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Drug Classifications

Pharmacy Technician

Aceinhibitor Inhibits Conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasocontrictor i.e. relaxation of blood vessels occur
Aminoglycoside Used to treat serious infections bu inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis by binding to ribosomal subunits. Dose to be adjusted according to plasma concentrations in the blood
Analgesic Used to relieve pain. Suppresses pain without rendering the patient unconcious
Anesthetic Reduces or eliminates pain, general, local or topical
Anorexiant Used to decrease appetite
Antacid Neutralizes excess gas
Anthelmintic Eradicates intestinal worms
Anti-acne Controls acne-vulgaris
Antianginal Dilates blood vessels; used to treat angina pectoris, pain in the chest
Antianxiety Used in treatment of anxiety disorders that do not require excessive sedation.
Antiarrythmic Drug used to treat irregular heart rhythms. Depresses the action of the heart to combat irregularities in its rhythm
Antiarthritic Reduces inflammation of joints
Antibacterial Destructive or prevents bacterial growth. Kills bacterial (topical)
Antibiotic Drugs used to destroy microorganisms. Kill bacteria and prevents infections
Anticholesterol Lowers Cholesterol
Anticholinergic Drugs that are antagonistic to the action of parasympathetic or other cholinergic nerve fibers
Anticoagulant Slows clotting of blood to prevent blood clot formation in the treatment of thrombosis and embolism
Anticonvulsant Prevents and arrests seizures
Antidepressant Agent in treating depression. Classified as SSRIs, TCAs. MAOI's
Antidiabetic Used to treat diabetes
Antidiarrhal Used to treat diarrhea
Antidiuretic Reduces the volume of urine production
Antidote Neutralizes a poison or counteracts its effects
Antiemetic Drugs that treat the urge to vomit
Antiepileptic Prevents epileptic seizures
Antiflatulent Reduces gastrointestinal gas
Antifungal Destroys fungi or inhibits its growth
Antigout Drugs used in the treatment of the inflammatory joint, Gout
Antihemophilic Allows blood to clot for treatment of clotting disorders
Antihistamine For treatment of allergies. Drugs that act to respond to the release of histamine that occurs with an implicated anaphylactic reaction.
Antihyperlipidermic Drugs to used to lower high levels of cholestrol
Antihypertensive Used to lower sustained elevation in blood pressure.
Anti-infective Used to treat diseases produced by microorganisms such as bacteria , viruses, fungi,protozoa, and parasites
Antiinflammatory Reduces inflammation
Antimigraine Used to treat migraine headaches
Antineoplastic Attacks and destroys malignant cells
Anti-Parkinson's Used to treated Parkinson's disease.
Antiplatelet Prevents clotting
Antiprotozoal Destroys protozoa
Antipruritic Suppresses itching.
Antipsychotic Reduces symptoms of hallucinations,delusions and thought disorders. Primary indications for use in schizophernia
Antipyretic Reduces fever.
Antiretroviral Attacks any virus or the family Retroviridae
Antispasmodic Prevents or alleviates muscle cramps.
Antitubercular Used to fight and treat TB
Antitussive Suppresses coughing
Antivertigo Used to treat dizziness
Antiviral Interferes with virus replication, weakening or abolishing its action
Antixiolytic Reduces anxiety
Astringent Causes contraction locally after topical application
Barbituate type of sedative
Benzodiazpine CNS depressing agents with potential for abuse and/or dependence
Beta Blocker Blocks response to beta simulation, resulting in decrease in heart rate, myocardial contractility, blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand
Bronchodialor Acts to relieve bronchospasms, used in treatment of asthma
Calcium Channel Blockers Blocker prevents the movement of calcium ions through blocker slow channels. Causing a relaxing of coronary arty smooth muscle and are used to control fat ventricular rated in patients with arterial flutter and arterial fibrilliation. Blocks flow of calci
Cardiac Glycoside Used to treat mild to moderate heart failure
Cephalosporin Inhibits cell wall formation in bacteria
Corticosteriod A hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates that body's ability to handle stress, resist infections, relieve inflammation and manages autoimmune disorders
Decongestant Used to cause mucous membrane vasoconstriction, reduction of nasal passages drainage and relief of stuffiness
Diuretic Increases urine production. Decreases blood pressure by decreasing blood volume by increasing the elimination of salts and water through urination
Emetic Causes vomiting
Expectorant Increases the production of respiratory secretions and decreases irritation caused by dryness in airways. Increases secretion of respiratory tract and lowers the viscosity
Fluoroquinolone Inhibits DNA coiling and replication in bacteria causing DNA breakage and cell death
Gastrointestinal (GI) Agents Used to treat disorders of the stomach and/or intestines
GI Situmalant Used to pressure the speed of gastric emptying and reduce esophageal sphincter pressure
H2 Antihistamines Affects the cells of the gastrointestinal tract
Histamines Evokes symptoms associated with an allergic reaction, red watery eyes, sneezing hives, rash and bronchial constriction. Gastric mucosal cells will also secrete this
Hormone Chemical substance, formed in a tissue or organ and carried in the blood, stimulates or inhibits the growth or function of one or more other tissues or organs
Hypnotic Causes sleep
Macrolide Bacteriostatic agents used to treat pulmonary infections caused by legionella and gram positive organisms
Created by: abhaadhikari
Popular Medical sets




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