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Stack #1320468

Test one words

acute illness that comes on suddenly and resolves quickly
alternative medicine acupuncture, message, chiropractic
anisocoria unequal pupils
cachexia general wasting away
chronic illness that develops slowly, progressive and terminal
cirrhosis generalized hardening or softening of the liver
Creutzfeldt-Jakob diagnosis human mad cow disease caused by prions
differential diagnosis more than one diagnosis for the symptoms presented
disorder group of symptoms that points to a derangement of body function
etiology the cause of a disease
evidence-based medicine using clinical guidelines to make decisions about patients
fungi hyphae with spores
hirsutisim excessive hair growth
holistic emphasizes the need to look at the whole person
iatrogenic unexpected bad outcome after a treatment
idiopathic unknown cause of an illness
morbid obesity BMI >40, BMI>35 if associated with weight related morbidity, >100lbs ideal body weight
morbidity rate rate of illness or disease within a population
mortality rate number of deaths per population
nosocomial hospital acquired infection
palliative treating symptoms without a cure
pathogenesis the origin and development of a disease
pathogens organisms that cause illness or disease
pathophysiology functional changes that accompany a disease
phenomena characteristics of a disease that occur together
preventive treatment smoking cessation, colonoscopy, Pap smear, lipid normalization, exercise, weight control
prognosis usual course and outcome of a disease/expected outcome
risk factors age, gender, lifestyle, heredity
sequela a complication or unexpected outcome
staphylococcus clusters or grape-like groups of bacteria
streptococcus chains of bacteria
symptoms subjective complaints reported by the patient
syndrome a group of symptoms related to a specific disease
empiric treatment treatment based previous evidence
teratogenic anything that can cause birth defects
modifiable risk factors weight, exercise, screening
non-modifiable rsik factors age, gender, genetics
epidemiology science or study of diseases
candida fungus such as tinea or yeast
influenza virus that causes the flu
prions virus that causes mad cow disease
protozoa virus that causes malaria and disintery
pathogensis origin of a disease
C & S culture and sensitivity
carcinogenic cancer causing
auscultation to listen
palpation to feel
percussion to tap
inspection to look and observe
umbilicus the belly button region
McBirney's point midpoint between mons pubis and iliac creast of right hip (appendix)
Created by: Frannkie
Popular Medical sets




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