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Merrill Chpt 4
Digits, Hand, Wrist
Question | Answer |
What are the names of the three groups of bones that comprise the hand and wrist? | Phalanges, Metacarpals, Carpal |
Which bones articulate with the heads of the metacarpal bones? carpals, distal phalanges, proximal phalanges | Proximal phalanges |
What group of bones articulates with the bases of metacarpal bones? | Carpals |
What part of a metacarpal bone (base or head) forms part of each metacarpophalangeal joint? | Head |
T/F: Phalanges are number 1-5. They are numbered medially to laterally | False. Laterally to Medially |
Indicate the quantity of bones in the phalanges & metacarpals of the hand, and in the carpals in the wrist. | 14, 5, 8 |
Digits 2-5 have 3 phalanges, how are they described? | Distal phalanx middle phalanx, proximal phalanx |
Digit 1 has 2 phalanges, how are they described? | Distal phalanx, proximal phalanx |
The proximal phalanges are the closest to the wrist or palm? | Palm |
The distal phalanges are the farthest from the palm or wrist? | Palm |
Phalanges are named by location. Give an example of this | Distal phalanx of third digit |
What has a head, body, & base? | Phalanges |
Metacarpals compose what? | Palm of hand |
Digits are identified by letters or numbers? | Numbers |
Metacarpals have a base, body, head and ____? | Neck |
Heads of metacarpals are _____; articulate with _____? | Distal, phalanges |
Bases of metacarpals are ____; articulate with _____? | Proximal, carpals |
An area on the metacarpal body where fractures usually occur? | Neck |
The metacarpal heads are commonly known as? | Knuckles |
There are ____rows of ___carpals? | 2, 4 |
The carpals have 2 rows, are they lateral to medial, or proximal to distal? | Proximal to distal |
The proximal row of carpals include? | scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisifor |
The medial row of carpals include? | Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate |
How many bones does the hand have? | 27 |
Anatomists divide the bones of the upper limbs/extremities, into the following main groups. A. Hand, wrist, arm, forearm B. Hand, forearm, arm, shoulder girdle C. Wrist, forearm, shoulder girdle, hand | B. Hand, forearm, arm, & shoulder girdle |
Is the proximal or medial row of carpals closest to the forearm? | Proximal |
The most commonly fractured and largest bone in the carpals? | Scaphoid |