is made up of the Brain AND spinal cord
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
The Peripheral Nervous System(PNS)is made up of All the nerves except the brain AND spinal cord
The neurons of the Peripheral Nervous System(PNS) have the ability to Regenerate if damaged
The neurons of the Central Nervous System(CNS)do Not have the ability to regenerate if damaged
Sciatica Inflammation of a sciatic nerve(leg)
Shingles(herpes zoster) Viral disease affecting the Peripheral Nervous System(PNS) causing pain AND vesicles(blisters)on the skin
Shingles only occurs in people who have been infected with the Varicella Zoster Virus(VZV)AKA chickenpox
ANS Autonomic Nervous System
The Autonomic Nervous System(ANS) is involuntary (means you do not have control)
The Autonomic Nervous System(ANS)has two branches called the: 1.)parasympathetic nervous system 2.)Sympathetic nervous system AKA "fight or flight reaction"
The parasympathetic nervous system controls the routine nervous functions such as: A.)Normal Heart Rate(HR) B.)Eupnea(normal breathing) C.)Peripheral vasodilation(normal pink skin color) D.)Bronchoconstriction(normal respiration)
Pupillary constriction normal visual field
Digestion(normal peristalsis AND the absorption of nutrients) Normal reproductice processes
The sympathetic nervous system controls the emergency nervous functions such as: A.)Tachycardia to increase blood flow to tissues in order to supply more O2 AND remove more CO2 B.)tachypnea to increase blood flow to tissues in order to supply more O2 AND remove excess CO2
Pallor due to vasoconstriction of the peripheral blood vessels in order to shunt blood to legs,arms,brain,heart,AND lungs for the fight OR flight reaction
Shunt means redirect OR divert OR detour
Bronchodilation to increase respiration
Pupillary dilation to increase the Visual Field(VF)
The digestive AND reproductive systems are reduced to Minimal function
Esthesi/o Feeling OR nervous sensation
Anesthesia(anesthetic) A condition of(pertaining to)no feeling OR nervous sensation
Anesthesiologist Specialist in the study of no feeling OR nervous sensation
Hyperesthesia(hyperesthesic) A condition of(pertaining to) excessive nervous sensitivity to stimuli
A stimulus is Change in your environment
Psych/o AND ment/o Mind
Psychology The study or the mind
Psychogenic Pretaining to originating in the mind
Psychologist A specialist in the study of the mind
Psychosis Abnormal condition of(pertaining to)the mind
Psychopathy(psychopathic) A disease condition of(pertaining to)the mind
Somat/o Body
Psychosomatic Pertaining to the mind over the body
Mental Pertaining to the mind
Pleg/o A condition of paralysis AKA palsy
Paralysis means The inability to feel(sensory neurons)AND move(motor neurons)
Monoplegia(monoplegic) A condition of(pertaining to)paralysis of one limb
Quadriplegia(quadriplegic) a condition of(pertaining to)paralysis of the four extremities caused by a Spinal Cord Injury(SCI)
Paraplegia(paraplegic) A condition of paralysis of the lower trunk AND both legs caused by a Spinal Cord Injury(SCI)
Hemi- Half
Hemiplegia(hemiplegic) Condition of(pertaining to)paralysis of the right OR left side of the body caused by brain damage
-Paresis Partial paralysis
Partial paralysis means you can feel it but cannot move it OR you can move it but cannot feel it
Monoparesis Partial paralysis of one limb
Hemiparesis Paralysis of the right or left side of the body caused by brain damage
Ict/o Seizure
Preictal Pertaining to before a seizure
Postictal Pertaining to after a seizure
Interictal Pertaining to between seizures
Convulsion Sudden rapid involuntary contractions AND relaxation of a group of muscles
A convusion is a type of Seizure
Seizures are associated with Epilepsy(epileptic)
Tonic-clonic seizures(grand mal)(gin and tonic-clonic) Refers to the rapid contractions AND relaxation of a group of muscles associated with seizures
Aura A warning of an impending seizure
-Iatry Treatment(Tx)
Psychiatry treatment of the mind
Kines/o movement
Bradykinesia(bradykinetic) A condition of(pertaining to)slow movement
Hyperkinesia(hyperkinetic) A condition(pertaining to)excessive movement
Crani/o Cranium(skull)
Intracranial hemorrhage Pertaining to a rapid flow of blood within the cranium (skull)
Alges/o Pain
Non-narcotic analgesic Pertaining to no pain with the use of an Over The Counter(OTC) medication
Cephal/o Head
-Algia Pain
Neuralgia A condition of nerve pain
Glioma A type of Brain Tumor(BT)
Conscious Awake,alert AND aware
Semi-conscious Partially awake,alert OR aware
Levels OF Consciousness(LOC)include: 1.)awake AND aware 2.)Lethargy(lethargic)means mental sluggishness 3.)Stupor(stuporous)means very groggy
Unconscious(unconsciouness) means a state of being Unaware of aurrundings but responds to stimuli
Coma(comatose)means Unconsciousness with no response to stimuli
Glascow Coma Scale(GCS) A standardized system to asses(evaluate) neurological impairment
Cerebrospinal otorrhea Cerebrospinal Fluid(CSF) draining from the ear(s)
Papilledema Edema AND inflammation of the optic nerve indicative of increased IntraCranial Pressure(ICP)
Cognitive Pertaining to the mental processes of comprehension,judgment,memory,AND reasoning
MCI Mild Cognitive Impairment
Disorientation(disoriented) A state of mental confusion to a person,AND/OR place AND/OR time AKA The three spheres
Incoherent Unable to express one's thoughts in a intelligible manner
Dementia,senility,OR Organic Brain Syndrome(OBS) Mental decline
Vertigo A whirling sensation of oneself OR external objects(dizziness)
Syncope(syncopal episode) fainting
Gait(stable or unstable) The manner or style of walking
Neurological Vital Signs(NVS) Periodic assessment of a person's neurological status AKA Neurological checks("neuro checks")
Neurological checks(NVS)include: 1.)Alert+oriented x 3 (spheres)which is the HIghest level of consciousness with a clear understanding of person,place,AND time 2.)PEARRLA which stands for Puplis Equal AND Round,React to Light AND accommodation(focus) 3.)Gait AND reflex assessment
Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) A diagnostic imaging technique using magnetics to obtain an image
Positron Emission Tomography(PET) X-ray picture slices of the brain after a contrast(radiopaque)dye
AD Alzheimer's Disease Or right ear
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident AKA "stroke"
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack AKA "mini OR little stroke"(temporary)
MS Multiple Sclerosis
CP Cerebral Palsy
TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation which is used to stimulate healing AND treat chronic pain(back)
Created by: BLM1095
Popular Medical sets




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