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Blue Reading 1

premature done too soon
callous made hard
rash acting too hastily
compatrious fellow countryperson
primordial a beginning
superfluous excessive
intermittent stopping for a period of time
docile easily managed
assent to agree
coerces to compel by force
impermeable not being able to pass through
irrefulate cannot be disposed
malicious full of wanting to hurt others
esteemed to regard highly or favorably
alleviate to make easier
contentious quarrelsome
feasible probable
anamolies a deviation from the common; abnormal
unfailingly not giving away or failing
brash hasty and tactless
mercenary working or acting merely for money
magnanimous generous in forgiving an insult
inrelenting not yielding or severing in determination or resolution
affable friendly
ingenuity the quality of being cleverly inventive
bluster loud, noisy, taunt
conscientiousness meticulous
thwarted to oppose successfully
spurious not genuine
venerated rever
dubiousness doubtfulness
recapitulated to summarize
instituted establish
idyllic charmingly simple
subtly tenuous
ameliorated to make or become better
immaculate spotlessly clean
rectified make something right
lackluster lacking brilliance or radiance
exonerate to clear, from an accusation
eclectic choosing from various sources
doctrinaire an impractical theorist
cynical distrusting the motives of others
sanguine cheerfully optimistic
surreptitious sneaky, secretive
dogmatism unfound positiveness in matters of opinion
autonomy independence or freedom
supercilious haughtily disdainful or contemptuous
obstinacy stubborness
conservatism opposition to change
ambivalance not being able to choose; deliberately ambiguous
vanguard the forefront in any movement, army, etc
auspicious promising success; opportune
nil none
clout a blow, esp with hand; strength; strong
imprudent rash; incautious
meritocracy elite group based on talent and ability
astute clever; cunning; sagacious
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