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A&P 2 ch 8

Nervous system

two main divisions of the nervous system central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord
the nerves that connect the CNS to every organ and area of the body peripheral nervous system
all nerve cells have a nucleus,cytoplasm and cell membrane
two types of peripheral nerves include 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves
if an impluse is going to the brain or spinal cord it is called sensory or afferent nerve
if an impulse is carried from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle,organ,or gland it is called motor or efferent nerve
nerves carry impulses by creating electric charges in a process called membrane excitability
this is linked to a number of menatl disorders and behavior problems chemical imbalances
people with depression have been found to have less seritonin
part of the peripheral nervous system that is invountary and controal breathing, heartbeat and digestion automatic nervous system
two divisions of the autonomic nervous system sympathetic and parasympathetic
the brain is a large mass of nerve tissue with about a 100 billion neurons
the brain weighs approximately 3 pounds
the large front portion of the brain that is divided into lobes cerebrum
located behind the forehead, related to emotion and personality frontal lobe
area of brain related to vision occipital lobe
located on the side; associated with hearing and smell temporal lobe
located between the frontal and occipital lobes,associated with pain,heat and cold parietal lobe
found beneath the cerebrum cerebellum
joins the spinal cord medulla oblongata
located above the medulla, responsible for chewing,tasting and secretion of saliva pons
the covering of the brain and spinal cord is called the meninges
the three layers that make up the meninges pia mater,arachnoid,dura mater
the cavities within the brain are called ventricles
the ventricles and spinal cord are filled with cerebral spinal fluid
CSF acts as shock absorber to protect the CNS
catheter inserted into carotid artery and dye is injected to show the cerebral arteries via xray arteriography
tool used to determine the level of unconciousness glasgow coma scale
demonstrates electrical activity of the peripheral muscles at rest and when activated electromyography
spinal needle inserted into small space in lower back to check for infections like meningitis lumbar puncture
progressive degenerative disease that attacks the brain and is most common form of dementia alzheimers disease
fatal, progressive neurological disease that causes degeneration of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord ALS(lou gehrigs disease)
severe brain inflammation that causes edema and nerve cell destruction encephalitis
herpes zoster is also known as shingles
shingles is caused by the same herpes virus that causes chicken pox
inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord caused by a virus or bacterial infection meningitis
causes severe pain along the course of the involved nerve neuralgia
temporary or permanent loss of voluntary function paralysis
paralysis on one side of the body that usually results from brain damage hemiplegia
damage to the left side of the brain results in _________ sided paralysis right
damage to the right side of the brain results in __________ sided paralysis left
loss of motor or sensory function to the lower half of the body paraplegia
permanent paralysis of the arms and legs quadriplegia
collection of blood between the arachnoid and pia mater subarachnoid hematoma
collection of blood between the dura mater and arachnoid subdural hematoma
syndrome characterized by a facial tic such as rapidly blinking eyes or twitching of the mouth tourettes
disorder of the fifth cranial nerve resulting in excrutiating pain trigeminal neuralgia
regulate essential involuntary body functions such as: increasing heart rate; raising blood pressure sympathetic nerves
when a body responds to an immediate threat to the internal environment it is referred to as the fight or flight response
regulate essential involuntary body functions such as slowing heart rate; relaxing sphincters; increasing peristalsis; increasing gland secretions parasympathetic nerves
consists of the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata brain stem
brain stem controls which functions respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate
inability to communicate through speech or writing aphasia
without muscle coordination ataxia
surgical incision into the skull craniotomy
difficult speech dyphasia
nerve pain neuralgia
without a brain anencephaly
inflammation of the meninges meningitis
weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face due to an inflamed or compressed facial nerve Bells palsy
Created by: clarevoyant1019
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