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Hematology CH. 18

Anemia A condition in which there is a decrease in the erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Anticoagulant A substance that inhibits blood clotting
Hematology The study of blood and blood-forming tissues
Hemoglobin The protein -and iron - containing pigment of erythrocytes that transports oxygen in the body
Hemolysis The breakdown of erythrocytes(red blood cells ) with the release of hemoglobin in the plasma
Leukocytosis An abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells .
Leukopenia an abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells
Oxyhemoglobin hemoglobin that has combined with oxygen
Phagocytosis the engulfing and destruction of foreign particles, such as bacteria , by special cells called phagocytes
Polycythemia a disorder in which there is an increase in red blood cell mass .
CLIA- waived automated blood analyzers designed for use in the medical office
Complete Blood count (CBC) The most frequently performed hematologic lab test
7 test included in a CBC White Blood cell Count WBC Red blood cell count RBC Hemoglobin Hgb Hematocrit Hct Differential white blood (Diff ) Red blood cell indices
What are the two parts of blood liquid and solid
The liquid portion of blood plasma
Plasma the clear yellowish fluid that makes up 55% of the blood volume
Transports nutrients to the tissues of the body to nourish and sustain them and picks up waste from the tissues . Plasma
transports antibodies ,enzymes and hormone to help regulate normal body function. plasma
Solid portion of the blood erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes accounts for 45% of the total blood volume
How much blood does the average adult body contain 10 to 12 pints or {5 to 6 liters }
Erythrocytes red blood cells that are formed in the red bone marrow of the ribs , sternum ,skull and pelvic bone and the ends of the long bones of limbs .
A major portion of the erythrocytes consist of this .. hemoglobin
hemoglobin a complex compound that transports oxygen and is responsible for the red of the erythrocyte
Amount of hemoglobin for a women 12 to 16 g/dl
Amount of hemoglobin in the blood for a male 14to 18g/dl
found in hemoglobin an iron containing pigment heme
hemoglobin molecules consist of a globin, protein and iron containing pigment called heme .
White blood cell count normal ref. range WBC count 4500-1100
Abbreviation for White blood cell WBC
Abb. for Red blood cell RBC
Abb for Hemoglobin Hbg
Hematocrit assists in diagnosis of anemia
Normal range for female hematocrit levels 37%-47%
ABB for Hematocrit Hct
Abb Differential White blood cell count diff
what color tube for CBC Lavender tube ( contains EDTA)
ABB Serum Separator Tube -AKA Tiger Tube SST
Prothrombin time /INR to screen for coagulation disorders and regulate treatment of patients taking oral anticoagulant
Abb Prothrombin time /INR PT /INR
Patient abbreviation Pt
centrifuging the solid elements are separated from the plasma by an anti coagulated blood specimen
heavy red blood cells these cells become packed and settle at the bottom of tube after centrifuging
Top of tube clear straw colored plasma
buffy coat (yellow gray layer) middle of tube and contains the platelets and white blood cells
purpose of the hematocrit to measure the percentage volume of packed red blood cells in whole blood
hemoglobin analyzer uses only a finger stick
platelets aka thrombocytes , are small, clear, and disc shaped
platelets participate in blood clotting mechanisms
how are leukocytes transported (aka known as white blood cells ) transported by the circulatory system and do their work in the tissue
main function of leukocytes to defend the body against infection by destroying pathogens and removing them from the body
Carbon Dioxide picked up by the blood and transports it to the lungs to be expelled
arterial blood bright red in color ,resulting from oxygen
venous blood dark red blood due to its low oxygen content
120 average life span of a red blood cell
platelet count assist in evaluation of bleeding disorders that occur with anti coagulant therapy,
erythrocyte sedimentary rate test for connective tissue diseases, malignancy and infectious diseases
MCV index most often used to assist in diagnoses of particular type of anemia .
RBC indices measurements that provide physician with information about size and hemoglobin content of Pt RBC
differential cell count identify and count the five types of wbc in a representative blood sample .
there are this many types of wbc (leukocytes) five
procedure for a manual diff cell count must prepare 2 blood smears ,fresh whole blood is preferred
two categories of leukocytes granular and nongranular
Created by: cmattox30
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