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Cardiac vocab-heart

Cardiac vocab

stroke volume amount of blood pumped out by one ventricle in one contraction
cardiac output (CO) amount of blood pumped out in one minute
cardiac reserve difference between resting and maximal CO
end diastolic volume amount of blood that collects in a ventricle during diastole
end systolic volume amount of blood remaining in a ventricle after systole
foramen ovale opening between the 2 artria
ductus arteriosus allows blood to go directly from pulmonary trunk to aorta
heart murmur abnormal sound during heartbeat cycle
mediastinum medial cavity of the thorax
endocardium epithelial membrane that lines the interior of the heart
myocardium layer of heart wall composed of cardiac muscle
epicardium the outer layer of the heart
serous pericardium a thin,slippery, two-layer serous membrane
fibrous pericardium the loosely fitting superficial part of the sac known as the pericardium;protects the heart,anchors its surrounding structures, and prevents overfilling of the heart with blood
pericardial cavity slit-like space between the visceral and parietal layers of the serous pericardium
serous membrane moist membranes found in body cavities closed to the exterior
mucous membranes moist membranes that line body cavities that open to the exterior
atrioventricular valves valve that prevents backflow into the atrium when the connected ventricle is contracting
semilunar valves valves that prevent blood from return to the ventricles after contraction
chordae tendinae act as guy-wires for the AV valves; keep them from being blown into the atria when the ventricles contract
papillary muscles contract when the ventricles contract
sarcomere smallest contractile unit of muscle
Z disc cross-striation that bisects the I band of Skm
A band the part of the sarcomere that contains only thick filaments
I band part of sarcomere that contains only thin filaments
t-tubule invagination of the sarcolemma
intercalated discs found where ends of two adjacent cardiac cells come together
automaticity initiate their own depolarization
polarization the muscle cell is relatively negative on the inside of the cell than the outside of the cell
depolarization loss of a state of polarity;loss or reduction of negative membrane potential
repolarization movement of the membrane potential to the initial resting state
SA Node (sinoatrial node) generates impluses
Internodal pathway connecting fibers between SA node and AV node
AV Node (atrioventricular node) delays impulse to allow atria to contract before ventricles
AV bundle electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles
Right and left Bundle Branches convey impulses down interventricular septum
Purkinje Fibers convey the impulse throughout the ventricular walls;stimulate the ventricular contractile celsl
normal sinus rhythm normal, regular heart rate originating from SA node
Arrhythmia a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat
sinus trachycardia rapid heart rate originating from SA node
sinus brachycardia slow heart rate originating from the SA node
Atrial Fibrillation arrhythmia in which the heart's atria beats chaotically and irregularly and without coordination with the 2 lower chambers of the heart
Ventricular fibrillation a condition in which there's uncoordinated contraction of the cardiac muscle of the ventricles
premature atrial contraction an extra beat comes sooner than normal originating in the atria
premature ventricular contraction an extra beat comes sooner than normal originating in the ventricles
insufficient valves valves that do not close all the way and therefore allow blood to flow through them
stenotic valves valves that do not open all the way and therefore make it harder for blood to go through them
diastole period of cardiac cycle when either the ventricles or the atria are relaxing
systole period when either the ventricles or the atria are contracting
Created by: stantonk
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