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medical assistant

Anterior/ventral Front
posterior back
superiour toward the head
Inferior Away from the head
Medral Toward the midline
Lateral To the side away from the midline
Proximal Closer to the torso
Distal Farther away from the torso
Integument A natural protective covering such as the skin
Glands Structures that secrete hormones
Hormones Chemicals substances created by the body that control numerous bodily functions
Dialate Widen
Constrict To narrow
What is the largest organ of the body? Skin
What are tissues made of? Skin and glands
Is skin a sense organ? yes
Does skin regulate temperature? yes
Signs of ageing in skin Thinner fragile skin. Drier less elastic skin thinning fatty tissue can cause a person to feel cold. thinner grey hair. wrinkles and grey spots. reduced circulation to the skin.
Bone A rigged tissue that protects organs and works together to allow the body to move
Joint the place where the bones meet muscles. groups of tissues that provide movement of the body parts, and protection of organs, and creation of body heat.
contracture the permanent and often very painful stiffening
How many bones are in the human body? 206
How are bones connected? Two bones meet at the joint. joints make movement possible in either or all directions or just one.
what do muscles provide? They provide movement and body heat.
What increases circulation and blood flow? Exercise and physical activities.
Central nervous system nervous system that is composed of the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system Part of the nervous system that runs through the whole body
What does the nervous system do? Controls sensors of the body that control the coordinates of all the body functions. Also interprets information from outside the body.
What are the two main parts? Peripheral, and central nervous system
Systole Phase where the heart is at work contracting and pushing blood out of the left ventricle.
Diastole Phase where the heart is at rest or relaxed
Cardiovascular System It is made up of the heart, blood, and blood vessels that carry food, oxygen, and essential substances to the cells.
Functions of the cardiovascular system Produces and supplies antibodies. Removes waste products from cells. Control
How many chambers are in the heart. 4
What are the chambers of the heart There are two top chambers called the atria. The two lower chambers are called ventricles.
Respiration This is the process of breathing air into the lungs and then out
Inspiration. Breathing in.
Expiration Breathing out
Sputum the fluid the person coughs up from the lungs
What are the two functions of the respiratory system? To bring in oxygen and to eliminate carbon dioxide
Urinary incontinence the inability to control the bladder which leads to an involentary loss of urine
What is the point of the urinary system Eliminates waste. Maintains water balances.
Digestion The process of preparing food physically and chemically so that it can be absorbed into the cells
Elimination the process of expelling waste made up of waste products of food that are not absorbed into the cells.
Anal incontinence the inability to control the bowels, leading to involuntary passages of stool, also called fecal incontinence.
Endocrine system The system that secrets hormones which regulate essential body functions
What do hormones do? Hormones are carried by the blood to organs in order to maintain homeostasis. It also influences growth, regulate blood sugar levels, and regulates calcium levels in the bones. Regulates the body's ability to reproduce.
Reproductive To create new life
Gonads sex glands
Non specific immunity a type of immunity that protects the body from diseases in general.
Specific immunity. a type of immunity that protects against particular diseases that is invading the body at a giving time.
lymph A clear yellowish that carries disease fighting cells called lymphocytes.
HIPPA Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
PASS Pull aim squeeze sweep
RACE Rescue, alarm, contain, extinguish
RICE Rest, ice, compress, elevation
Bid twice a day
Tid three times a day
Qid four times a day
qd every day
Tpr Temperature, pulse, and respiration
BP Blood pressure
Po by mouth
Conscious the state of being mentally alert and having awareness of surroundings, sensation, and thought
How to respond in an emergency asses the situation, and make sure you not in harms way, and note the time. asses the victim, and check the victims level of consciousness. call for help or send someone to get help. Document the emergency after it is over.
CAB Airway, breathing, circulation, fractures, burns, head injuries, expectant.
How to report emergencies Phone number and address including land marks location and buildings.Victims condition including medical backgrounds if known. Your name and position. first aid given
First aid emergency care given immediately to an injured person
cardiopulmonary resuscitation medical conditions when the heart or lungs stops working
obstructed air way a condition in which the tube through air enters the lungs is blocked
abdominal thrust method of attempting to remove and object from the airway of someone who is choking
Shock a condition that occurs when the organs and tissues in the body do not receive an adequate blood supply
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
insulin reaction complication of diabetes that can resulting a drop in blood sugar levels.
Diabetic ketoacidosis Complications of diabetes that is caused by having to little insulin called hyperglycemia or diabetic coma
Epilipsy an illness of the brain produces seizures
transient ischemis attack A warning sign of a CVA stroke resulting from the temporary lack of oxygen in the brain. symptoms may last over 25 hours
emesis the act of vomiting on ejecting contents though the mouth.
Should you us ice on burn wounds? no, you use cold water
epitaxes nose bleeding
aspiration choking
Created by: draco6723
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