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Digestive System


Two main groups of organs in the digestive system: Alimentary canal and accessary organs
What do the alimentary canal organs do? Aid in digestion and absorbtion
What are the six steps in the digestive process? Ingestion, Propulsion, Mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorbtion and defecation
What is the Viseral Peritoneum? covers external surface of most organs
what is parietal peritonium? lines wall of abdominopelvic cavity
What is the mesentary? Thin film that anchors organs to cavity wall, holds organs in place and stores fat
what does histology do absorbs end products into blood and protects against disease
What are the four functions of salivary glands? 1. Produce saliva which cleans mouth 2.dissolves food chemicals for taste 3.Moistens food 4. Contains enzymes
what is the function of the canines sharp for shredding
What is the function of the incisors chisel like for biting into
What is the function of the molars flat for crushing/grinding
What is the common passageway for food and air? Pharynx
What is the passageway for food and fluid? Esophagus
What are the major regions of the stomach? cardiac, fundus, body, and pyloric
Where is the site of complete digestion and absorption? Small intestine
What is bile? Yellow-green breaks down fats
What is the purpose of the gallblatter? stores bile
What does the panceas do? Makes insulin
What is the most extensice serous membrane? Peritonium
What connects its viseral and parietal layers and is a double serous sheet? Mesentary
What are organs called behind the parietal layer called? retroperitoneal
The organs within the parietal layer are called? Peritoneal
Material covering the tooth root? Cementum
Hardest substance in the body; covers tooth crown enamel
attaches the tooth to bone and surrounding alveolar structures Periodontal membrane
torms the bulk of the tooth structur; similar to bone dentin
a collection of blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics pulp
The _______ innitiates swallowing tongue
closes off the nasal passage uvula
closes of larynx off epiglottis
involuntary process in swallowing parastalsis
opens so food can enter stomach gastroesophogial valve
Connects the small intestine; looks like lacy curtains mesentery
finger-like projectons to increase surface area villi
circular folds in small intestine wall plicae circulares
two anatomical regions incolced in the mechanical breakdown of food oral cavity, stomach
Three peritoneal modifications greater omentun, lesser omentum, mesentary
Muscualr folds of the stomach mucosa rugae
saclike outpocketing of the large intestine wall haustra
smallest projections in the plasma membrane microvilli
prevents food from moving back into the small intestine once it has in the large intestine ileocecal valve
responsible for food and nutrition absorbtion small intestine
water absorbtion and feces formation colon
protein digestion begins stomach
runs from lesser curvature of the stomach to the liver lesser omentum
the stomach empties into the small intestine
sphincter controlling the movement of food from the stomach into the duodenum pyloric vavle
the uvula hangs down from is posterior edge soft palate
receives parcreatic juice and bile small intestine
serosa of abdominal cavity wall parietal peritoneum
major site of vitamin formation by bacteria colon
extends as a double fold from the greater curvature greater omentum
its muscle is striated outside but smooth inside esophagus
Created by: blonde0552
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