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Large Intestine

24.11--Large Intestine

Large Intestine Final portion of GI tract, 1.5m long. Cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal
Functions of Large Intestine 1) Haustra Churning, peristalsis, and mass peristalsis 2) Bacteria contribute in breakdown of AAs 3) Some water, ions, and vit. absorption 4) Feces formed 5) Defecation
Cecum Inferior to ileocecal valve. Appendix is attached. Blood supply from superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.
Appendix Controls bacteria entering large intestine from lymphatic nodules; attached to ileum via mesoappendix
Colon Emerges from Cecum. Divides into ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid. Ascending and descending are retroperitoneal. Blood suply from superior and inferior mesenteric arteries
Rectum Last 20cm of GI tract; anterior to sacrum and coccyx.
Anal Canal Stratified Squamous; Anal Columns contain network of arteries and veins
Internal Anal Sphincter Involuntary Smooth
External Anal Spinchter Voluntary Skeletal
Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Veins Venous return from veins goes to hepatic portal vein into liver.
Rectal and Anal Canal Bloody Supply Superior, Middle, and Inferior Rectal Arteries; Rectal Veins too
Mucosa Simple Columnar Epithelium; More Goblet cells than small intestine. Feature intestinal glands. Absorptive cells have microvilli
Submucosa Connective Tissue
Muscularis Longitudinal muscle is condensed and thickend forming bands--Teniae Coli. Contraction of Teniae Coli bands colon into Haustra
Haustra Result of contraction of Teniae Coli, gives large intestine puckered look
Teniae Coli Longitudinal muscle of Large intestine, condensed and thickened; feature omental appendices on Serosa
Intestinal Glands Not Villi, but ducts for secretion (gaps in between mucosa
Haustral Churning Haustra remain relaxed, fill up, then walls contract and push contents to next haustrum
Mass Peristalsis Strong peristaltic wave at middle of transverse colon to drive contents of colon into rectum
Feces Solidified, absorbed (dried out) chyme
Defecation Reflec Stimulation of stretch receptors by mass peristalsis which empties rectum
Created by: 100000434525601
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