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SLPA 3704 chapter 3

physiology of respiration

Lung and Respiratory parameters include what four things? rate of flow ,lung volume, lung capacity, pressure
Rate of flow is what ? movement of air in and out of the lungs
What is lung volume? the amount of air that can make it into the lungs at a particular time. measured in cc
What is lung capacity ? the combination of volumes that express physiological needs .measured in cc
What is pressure ? measurement of the force of expiration measured as a cm of H20 or mmHg
What are two things that can measure rate of air flow, lung volumes, lung capacities west spirometer and commercial or computerized spirometer
What is a wet spirometer ? a device used to measure the volume of the air expired and inspired by the lung. It consists of two containers one has a tube attached to it and contains water.
When do the lungs develop ? In Utero
At birth the _____ portion of the airway is completely developed ? the cartilaginous portion
Volumes and capacities are variables that are controlled by the breathing system. they are important because they are tools that measure the efficiency of the respiratory apparatus. and help diagnose disorders
What are the five types of volumes ? Tidal Volume(TV), inspiratory reserve volume(IRV) expiratory reserve volume(ERV) residual volume (RV) and dead space
What is Tidal volume ? Volume of air inspired and expired during normal quiet breathing
What is Inspiratory Reserve Volume ? The amount of air that can be maximally inhaled after the inspiratory tidal volume.
What is Expiratory Reserve Volume ? The maximum amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled beyond the expiratory tidal volume
What is Residual volume ? The amount of air remaining in the lungs after maximum expiration.
What is anatomic dead space ? The conducting zone that starts from the nose to the respiratory bronchioles where no gas exchange occurs . It is about 150 cc
The air in this zone is the last air to be exhaled in a cycle and the first air to enter in the following cycle The anatomic dead space
What are lung capacities ? They are lung volumes that are the sum of two or more lung volumes
What are the four lung capacities ? Total lung capacity . Vital lung capacity, the inspiratory capacity , Functional residual capacity
What is vital capacity The volume of air that can be exhaled from the lungs after a maximum inspiration. VC= IRV+TV+ERV
Functional Residual Capacity The amount of air remaining in the lungs after quiet normal exhalation FRC=ERV+RV
Inspiratory Capacity Max amount of air that can be inhaled above tidal volume( inspiratory) IC=IRV+TV
Total lung capacity volume of air in the lungs after max inspiration TLC=TV+IRV+ERV+RV we never use total lung capacity because we always have RV
Atmospheric pressure the atmosphere exerts a pressure of 760mmHg on the earth it is used as a reference point it is considered zero.
intraoral pressure air pressure measured within the oral cavity
subglottal pressure pressure measured below the vocal folds
Alveolar pressure pressure within the alveolus
intrapleural pressure ( negative pressure) pressure between the pleural membranes.
when Breathing for life, the location of air intake is the ___ nose
When breathing for speech the location of air intake is the ____ mouth/oral cavity.
Created by: rayrayj
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